One cheat meal is not going to hurt you

Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
I have seen so many people who went on this hardcore diet, have a cheat day, and totally fell off the wagon. This has happened to me so many times when I yo-yo'd.

I feel like the best way to go on a diet and stay with it, is baby steps and moderation. Pick out one cheat day a week where you are not worrying about what you are eating. You don't even have to track. If the other 6 days are well planned out, this one cheat day will not hurt you. It will keep you sane.


  • spekkio12345
    spekkio12345 Posts: 18 Member
    Sounds good. If a whole day off is more that you can handle, then a single meal can go a long way in keeping you sane. I like McDonalds once a week myself.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    I cheated every Sunday for months, don't do it now.

    I think the biggest reason people freak is due to the gain they see on the scale the next day from water retention.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I cheated every Sunday for months, don't do it now.

    I think the biggest reason people freak is due to the gain they see on the scale the next day from water retention.

    Id gain anything from 6-9lbs over a weekend (2 cheat days). It used to scare me, but I know that its just water weight. For some reason I carry a lot of it if I have a huge sodium day. It comes right off and then some by the next weigh in.
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    I don't pick a day to "cheat" but I do allow myself to eat a LOT when I'm super hungry, LOL. And if I happen to go over my calorie goal for that day (which typically happens when I'm really hungry) I log it and move on. However, these days don't happen too often (less than once a week for sure).

    I agree with you that deprivation isn't the answer. By knowing that I'll eat what I want when I'm truly hungry, it' allows me to relax and just ride out this journey. Most days I'm thoroughly content with the heatlhy options I choose and feel very good about myself. And on the few days when I'm craving something over the top, I eat it, enjoy and exercise :glasses:
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    We would have a cheat meal once a week. It use to be a day but I started to get sick from the junk and hate feeling that way, so we cut it back. Yesterday was ours and we had wings, cheesy fries and went to a movie so of course popcorn and M&Ms; I was down a lb today still this morning! Our cheats have never hurt me and while I enjoy it in that moment I don't crave cheating anymore for many days after so we are stretching it to once every 2 weeks now. It gets those cravings out of your system and eventually you won't even need it anymore.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Also, if you want the cheat day early, do it. Just make up for it.

    Theres so many threads on here with people asking is it okay if I eat *insert bad food*
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    You are soooooooooooo right and thank you!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    You are soooooooooooo right and thank you!

    No problem!
  • anitab47
    anitab47 Posts: 1
    Went to a session at work with a speaker that was on the Biggest Loser TV show. He said they had a cheat day every week while at the ranch. They would allow them to go eat anything they wanted that day and then they got back on track the next day. Today was a bad day for me, but I'll get back on track tomorrow.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    I cheated every Sunday for months, don't do it now.

    I think the biggest reason people freak is due to the gain they see on the scale the next day from water retention.

    Id gain anything from 6-9lbs over a weekend (2 cheat days). It used to scare me, but I know that its just water weight. For some reason I carry a lot of it if I have a huge sodium day. It comes right off and then some by the next weigh in.

    i think this is me. can go out to dinner and put on five pounds over a weekend, with normal eating and then a large meal out. frustrating that then i take the first few days of the week reversing the damage from the weekend. any advice?
  • If you take away everything that you love than you are def gonna have a lot of cheat days. My rule of thumb; don't completely forget the things you love to eat. I love chocolate and I know if I had cut that out completely I would just go nuts! So instead I switched from fatty king sized chocolate bars to Skinny Cow chocolate bits or Special K chocolate pretzel bars (which are both amazing!) Its still the chocolate I love but in a healthier way. Also there is nothing that says that we have to get rid of our favorites completely if you have some chips with a meal its not the end of the world or if you go out to dinner and go over your calories of the night its okay the point of this I think is to not only be healthier physically but mentally as well. And mentally if we deprive ourselves completely than well I don't think that is healthy. If that makes sense. :happy:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I cheated every Sunday for months, don't do it now.

    I think the biggest reason people freak is due to the gain they see on the scale the next day from water retention.

    Id gain anything from 6-9lbs over a weekend (2 cheat days). It used to scare me, but I know that its just water weight. For some reason I carry a lot of it if I have a huge sodium day. It comes right off and then some by the next weigh in.

    i think this is me. can go out to dinner and put on five pounds over a weekend, with normal eating and then a large meal out. frustrating that then i take the first few days of the week reversing the damage from the weekend. any advice?

    You may gain 5 lbs, but its just water weight. If the rest of your diet is good, it should be off in about 2-3 days. Yes, it is a little detour, but if you don't take a break sometimes, you have a better chance of completely falling off the wagon.

    To those of you who don't have to have that cheat meal/day and still kick *kitten*, that is great. I wish my brain only wanted to eat the right foods all of the time.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    If you take away everything that you love than you are def gonna have a lot of cheat days. My rule of thumb; don't completely forget the things you love to eat. I love chocolate and I know if I had cut that out completely I would just go nuts! So instead I switched from fatty king sized chocolate bars to Skinny Cow chocolate bits or Special K chocolate pretzel bars (which are both amazing!) Its still the chocolate I love but in a healthier way. Also there is nothing that says that we have to get rid of our favorites completely if you have some chips with a meal its not the end of the world or if you go out to dinner and go over your calories of the night its okay the point of this I think is to not only be healthier physically but mentally as well. And mentally if we deprive ourselves completely than well I don't think that is healthy. If that makes sense. :happy:


    My big thing was drinking. I used to get drunk almost every day. I'd eat poorly almost every day as well. I cut this down to 4x a week, then 3, then 2.....right now I am at a point where I have one, maybe 2 cheat days a week. I'm very active so I know my body can handle it.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I don't cheat...I EAT. I do not understand this cheat thing. What exactly is one cheating on... Do people plan on going the rest of their lives without eating out or eating cake or whatever else. That is why diets fail. You need to work these things into your lifestyle. All things in moderation. It works.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    That's what I do. No tracking on Sundays and if I want an ice cream, that's the day I get it.

    I can have a cheat day and keep going the next day. Some people can't we all have to do what works for us.
  • I agree with this post completely. By saying that you are never again going to eat this or that will only set you up for failure. I pick out one day a week (generally Saturday) that I don't track anything. I start the day off with my normal breakfast, but then for the rest of the day it's whatever I feel like. It has worked great for me for the last couple of months and for the first time I feel like I am in an eating program I can stick with. It is much easier to stay with something for six days knowing there is a reward as I like to think of it later on.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I just prefer to not allow myself cheat days. DH and I still eat out from time to time, certainly not as much as we used to. I still pick the best (i.e healthiest) option on the menu though. That's 'cheat' enough for me.

    To each their own. :smile:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I don't cheat...I EAT. I do not understand this cheat thing. What exactly is one cheating on... Do people plan on going the rest of their lives without eating out or eating cake or whatever else. That is why diets fail. You need to work these things into your lifestyle. All things in moderation. It works.

    Its just a nickname.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I don't cheat...I EAT. I do not understand this cheat thing. What exactly is one cheating on... Do people plan on going the rest of their lives without eating out or eating cake or whatever else. That is why diets fail. You need to work these things into your lifestyle. All things in moderation. It works.

    Its just a nickname.
    Words mean things though. If you call it a cheat day, you're telling yourself that what you're doing is bad and wrong.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    My favorite meals are bad for me. Now, instead of eating them each weekly, I reserve them for special occasions and modify some of the recipes to make them healthier.