YouTube: Be Fit in 90...wanna join me?



  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member

    I don't know that I want to commit to another thing right now, but I definitely want to revisit this later (or use it a couple times a week to supplement what I'm already doing).
  • happilysingle69
    happilysingle69 Posts: 27 Member
    I so agreed I have an old video called walk away the pounds that I enjoy and I ordered the hip hop abs, but I also like to change up.. I belong to Planet Fitness but sometime I don't feel like driving to an gym. Like for I just did my walking vid and now am showered and back in my fresh PJ's I'm not sure what I want but I do know I have to keep moving. can I friend request you I new to site this is my second day and I'm hooked Im goin to go through DT the next three days I have to work 11a to 11 p. but I hit the site before and after work:bigsmile:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,043 Member
    This sounds good, but I can't do it now. You guys should start a group!
  • rosedraven13
    rosedraven13 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been looking for more variety for at home workouts and love the free part as well! Definitely going to try it out, watched a clip from it and looks pretty good.
  • nycegurl74
    nycegurl74 Posts: 26 Member
  • KMcJ5
    KMcJ5 Posts: 22 Member
    I stumbled upon this on Monday and have been trying to figure out how to work it in. I'm gonna start today!!
  • nursestewart
    nursestewart Posts: 229 Member
  • PineappleMartini
    PineappleMartini Posts: 54 Member
    I found this last night as well and I'm super excited about the FREE factor. I'm totally on board for this!
  • amstringham
    I'm going to look into this. I have been wanting to try something new, and ya can't beat free right?
  • NellaSweet
    Been doing the Jullian 30 Day Shed but have been off cause of an ache in my knee was only on day 5 and now I'll have to start all over again. Wanna check this out too.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    Interesting...DEF going to check it out. I waste quite a bit of time on youtube...I suppose I could start using it more productively and get a workout in before the other videos suck me in.
  • carrieanthony
    carrieanthony Posts: 70 Member
    Bananaster talked me into it but I'm not going to start til Monday 4/30. Hopefully I'll be over my cold and abscess tooth by then so I can give it 100%. :)
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    Since my unlimited one month bootcamp is coming to an end I may have to check this out
  • amilee2992
    I'm definitely starting this today!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I am totally going to do this! I love FREE! I need to take pictures of before and after to see if I can see a difference. I'm gonna try this today.
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    This is lengthy. I apologize.

    Hey everyone. Day 1 was today. Hubs and I did it together in our dining room. I'm going to have to put down a tarp for him because he sweats like crazy! Here is the breakdown of Day 1 as I remember it, as well as how I'm logging it (since I do not have a hrm that tracks cals - if you see a better way to do this, please let me know!)

    Warm up: 5 minutes. This consisted mostly of jumping rope, squats and lunges. Got the heart rate up but not overwhelming (keeping in mind I've been doing ChaLean Extreme and Turbo Fire for several weeks). I tracked this as 5 minutes of Aerobics, low impact.

    Strength Training: 10 min. WOW. This girl is a whirlwind of energy! Go into this knowing that you need to have your weights/mat on hand and ready to go at no more than a second's notice. There is NO downtime in between sets. Today's focus was glutes, chest and back, so there are lots of lunges, squats, flys, chest presses and a few push ups thrown in. Originally, I was going to log this as Strength Training, but after doing it and seeing how much it got my heart rate up (the quick shifts and no rests made it feel much more like cardio than ST usually does for me), I decided to track as Circuit Training, General.

    Cardio: 10 min. OK. I'm no noob to exercise. This made me feel like I was. I was able to get through (hubs was on the floor writhing by this point....OK, not writhing, but taking frequent breaks) but again, there are no breaks or rests. None of that kooshy 'walk/march in between sets of movement' stuff. Straight through. Intense. She takes you through a drill that is mainly jumping jacks, jumping rope, burpees, mountain climbers and variations of the like. Pretty much everything that makes me uncomfortable. Definitely not for sissies. Because the majority of the set was jumping, and because I was sweating buckets, I called this: Rope Jumping, moderate, general. Please let me know if you think I'm taking liberties here, as I have a tendency to do so.

    Flexibility: 10 min. This was pretty standard and I'll admit, I hate this part of any video. I am in for a few seconds of stretching and then I'm hitting stop. I pushed through though. Nothing outrageous - well, the last stretch involved some weird movement that my hips weren't capable of. Hubs was crouched on the floor while the dog licked sweat off of him for most of this section. I logged it as: Mild Stretching.

    Whew! If you took the time to read all that, kudos to you! Give the program a shot. I think we are going to see it through and I'll keep you updated on how it goes. I'd love feedback from others who try it as well!
  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    I am going to start this on Monday. I'm hoping that since I can youtube on my t.v. through my xbox that I'll be able to access the workouts and do them where I have more room. I'm due to take my measurements on May 5th so I won't be too late in taking them to see how this works. I also just printed a great meal plan sheet if anyone is interested you can friend me
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    I started this last week, I'm on day 10 (rest day) - I'm enjoying it so far - super cardio is tough for me, but it's getting easier. Also FYI, when doing the cardio MMA, don't look at the guy in the green shirt - just don't!

    I looked at him nonstop. It was terrible! He reminds me of the little creeper in the credit score commercials. You know, the one who brings your score down even though your others are big hunky numbers!
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Day 2 - Done!

    Here's my run down:

    Warm up: Same as yesterday (logged as 5 min Aerobics, low impact)

    Strength: Back and Shoulders. There were two circuits, each done twice. The first circuit was 1)bent rows 2) shoulder press 3) reverse lunge 4) lateral raises. The second was 1) renegade rows (rows in a pushup position-tough!) 2) front raises 3)chest flies 4) plank to elbows (you'll look like an idiot and feel like you're about to collapse!). Again, no rests to speak of and very fast paced. (logged as 10 min Circuit Training, general)

    Cardio: MMA. This was sort of silly. I mean, if you've NEVER done any sort of kickboxing, maybe this will be a good workout as-is, but I've been doing Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire for 6 years and this was similar to the easiest workout I have with Turbo. The irony is that he states something about "This isn't your mother's Tae Bo", but as I recall, Tae Bo was tough! Hubs and I played it up by jumping more than they did in the video (neither of us felt like they were putting much effort into anything) and still got a pretty good sweat. (logged as 10 min Kickboxing)

    Yoga. This wasn't too bad. Hubs is not flexible at all, so he feels a bit silly, but overall I felt quite limber afterwards. (logged as 10 min mild stretching - mostly because I had already added that and was too lazy to seek out yoga).

    Alright! Day 2 is done. Tomorrow is a rest. I will probably do something anyway as tomorrow is my lowest calorie day (calorie cycling) and I'll be super hungry.

    Post if you're doing it too!