So sad

So... Two months ago, I set a goal for myself to reach a certain weight. I was 170 and I wanted to get to 165 by May 1st. I thought surely that I would reach that goal easily in two months.

Well, I've been working my butt of since then, and I am seeing no result. My weight is stuck at 168. It will not move. I am about to completely give up.

I have experimented with both lowering and raising my calorie intake, that did not work. I've tried to go from less cardio to more strength training. No change. I've started to drink water like crazy to flush out any possible sodium overage. Nothing. I run a 5k almost every day... and nothing happens.

I am SO depressed, and I am about to completely give up. How can I not get rid of these three last pounds? It's ridiculous, and SO demotivating.

What else can I do?


  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Just keep at it....don't worry too much about the number,but how you feel
  • loosewoman
    Hi, just read your post and i think you shouldn't be dishearted as i think what happened is that you lost fat but as you're working so hard and running everyday you built muscels that's why you see your weight stuck at 168 but its all new toned musels so don't worry and keep up the good work ^_^
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    Focus on the measurements, not just the scale.
  • OlibecaMom
    Don't give up. I don't claim to have anywhere close to the knowledge base needed to give guidance - but I do know that change happens slowly and giving up isn't the right answer. Keep on keeping on... think about how you feel, how your clothes feel, etc and not just about the number on the scale.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    Have you noticed a change in your measurements? That's probably where you'll notice the difference before noticing it on the scale...good luck!
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    It's only been two months!!!! Keep going! :)
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Focus on the measurements, not just the scale.
    ^^This! My scale and I are taking a break right now for the same reasons!
  • lifestylechallenge
    lifestylechallenge Posts: 19 Member
    Are you drinking your 8 glasses of water? Its not always about pounds inches are a great factor to. I lost 28lbs and 29 inches so far. I am not always exercising. Don't always focus on the scale...Don't eat after 8pm I don't but to a person choice.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Focus on the measurements, not just the scale.


    The scale lies alot about progress made in fat loss.

    Look in the mirror and say 'Is this really what I want to look like? If not, then those last 3 lbs really wouldn't make a difference anyway.

    Another thing to think about is the point of strength training is about body re composition not lbs on the scale. Alot of women drop a dress size and the scale doesn't move. And in some cases, it goes up!

    Its all about the way you look and feel! Don't let that scale rule that!!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I can understand your frustration. The closer you are to goal, and if you're within a few pounds of a healthy weight, the harder it is to drop those last few pounds. I'm right there with you! With my current calorie intake/settings I only lose about .2 a pound per week, on average, which makes dropping those last 5 pounds take longer. But I can see major changes in how my body looks and I have lost inches even when the scale stays stuck.

    Take your measurements--if you've lost inches, that means you're on the right track. If not, maybe re-evaluate your food choices and the intensity of exercise. If you run a 5k nearly every day, are you doing any kind of intensity/intervals, or just steady state cardio (same speed/pace all the way through your run)? I do speedwork with a running group and it forces me to up the intensity at least one day a week--seems to be helping!
  • annahiven
    annahiven Posts: 185
    I did take measurements a week ago but I haven't checked them. And I was stupid not taking measurements when I started.

    I don't feel as though I've lost any weight or inches in the past month. I don't SEE a difference in myself, either. But how can I NOT be changing, considering all the work out that I do? It's maddening and I'm depressed to the point of crying all the time.

    The weight goal was very important to me. I had a reward planned that meant a lot. Now I can't give it to myself, and it breaks my heart that my work hasn't paid off.

    I just wanna jump off a cliff.
  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    I think you deserve a huge pat on the back for eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle! You deserve a reward for how long you have been doing that. Maybe a pedicure for your running feet?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Do you have an option of joining a gym? Lifting weights (heavy) would be beneficial for you and could help.

    BTW....I did see in your post more cardio.....tried more strength....etc. But what did your strength training consist of? When you have tried different calorie levels what were they and how often were you right at them? How do you measure/record your food?
  • LauraAshley95
    LauraAshley95 Posts: 70 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about it. Not only are you probably gaining muscle (which weighs more than fat), but a lot of people lose inches while the number on the scale stays the same. Also, once you get closed to a healthy weight for your body, it's harder for those lbs to come off. Just keep at it, you'll get there (:
  • onewithwings
    So... Two months ago, I set a goal for myself to reach a certain weight. I was 170 and I wanted to get to 165 by May 1st. I thought surely that I would reach that goal easily in two months.

    Well, I've been working my butt of since then, and I am seeing no result. My weight is stuck at 168. It will not move. I am about to completely give up.

    I have experimented with both lowering and raising my calorie intake, that did not work. I've tried to go from less cardio to more strength training. No change. I've started to drink water like crazy to flush out any possible sodium overage. Nothing. I run a 5k almost every day... and nothing happens.

    I am SO depressed, and I am about to completely give up. How can I not get rid of these three last pounds? It's ridiculous, and SO demotivating.

    What else can I do?

    This very same thing is happening for over a month now.

    In the mean time, I had my annual check up last week and posed this question to my doctor. He told me told me not to obsess over the scales. In fact, he told me not to use the scale at all. He said as long as I was burning in more than I was consuming it WILL eventually come off. He explained it was a normal process and eventually my body will overcome the plateau. To be honest it feels good not to stress over the scales.

    My doctor also asked me to teach a class to his sedentary patients about self motivation.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,667 Member
    Honestly you need to seriously bust your *kitten* to push past the tough pounds. I've had many a new client who were stuck, take on my kickboxing class (gloves, bag and lots of plyo and strength work) and drop easily. Why? Because they NEVER worked out at that intensity before. Try doing TABATA protocol running (it's only 4 minutes in duration) and that will give you an idea of high intensity training.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I totally feel your frustration, Ive been stuck between 165-170 part of it is my own fault Its been a couple crazy months since February but I work out everyday and about majority of the week Im on target with calories, My schedule is crazy busy but its about to calm down a bit so Im hoping to add more exercise to see if that helps. So since about February Ive been in that same weight range
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    throw away the scale and think about how healthy your insides are :))) i totally wish i had your dedication! i cant seem to go a day without pigging out on sweets and fatty chocolate. you are doing great! watch- one day those numbers will be where u want. but right now i bet your clothes are getting looser?
  • TheBakerGirl
    I'm in the same boat, girl! I started working towards my goal pretty hard again back in January. Progress? hahaha…3 lbs. That's it. No inches. Nothing. And…I've done a half marathon during that time and I'm training for a second one in a week. I don't get it. I don't really care anymore. The scale is stupid and I give up on it. I just want to be a faster, better runner. Maybe pick a goal other than the scale. Sign up for a race or something. I hate the scale. arg.

    don't be sad! but if you are, I'll be sad with you. xx
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    Try taking a few days or even a week off from all things health and start up again. The only thing I would continue to do is remain below my caloric intake. BUT, most of all.....DON'T GIVE UP.....Damn-it!!!! ;)