What was your Breaking point??



  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    When I saw the scale creep up to where it was when I was 9 months pregnant...
    When my arms started to look like thighs.
    When my size 16s were giving me a muffin top.

    When I just didn't like the person in the mirror anymore.
  • ideliver
    ideliver Posts: 114 Member
    I was in a store buying a chocolate bar (stress eating for any number of excuses) and I saw this guy with a fat *kitten* in the CCTV buying a candy bar. I was totally judging him and a split second later I realised that I was that guy!

    Naturally I ate the candy and vowed to put an end to that crap. 6 weeks later, almost 18 pounds down, and I'm in it to win it! Still have the wrapper in my glove box to remind me!
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    I was in a store buying a chocolate bar (stress eating for any number of excuses) and I saw this guy with a fat *kitten* in the CCTV buying a candy bar. I was totally judging him and a split second later I realised that I was that guy!

    Naturally I ate the candy and vowed to put an end to that crap. 6 weeks later, almost 18 pounds down, and I'm in it to win it! Still have the wrapper in my glove box to remind me!

    Honest... brutal... hilarious.
  • My breaking point was when I stepped on the scales! YIKES, 140lbs! I was 125 in the Summer of 2009 and the 15lbs just crept on me. I realize now that I am 40, I have to be more mindful(even more so) of what I eat, how much I eat and how much I exercise. Even though I am still at a healthy weight, I didn't like seeing the 140 as it is the heaviest I have been my entire life. Also, when I was told by someone that I would need to wear a one piece instead of a bikini!
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    When I avoided everyone I "Used to know" because of how much weight I had gained, and it became something I thought about every single day, and when I no longer recognized myself. :( I knew that when I did see someone I knew all they would talk about when they walked away was how "Big" I had gotten.....
  • rolley89
    rolley89 Posts: 13
    My friend tagged me in a picture at the beach on facebook and I untagged myself because I hated how big I had gotten and was ashamed in myself for getting that way.
  • larsmac83
    larsmac83 Posts: 24
    When I avoided everyone I "Used to know" because of how much weight I had gained, and it became something I thought about every single day, and when I no longer recognized myself. :( I knew that when I did see someone I knew all they would talk about when they walked away was how "Big" I had gotten.....

    I've done the same thing. I refuse to meet up with people that I was really good friends with a few years ago when I moved. I didn't want them to see how much bigger I had gotten. Since beginning to eat healthier, I've started to talk to them again, and a goal of mine is to see them again SMALLER than I was when we first knew each other. =)
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I recommitted myself when my boyfriend sat me down to talk to me. He told me that I was perfect to him the way that I am but that he was tired of seeing me hate myself. He said that he just couldn't stand to see me beat myself up about how I look all the time and that he felt helpless when I would breakdown in tears over how I looked/felt about myself. He really looked me squarely in the eye and told me that I need to make the decision to make myself happy and lose the weight.

    I ran upstairs and I cried but he was right. I really need to do this for me! It's only been about 5 weeks and I've lost 18 pounds. I'm feeling better about myself even though I had to go shopping for clothes to take with me on my trip to Florida and felt that I looked like a stuffed sausage!
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    When I avoided everyone I "Used to know" because of how much weight I had gained, and it became something I thought about every single day, and when I no longer recognized myself. :( I knew that when I did see someone I knew all they would talk about when they walked away was how "Big" I had gotten.....

    I've done the same thing. I refuse to meet up with people that I was really good friends with a few years ago when I moved. I didn't want them to see how much bigger I had gotten. Since beginning to eat healthier, I've started to talk to them again, and a goal of mine is to see them again SMALLER than I was when we first knew each other. =)

    PERFECT goal!!
  • When the doctor told me I was possibly prediabetic, and had developed PCOS. That same day ( last winter) I realized for the first time that I would not be able to ride my young horse when it was time to break him out, because I was too heavy.
    That broke my heart.
    Now, a little over 40 LBS later since January, PCOS symptoms have disappeared, doctor says that everything is coming back into normal range, and after I lose another 25 LBS I will allow myself to hop on my horse.
    I still have about 80 LBS to go till I reach a more acceptable weight, but now it's attainable.
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    I was out of breath everytime I walked up a hill. I refused to take my sweatshirt off at work in 100 degree weather and I work outside in construction. Everyday I felt like I was going to die but the men I work with seeing what was under my shirt was far worse than death. and then............ the WII fit called me OBESE!!! I am 5'5" and was at 211.5. Enough was enough!
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    When me and some friends of mine went to see a Rachael Ray show. Someone took a picture of us as a group and I was the fat one. I don't weigh a lot, but you could see every ounce of that extra 20 pounds in that photo next to my friends who run and go to the gym.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I was borderlilne obese.
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    Nice!! LOL
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    This might be silly, but the moment I realized I was done breastfeeding. For one year I pumped and stored milk and was hooked up to a machine and was living my life for my pumping schedule. I stopped pumping on her birthday, but it took a few weeks for my milk to dry up. One day in the shower I realized I wasn't leaking anymore.
    I don't want my daughter to live the life I live, and have the problems I have. The only way I can do that is by setting a good example. Also, now that I am not hooked to a pump for hours a day, I can use that time to work out and get myself healthy.
    It wasn't much of of a "this sucks I have to change" but "I can do this now and have the biggest motivation ever" moment.

    Because she picks up on everything I do, I need to do positive things. There was an empty soda can on the end table, and she picked it up and tried to drink out of it. I haven't had a pop since, and don't plan on it! I don't want her thinking that is normal.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Last Xmas, I got drunk and flirty with one of my husband's friends who was up visiting. The guy only said messing with a friend's wife is bad, nothing about my weight. Well, I felt hypocritical because I'm rocking the scale at over 300# and he's like 5'11", 180#, weight-lifting, so in shape kinesiologist.

    People tell me I shouldn't lose weight for anyone but myself. I tried when I couldn't sit down in public (chairs too small), having my doctor tell me to, and not being able to buy clothes from shops. .
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Lost my sex drive. Realized since I no longer felt good about how I looked I no longer wanted to have sex.

    Thankfully, once I started exercising regularly that old sexy feeling came back.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    WWhen I looked in the mirror and saw that my chin blended into my neck.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I became overweight when I was in the Middle East and having depression issues(not because of the location). None of my friends back here in the States even knew I was overweight and most still don't know. When I moved back, I realized I didn't want to go out anywhere for fear of being recognized and then they'd see the weight gain. THAT was my breaking point. I didn't want to spend all my days indoors hiding away from the world.
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    when I stopped waving, but my upper arm didnt