very close to giving up with this diet



  • Sweetie, do you have days where you don't log or days when you don't eat? Do you only record "binges"?

    I record the days that i have time to do, some of the days that aren't recorded i don't eat :frown:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    i've been really trying, I've been trying my hardest to keep my carbs down, and nothing is working, i really want a nice big pizza and a chinese but i can't. I don't know what to do.

    I'm sick of trying my hardest and getting no where!

    So don't do low carb. Find a lifestyle you can live with. Diets are temporary.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Maybe the key word here is "diet". It should be a lifestyle change. I can't see your food diary so maybe your calorie intake is set too low. Eat some pizza using one of the healthier options and just fit it in with your calorie intake.
  • indiepops
    indiepops Posts: 96
    hun if you're not eating on some days and craving on others, thats your problem. you need to change your eating habits or you'll never change your body. try eating 3 decent healthy meals a day, you'll be eating healthy, stop cravings and boost your weightloss, you'll never get anywhere eating days on and days off your body will be so confused xx good luck, whatever you do x
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    i've been really trying, I've been trying my hardest to keep my carbs down, and nothing is working, i really want a nice big pizza and a chinese but i can't. I don't know what to do.

    I'm sick of trying my hardest and getting no where!

    So don't do low carb. Find a lifestyle you can live with. Diets are temporary.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Hang in there! Maybe a change is in order. I've tried the low carb thing, but I am a big pasta girl, so it just didn't work. I have settled in to eating a mostly vegetarian diet. All whole grains , legumes, tofu, veggies & fruit. You don't have to be quite so careful about portion control, because veggies have less calories than meat protein. Since you are eating more food, it is easier to feel satisfied! With this way of eating I have lost weight and I have my blood sugar under control. I have a long way to go, but I will get there! I know you can get there, too! Good luck!

    Just read a comment that someone else posted. "Diets are temporary". They are not temporary. You have to find a way of eating (not dieting) that will work for life, or you will spend your life looking for the perfect "diet". Or worse yet, doing the "yo-yo" thing.
  • superdonna
    superdonna Posts: 57 Member
    Giving up on this, is giving up on yourself. You are worth it. All or nothing does not work. You will feel deprived. Limit yourself. Drink water. Postive self talk. Small goals. Write a list of reasons to lose weight perhaps. Just don't give up. :) Feel proud for every success and remember we are all human.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    If you are craving something to the point that you are ready to give up on your lifestyle change completely, you MUST have it. Get a pizza, the best one you can, and enjoy it. Get something that will really satisfy you.

    And then jump back on the wagon tomorrow. You cannot deny yourself some of the things you love for the rest of your life, so don't do it now, it is very demoralizing, I know. Did it for years, and it did NOTHING for my body but create this crazy yo-yo that I couldn't get out of until I realized I was doing it all wrong.

    Good Luck, and keep up the good fight!
  • everyone has been so supportive with this, thank you so much, i was talking to my brother in law and he thinks I've lost weight, so i really don't care so much what the scales say, as long i can stick with it and get healthy, that is all that is important to me right now.

    Once again thanks everyone for your support :flowerforyou:
  • I am on a 1400 calorie per day diet with three meals a day i can eat whatever i want just counting my calories, it is wonderful i have never been able to loose weight on any diet and i have found this one to work for me but i have limited my calorie intake to 1200 for my can do it don't give up just change up your diet plan.
  • Don't give up!!! Do some research on pizza you like. Work your favorite food into your calorie allowance. Or as someone else suggested, make your own. That way you control how many calories you put on it. And you'll feel better without all that grease on there.
  • paulieboy113
    paulieboy113 Posts: 58 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!

    you have to splurge once in a while to a craving just in moderation. if this helps last nite I wanted a whopper and onion rings and I had them. I went over my calorie count for the day by 100 calories but enjoyed them. now today I am back to healthy choices.

    I do splurge on something once every 2 weeks.

    also search for healthier alternitives to your cravings, by doing this I have had what I wanted but a much healthier version and was satisifed.

    sorry for the poor spelling, spell check is not my friend. in fact the last time I used spellcheck, it said WTF?
  • Not eating at all isn't healthy. Your body needs a steady supply of caloric intake. Not eating at all one day and then eating too much the next day does not equal 2 good days of eating. Start eating a consistent amount daily, and include those foods you love in moderation or swap out take out for eat in treats.
  • Why don't you get a nice small pizza to sate your appetite, or a small portion of Chinese food? Perhaps invite some friends over so you have no choice but to share the food?

    IMO, you're more likely to give up if you're denying yourself what you really want. What you need to learn is moderation, and that takes a while to perfect.

    Good luck. You're strong enough to do this if you set your mind to it.

    Absolutely do this!!!!! So many times we try to not eat what we REALLY want only to eat everything else and end up with more calories!!! Or, we deprive ourselves something and that ends up being the ONLY thing we want from then on! Eat what you want, in MODERATION. You CAN do this!!!!!! Hang in there!!
  • everyone has been so supportive with this, thank you so much, i was talking to my brother in law and he thinks I've lost weight, so i really don't care so much what the scales say, as long i can stick with it and get healthy, that is all that is important to me right now.

    Once again thanks everyone for your support :flowerforyou:

    Dont worry about the scales so much, focus on how your everyday clothes fit... water can be retained (very well by women) and muscle weighs more than fat. The scales will only make you discouraged. Keep that to a minimum, but notice how your clothes fit instead.
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    Why don't you get a nice small pizza to sate your appetite, or a small portion of Chinese food? Perhaps invite some friends over so you have no choice but to share the food?

    IMO, you're more likely to give up if you're denying yourself what you really want. What you need to learn is moderation, and that takes a while to perfect.

    Good luck. You're strong enough to do this if you set your mind to it.

    This is a great idea. I find that if I deprive myself, I go crazy and pig out. You should definitely treat yourself, but have some self control at the same time. You can do this!!! hang in there!
  • TikishaM
    TikishaM Posts: 4
    If nothing else you took the step to record what you're eating, and you took the time to ask for help, that to me says STRENGTH! Remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and food was made to be controlled by YOU it wasn't designed to control you. Understand that we all have food that we just LOVE me...its sweets sweets and more sweets BUT we have to learn modification and self control. You now have to retrain the way think about food, react to food and eat food. YOU have to control it don't allow it to control you!

    Good luck! If you would like support feel free to add me! There is so much strength in numbers and SUPPORT!!