Need support and motivation after miscarriage



  • NicholeRobb
    NicholeRobb Posts: 166 Member
    I lost my baby last week. I was 13 weeks. I'm going to read over your responses because I'm in need of the same support. I'm so sorry for your loss. This has been the most terrible experience of my life. My body is confused and thinks I have a baby in my arms. The weight is a painful reminder. There are so many factors that go into miscarriage and 8 weeks was surely a coincidence. There's no week that makes it more likely, just the further you go the less likely. This wasn't your fault just like it wasn't my fault. Our babies were meant to be born straight into perfection.

    I love this last sentence. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing it.

    I'm so sorry to hear about everyone's losses. It helps me somewhat to know that it is so common but at the same time I'm sad that so many others have gone through this heartbreak. :brokenheart:

    Amen. There is always a greater plan than we may ever understand. I have stopped needing to know the "why" of it. But I still feel the loss. I am so sorry to all who have had to endure it.
  • Melinda77w
    hello everybody :happy:

    I myself had my first miscarriage 2 months ago...It tore my heart apart......I too would like some support on here from kind, gentle and patient people. add me if you like...I am suffering through some depression atm so i'm not quite at my best point atm, bare with me if i dont get on here everyday, it is something i am working on atm. cheers :bigsmile:
  • jmayhead
    jmayhead Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone. My heart goes out to you all and would love to be friends with you on here. I had my first miscarriage 3 weeks ago at just 6 weeks. I am a very calm logical person who knows that these things happen and that it just means something wasn't quite right but wasn't so prepared for the tide of emotions I have felt these past 3 weeks.

    I used to be a member here and rejoined today as I want to focus on my health and have experienced weight gain of around 7lb since the miscarriage which i know is just my hormones doing their thing and my body getting back to normal. I also may not get on here all the time and not sure if i have the motivation to log every morsel of food right now but I feel that I can at least work on my health 1 day at a time to feel better physically.

    I am over 200lb and also an older mum to be so I know what it is like to wonder if any of these factors affected the pregnancy but I also know people in similar situations who have had healthy pregnancies which is very comforting.

    We kept the pregnancy and miscarriage very private so it has been hard pretending I am feeling normal but I am getting there! Seeing all the posts here has been very comforting to me and I wish us all much health and happiness in the future whatever it brings x
  • timetogetfitter
    timetogetfitter Posts: 26 Member
    cant believe how many of us there are on here, I will be going back to work this weekend will be very strange as i have been off since February. I had two weeks holiday then phoned in sick when bleeding started then i had scan with heartbeat and got the all clear and bleeding stopped so told work i was ok to return but had another 2 weeks holiday booked, then the week i was due to return i lost the twins and had to stay in hospital for 4 days they gave me a sick note for another two weeks so im due back on Saturday. Everyone at work knew i was pregnant again as i had to tell them the day i found out as it is such a heavy job that i had to be put on light duties. I have been ok but not looking forward to all the hugs as i think i may get upset again. Same thing happened last year when i returned to work only last year there were three of us all got pregnant at the same time, two of us miscarried and the other had a lovely baby boy in February.. Anyway on a more positive note i have been doing well with my healthy eating and exercise, hows everyone else doing?
  • bush_woman187
    bush_woman187 Posts: 25 Member
    I have had 2 first trimester miscarriages and 1 2nd trimester loss in which I delivered my baby boy and he died in labor. First, I am sorry for your loss. IT IS ALWAYS a tough process to go through. I recommend grief counseling right away to deal with your loss. I would also go and see a reproductive endocrinologist to see if they can help. I recommend getting testing for autoimmune disorders and clotting disorders. I also recommend getting testing for PCOS (Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome). A good reproductive endocrinologist and check bloodwork and see if you are ovulating properly (a problem with PCOS) and they will be able to advise on if you are getting quality eggs. I will send baby dust your way and wish you luck in your search of finding out what is going on. Just be positive and get the grief counseling. If you are an emotional eater, this will be the first place to start. Again, I am sorry about your loss of your baby.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    We went through this in 2008. Big hugs and know that there is nothing you did or could have done.

    We had five chidlren at the time and people were telling me well at least you have them, I knew we had them, but it didn't mean I didn't love and miss this one. It took some time but now we have our 6th little one and he is 10mths now. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

    Sometimes we have to go through the pain to get to the joy!
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    I am so sorry. A miscarriage is a true loss. (I've been there, too.) I know that part of your grieving and sadness is trying to understand and "figure it out". Please don't blame yourself, though. It's normal to have those thoughts, but you just have to keep talking to other people and to yourself - reminding yourself of what's true. There's such a huge spectrum of reasons for miscarriage, from things that can never be diagnosed, to issues that can be treated.

    Praying for your comfort,