What was your Breaking point??



  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    When taking 2 of my nephews to the nature center....something I thouroughly enjoy....and I was unable to keep up with them, unable to climb the rock wall, unable to explore various other parts of the center due to my being unable to get down that low AND move!
  • When my boobs in the back felt bigger than my boobs in the front.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    So many things. Mainly it had to do with really bad heartburn that has gone away now. I was also tired of always being the fattest person in the class. Worrying about if I could fit through this, or sit in that seat. When the group of college students took the stairs, I wouldn't be the only one out of breath (the skinner people would be too) but I was the only one that people likely thought it was because of being unhealthy. :mad:
  • CristlNothem
    CristlNothem Posts: 54 Member
    it started when i realized i weighed 15 pounds more than i did the day i delivered my 9 lb 2 oz son. Then Nov 2010 we took family pictures and i really saw just how fat i had gotten. still have about 20 pounds to go, but i definitively looked better in the next family pictures taken 8 months later
  • schildy
    schildy Posts: 1
    When my ex started dating, I realized I needed to quit feeling sorry for myself and be the person I want to marry. I wasn't going to settle. I get up at 4:50 every morning. I have for almost three months now (yoga for 25 min, cardio for 35). I'm running a 5k in two weeks. I’ve been dating a ton and having a lot of fun. I haven't felt this good in years. I just joined, but I'm actually down 45lbs and almost four pant sizes.
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    Having to buy a size 18 jeans.
    Passing out because my body couldn't handle the pysical activity of walking from one room to the other.
    Seeing pictures of myself with my husbands college friends and realizing I'm the fat one.
    My blood test results kept getting scarier.

    It's a combo. Just not willing to be that girl.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm only 5'0 and the scale was just a few pounds from 200. That scared me to death. My body is too little to carry around that much weight. I quit smoking almost 3 years ago so I knew it was time to lose the weight and get healthy. I want to live til I'm 95 LOL!
  • BradT1974
    BradT1974 Posts: 22
    I couldn't see my own wang anymore. I knew it was there, but still......
  • emmiexjay
    emmiexjay Posts: 146 Member
    when doctors just wouldn't listen to me because i rocked the scales at 280lbs and was worried about getting diabetes.. plus it was to prove to them and to me that my health issues aren't weight related.. now 49lb lighter with health issues (: and still going strong!
  • pxpwop
    pxpwop Posts: 704 Member
    I couldn't see my own wang anymore. I knew it was still there, but still......

    Amen brother
  • klopiccolo1
    klopiccolo1 Posts: 114 Member
    I saw pictures of me last year and didn't recognize myself... I was shocked how big I actually was, I guess in my head I thought I was WAY smaller LOL :wink:
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    When I was faced with needing to go up to the next size in pants and had gained an additional 2 pounds which put me at 207.
  • We were in Florida and went to see a play starring two friends of mine. It was a little house with funky second-hand theater seats, and to my horror I discovered I almost didn't fit into the theater seat. I was in agony for the entire first act. Then I ripped my pants getting out of that vise -- such fun. The house let me sit on a folding chair next to the door for the second act, but that was when I knew I had to make a change.
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    When my 63 y/o aunt decided she would give me her "girdle."
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    I finally read about AVM, and the information was terrifying. (I was born with one in my left leg, and it's inoperable.) In order to prevent hemorrhaging and other life threatening things as I get older, I have to exercise and make those blood vessels strong.

    Also, the well went dry at my house, and I wanted to use the showers at the gym for a month while it was being fixed. :-)
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    I kept complaining and complaining and complaining about my weight for about 3 - 4 years. Finally my poor husband looked at me and said, "I don't want to hear you complain about your weight any more if you aren't going to do anything to change it."

    Well, after about two weeks of being mad at him for it, I finally decided he was right. :) That was about 60 lbs ago. I still have some more weight to drop, but I already feel like a different person.
  • kingkm02
    kingkm02 Posts: 23
    When my ex told me I was the reason he cheated. Now I know thats not true. He just used me being big as an excuse to justify his actions. But it was a wake up call and breaking point all the same.

