MFP Month of May Challenge



  • FitnessDivaK
    FitnessDivaK Posts: 180 Member
    Hi! I;m definitely interested!!! I'm 5'3" 137.6 and hope to get down to 130 by the end of May. I just started a 4-week workout regimen and I would love to add to it and get some motivation and support from other ladies :-)
  • zipline55
    zipline55 Posts: 13
    Count me in. I need motivation to get moving. I spend way too much time on my computer. I'd like to establish a regular morning workout routine and this seems like a good way to do it. In June I have my daughter's wedding to look forward to as well as my 60th birthday. I'd love to be 10lbs lighter by the June 2nd wedding.
  • This definitely sounds like something awesome! MFP goal is 2 lbs a week - so lets go for 8-10lbs! I also have set a few personal goals for the month of May including now fast food, sweets, or soda. Pretty much already stay away from sweets and soda, but I really want to be consistent in not having any at all! I also have a goal to work out 6 days a week, alternating between cardio and weights each day. I am going to Europe in July and want to look my best! LETS GO!
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member
    This challenge is exactly what I need!

    My goal for May is to lose 8 pounds and to start working out 5 days a week. I have been off track all of April and really need to get focused again!!!
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    OH How wonderful! I am totally IN.
    I am 54, and would love to lose 8 pounds that just won't budge.
    I don't have a friend to share my exercise and diet routine with and would really really like someone with the same goals!!!! My home life is dedicated to my son and hubby... so cooking meals and eating what they eat is my biggest problem.
    I am 132lbs and ideally would like to hit 124.
    I am physically active, love to walk, bike, golf and hit the gym when I can.
  • britcurl
    britcurl Posts: 110 Member
    I want in! I'm at 155 right now and I want to be at 145 by the end of May. I am 25 years old and 5'6. I want to complete Jilliam Michaels 30 Day Shred in May and I want to also start C25K. My cal goal right now is 1200.
  • scheherazade315
    scheherazade315 Posts: 96 Member
    I would love to join as I could use the extra accountability. I will turn 36 next week. I will be doing the JM 30 Day Shred challenge in May. I like to run (well jog, really) and am training for a 47 mile bike ride in September. Losing weight will certainly help me in September! I have 25 pounds left to lose. My goal is to lose 8 pounds in May which means I really need to work hard!
  • elynnuh
    elynnuh Posts: 50 Member
    I would love to be in on this! I'm currently starting my weight loss journey and am ready to make the change. I have already joined my local Curves and have dedicated myself to working out there and at home each week. I am trying to slim down a little before a wedding I'm attending at the end of next month and also for my daughter's first birthday! By no means do I want to stop losing weight after those two events. I'm ready to get my old self back!
  • elynnuh
    elynnuh Posts: 50 Member
    Okay - Well We have our 35 Ladies!!! So I will post everything up, including rules and your buddy soon! So glad to have you all! - I know I said 20 but we have like 35 and I don't want to cut anyone out!... (But I notice they get out of control when they are too big!!! )Well I am ready for MAY!! Let's ROCK THIS!!!!

    Darn :( I just saw this. Good luck to everyone!
  • becca183
    becca183 Posts: 3 Member
    i would love to join as well! i have a wedding to go to at the end of old highschool friend!! so if i can get looking good by then, it won't be so hard to go back!! thanks!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Looks like you might have cut off new entries for the challenge. However, if you are still taking newbies, I would love to join. I need an accountability partner, some extra motivation, and to just buckle down and do this!! I understand if you are full though!
  • AML04143
    AML04143 Posts: 29
    I think you might have closed the group, but I'm looking to lose around 10 pounds in May, so if you need more people I'd love to join. We have 4 weddings this summer and a beach trip booked to South Carolina, so I really need to clean up my diet and get beach ready! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • poofy7
    poofy7 Posts: 17
    this is just what i need
    a wedding invite arrived in the post today which set me into panic mode.

    so i'm 32 years old , i'm about 28lbs overweight and i love running and boxing. something interesting about me ...i've already lost 98lbs and to celebrate i dyed my hair bright pink.
  • MrsRatz
    MrsRatz Posts: 5
    I'm in! Vacation at the end of June, so want to lose 10-15 lbs in May. I exercise as time allows (at least 3 days a week), am adding the gym to my regime, and log my food religiously... even breaking my no cell phone at the dinner table most nights because I am tracking. :D
  • jdm120
    jdm120 Posts: 54 Member
    Have sent you a message. Count me in!
  • hello!!

    i would love to join please :)

    i'm 25, 5'9 and currently weigh 145lbs. goal weight is 125, but will be happy to get to 130-133lbs by end of may, as this is what i was in February.

    I love to run, and do spin class, I would like to net 1500 calories a day, I have a huge binge eating problem, love my junk food.

    This is gonna be fun!!! :)
  • aw damn, is it closed?
  • micwik
    micwik Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to join the challenge! My current weight is about 147 and I would love to lose at least six pounds before the end of May. I would love to head into the summer months feeling better about myself.
  • jdm120
    jdm120 Posts: 54 Member
    If we've missed the cut off please feel free to add me. I am GOING to lose 10lbs in May. Join me if you want to too.

    (Please add a message to friend requests)

  • pandasmama3
    pandasmama3 Posts: 114 Member
    I would love the challenge. I'm 32 5'6 and cw 209 as of last Tuesday (not weighing in till Fri.) My goal weight for the end of May is 6-10 lbs. I love to lose a grand total of 60lbs. My husband is currently station in Beaufort SC and will be moving in Oct to Cali, and on the way we are stopping in TX to visit with family that we haven't seen in 4 years so that's my movation to losing weight and getting healthy. So I hope I make the cut!!!