Ladies: Three Day Rule?



  • How did you leave the last date? Did you say you would call/text her? If you said you would call, maybe text her to see what time suits her - I always found that quite considerate of my boy. Rules are silly. If she is worried about the rules, next.

    I didn't just cap off a date. I've just heard this a lot and was just looking for opinions.
  • bolderopal
    bolderopal Posts: 18 Member
    I hate playing games. If I had a good time, I'll text when I get home to say so. And I appreciate it when someone does the same for me.

    Be yourself, and if they freak out because you called/texted without following a three day rule... well maybe that person isn't going to mesh well with you after all. Besides, the time of a text or a phone call isn't going to make or break if someone is attracted to you.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    The best option: After the date, by about an hour, send the girl a text saying you had fun and would like to do it again. It's non-confrontational, it won't send her packing, and if anything it will reinforce that you like her. Hopefully she'll head to bed thinking about what to do with you next :wink:
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Call whenever you want. If she's a game player and turned off by it - at least you know now. No one likes games.
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    In dating, does the three day rule apply or is it ok to call or text her sooner? Never gave it much thought but now I'm curious what you think.

    rules are stupid and outdated, if you like her-call her (don't text, call!) when you feel like it. Sooner the better. She'll love it:)
  • donistenzel
    donistenzel Posts: 17 Member
    You watch too much "how I met your mother", lol
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    The rules are used to manipulate someone into thinking you're desirable. You know what's desirable? People who aren't manipulative. Call when you want to call, and be honest: "hi, I had fun with you, and couldn't wait to talk to you again." Is there a person in this world who wouldn't take that as a compliment?
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    My (now) husband text me like 5 minutes after I left the bar the night that we met and I gave him my number. <3

    I say whenever is fine...and 3 days is kinda long to a girl who is "waiting by the phone"
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    On our first date, my husband called me as soon as I left his sight to tell me he had a good time. He was so sweet and funny about it, I was hooked. Call when you want, rules are stupid.
  • eelane
    eelane Posts: 27 Member
    sooner is better. If you leave her waiting she will think you aren't interested and will therefore be uninterested in you
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    In dating, does the three day rule apply or is it ok to call or text her sooner? Never gave it much thought but now I'm curious what you think.

    What about the SEVEN DAY RULE!

    Day one - you'll look too intense - You can't wait 24 hours without talking to a girl?
    Day two - you'll look too desperate - Have you been thinking about her for two days straight?
    Day three - you'll look needy - Even after not talking for two days, you still want to call her?
    Day four - you'll seem too indecisive - Why did you wait too long? If you weren't interested, why call now?
    Day five - you'll seem too nonchalant - Obviously she's waiting, but why let her know you care?
    Day six - you'll seem too presumptuous - Yeah, let her wait because you're the bomb and she should know it.
    Day seven - you will rest. Because of all the crap you have created.

    If you can't tell by now, I'm being sarcastic. Seriously, just call her whenever you feel is the natural time to call. Just don't show up on her doorstep at 12am on day three, with dead roses and your mascara running yelling her name on the top of your lungs. Or maybe you should - who knows.
  • You watch too much "how I met your mother", lol

    Haha I'm watching that episode as I type this. Keep your voodoo mind reader magic out of my mind :)
  • I would agree with everyone else who says call when you're ready.

    If I was the girl and we'd just been on a date, it'd be nice to get a simple text a coupel hours later saying that you had fun and you'd like to do it again sometime. Then a call a day or two later.

    With technology these days and the invention of texting, things naturally move a lot quicker I think.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Call whenever you want. Those rules are stupid.

    That's what I think but I actually know people, men and women, who swear by it.

    Well if she's one of those, you don't want to hang with her anyway.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I say call as soon as you want.
    I personally go by if he doesn't text or call within a certain time frame (given he didn't say he would be extremely busy the next few days) I would think he didn't like me as much and move on.

    I've had PLENTY of guy friends be like.. "man I really liked you back so and so, why didn't we ever try and go out?" Well.. You never hinted or showed initiative!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Go with gut instinct.
  • If the date went well and you really liked her, call her the next day. If you wait three days, she is going to think you aren't into her, and when you finally do get around to making the call, she will have already turned into the psycho "why didn't you call me?" chick, all because you wanted to play games.

    If the date was okay and you're open to seeing her again but you weren't blown away and may be thinking about making plans with someone else, it's okay to wait a day or two longer and give it more thought.

    Completely agree!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    if you like her call her now!
  • Don't play games, just go with your real feelings. :)