    I was in a similar situation, but i felt that i was not good enough for him because of how i looked. Then found out he was with someone bigger than me, but it was still a wake up call. It has taken me almost a year to get to this point but I knew i needed a change and I decided the time was now. Plus i am getting ready for my cousin's wedding in June and a cruise in January.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 396 Member
    In addion to being tired of ending every attempted shopping trip in tears, I just wasn't attracted to myself any more. I wasn't getting rejected by my partners, but it's hard to want sex if you don't feel sexy.
    That and a friend of mine joined the site after a health scare, so I felt compelled to actually USE my membership. She had issues with her period (just as I have) and had extensive health tests done and was told she was prediabetic, which scared me since I felt that could happen to me. In actuality it wasn't that bad, but that's not the point.
  • sting8989
    sting8989 Posts: 21 Member
    Having a stint put in my heart at the age of 31. Taking as more prescription medication to control weight related things than most people do in their whole lives 5 at night and 4 in the morning. I'm 31 not 91 damn I let myself go.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    When I wouldn't leave the house because I wasn't comfortable in any piece of clothing.. Seeing pictures of myself. worst feeling ever.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    When I saw the scale creep up to where it was when I was 9 months pregnant...
    When my arms started to look like thighs.
    When my size 16s were giving me a muffin top.

    When I just didn't like the person in the mirror anymore.
  • ideliver
    ideliver Posts: 114 Member
    I was in a store buying a chocolate bar (stress eating for any number of excuses) and I saw this guy with a fat *kitten* in the CCTV buying a candy bar. I was totally judging him and a split second later I realised that I was that guy!

    Naturally I ate the candy and vowed to put an end to that crap. 6 weeks later, almost 18 pounds down, and I'm in it to win it! Still have the wrapper in my glove box to remind me!
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    I was in a store buying a chocolate bar (stress eating for any number of excuses) and I saw this guy with a fat *kitten* in the CCTV buying a candy bar. I was totally judging him and a split second later I realised that I was that guy!

    Naturally I ate the candy and vowed to put an end to that crap. 6 weeks later, almost 18 pounds down, and I'm in it to win it! Still have the wrapper in my glove box to remind me!

    Honest... brutal... hilarious.
  • My breaking point was when I stepped on the scales! YIKES, 140lbs! I was 125 in the Summer of 2009 and the 15lbs just crept on me. I realize now that I am 40, I have to be more mindful(even more so) of what I eat, how much I eat and how much I exercise. Even though I am still at a healthy weight, I didn't like seeing the 140 as it is the heaviest I have been my entire life. Also, when I was told by someone that I would need to wear a one piece instead of a bikini!
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    When I avoided everyone I "Used to know" because of how much weight I had gained, and it became something I thought about every single day, and when I no longer recognized myself. :( I knew that when I did see someone I knew all they would talk about when they walked away was how "Big" I had gotten.....
  • rolley89
    rolley89 Posts: 13
    My friend tagged me in a picture at the beach on facebook and I untagged myself because I hated how big I had gotten and was ashamed in myself for getting that way.
  • larsmac83
    larsmac83 Posts: 24
    When I avoided everyone I "Used to know" because of how much weight I had gained, and it became something I thought about every single day, and when I no longer recognized myself. :( I knew that when I did see someone I knew all they would talk about when they walked away was how "Big" I had gotten.....

    I've done the same thing. I refuse to meet up with people that I was really good friends with a few years ago when I moved. I didn't want them to see how much bigger I had gotten. Since beginning to eat healthier, I've started to talk to them again, and a goal of mine is to see them again SMALLER than I was when we first knew each other. =)
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I recommitted myself when my boyfriend sat me down to talk to me. He told me that I was perfect to him the way that I am but that he was tired of seeing me hate myself. He said that he just couldn't stand to see me beat myself up about how I look all the time and that he felt helpless when I would breakdown in tears over how I looked/felt about myself. He really looked me squarely in the eye and told me that I need to make the decision to make myself happy and lose the weight.

    I ran upstairs and I cried but he was right. I really need to do this for me! It's only been about 5 weeks and I've lost 18 pounds. I'm feeling better about myself even though I had to go shopping for clothes to take with me on my trip to Florida and felt that I looked like a stuffed sausage!
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    When I avoided everyone I "Used to know" because of how much weight I had gained, and it became something I thought about every single day, and when I no longer recognized myself. :( I knew that when I did see someone I knew all they would talk about when they walked away was how "Big" I had gotten.....

    I've done the same thing. I refuse to meet up with people that I was really good friends with a few years ago when I moved. I didn't want them to see how much bigger I had gotten. Since beginning to eat healthier, I've started to talk to them again, and a goal of mine is to see them again SMALLER than I was when we first knew each other. =)

    PERFECT goal!!
  • When the doctor told me I was possibly prediabetic, and had developed PCOS. That same day ( last winter) I realized for the first time that I would not be able to ride my young horse when it was time to break him out, because I was too heavy.
    That broke my heart.
    Now, a little over 40 LBS later since January, PCOS symptoms have disappeared, doctor says that everything is coming back into normal range, and after I lose another 25 LBS I will allow myself to hop on my horse.
    I still have about 80 LBS to go till I reach a more acceptable weight, but now it's attainable.