
I took Phentermine last year before I got pregnant and got great results. I know there are heart risks and whatnot, but when I was taking it, I was closely monitored. I guess I just wanted to know other's opinions on Phentermine before I decide to try it again. What stories have you heard? Did you take it yourself? Feedback will be greatly appreciated!


  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I take Phentramin-D which is a non prescription to curb my appetite. I am an over eater so I need something.

    But be careful. A LOT of people on here will criticize you for taking them. Good luck.
  • nursemickey
    nursemickey Posts: 52 Member
    Well, I took them for a while a few years back and had results. My ekg came back fine and was all clear. Fast fwd......I know am on heart meds d/t heart palpations which are not considered life threatening but they did stop me in my tracks a lot. I relate it all to taking the drug.

    It's the long term effects that you should be worried about.

    And I am in the medical field and knew the risk going into it.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    I took it about 2 years ago and also got great results, but unfortunately gained all the weight back and more since I went off of them. I was also closely monitored for blood pressure and heart issues. I was entertaining the idea of going back on them myself.
  • QueenB985
    QueenB985 Posts: 64 Member
    I took them about 3 years ago and had great results and no issues. I did gain all the weight back though after coming off of them. I know losing weight is hard work but the best bet is to do it naturally because you don't want to take that pill forever. So whats the point of taking the medicine if the weight will just come back?
  • Neen79
    Neen79 Posts: 9 Member
    Same thing...took them 2 years ago, lost 30 pounds and now I weigh almost 40 pounds more than I did before I took them. But now I understand why it's better to lose it slow so I am happy with my 6 pound loss in 20 days. :)
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I am not losing weight very fast. I've only lost 11 pounds in 7 weeks. But I am losing inches. I take the Phentramin-D tablets to curb my appetite.It does work. I don't plan to be on them forever though.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I took them about 3 years ago and had great results and no issues. I did gain all the weight back though after coming off of them. I know losing weight is hard work but the best bet is to do it naturally because you don't want to take that pill forever. So whats the point of taking the medicine if the weight will just come back?


    Slow and steady wins the race.......(well, at least it crosses the finish line)
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Took them and the problem that I found with them is that I didnt change the behavior. I merely put a bandaid on a bigger issue.
  • rebzim51
    rebzim51 Posts: 1
    I have used Phentermine off and on over the past 10 years. My doctor always has me get an Echo every 6 months that I am on the medication. An Echo will show if there is a cardiac problem developing. I am an RN and now many healthcare professionals that use Phentermine to lose weight. Just be sure to have your doctor closely monitor your blood pressure and get that Echo (painless) every 6 months.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I took phone Phentermine several years ago. Ordered online. No rx needed! :noway: Got great results. Had no appetitie, Got an erratic heartbeat, got insomnia, became very energized and then very moody, got mad and cranky all the time. Stopped taking them and then gained all the weight back and then some even though I wasn't really eating more. thought about taking them again because I think I was crazy lol, but Couldn't keep taking them because they made my heart go nuts. Not that I would want to now. I will never take a stimulant again other than my beloved caffeine in liquid form lol. Please steer clear of them. I have learned how to control my appetite through eating the proper foods and measuring out my portions and small amounts several times a day. And now my mood is better than ever :bigsmile:

    I honestly think diet pills of any kind set you up to fail. You learn to rely on the pill rather than your ability to have self control and retrain yourself to make positive change. And in the meantime you can damage your body and metabolism. So please take care :heart:
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I have used Phentermine off and on over the past 10 years. My doctor always has me get an Echo every 6 months that I am on the medication. An Echo will show if there is a cardiac problem developing. I am an RN and now many healthcare professionals that use Phentermine to lose weight. Just be sure to have your doctor closely monitor your blood pressure and get that Echo (painless) every 6 months.

    My Husband is also an RN and he would never recommend this, he also works 12 hour shifts of varying times of day some first, some 3rd and uses no stimulants. He takes healthy food to work and drinks protein shales when crunched for time. Hes losing weight. Hes on his feet all day. Nursing burns lots of cals so im not sure why phentermine would be necessary :/ Unless a nurse just cant stop eating crap and i know its constantly around and that makes it hard. To each their own, but I don't know why anyone would want to take something that requires an expensive medical test for monitoring every 6 months. I don't mean to sound harsh, but please don't use your professional title to say its okay to take a serious stimulant :/ makes me cringe.
    JTHRONES Posts: 75
    Not sure where Nursing came in, but I am also a nurse lol. I blame stress and lack of time. I get PLENTY of exercise at work. Honestly, I weigh 10 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I just want to make it back to the 100's because I haven't been since I got married 2 years ago, though I'm not sure if seeing the scale say 18_ or 19_ will be inspiration enough to keep it off.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    i took it, lost lots of weight with it after baby. but if you dont work out and eat right afterwards you will gain it ALL back and then some. it releases a chemical in your brain after you get off of it that tells you to eat eat eat.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    There is no proven healthier means to weight-loss where the only side effect is AWESOMENESS other than eating healthier and moving the body.

    The question you need to ask is....why do I want to take something that has side-effects and could be detrimental to your lively-hood.

    There are no short-cuts without risks. Become aware of what you eat, make the choice on what you want, and ACT upon the choices that bring you the success.
  • sortin
    sortin Posts: 78
    And I've seen nurses, doctors, and surgeons all smoking. Does that make it ok?
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    I took them about 3 years ago and had great results and no issues. I did gain all the weight back though after coming off of them. I know losing weight is hard work but the best bet is to do it naturally because you don't want to take that pill forever. So whats the point of taking the medicine if the weight will just come back?


    Slow and steady wins the race.......(well, at least it crosses the finish line)

    And "crossing the finish line" is the whole point of this journey. This isn't a race to see who can lose the most weight in the least amount of time.
    IARXPHD Posts: 14
    This medication is an amphetamine derivative. It is pretty addictive and can cause psychosis type symptoms in many people.
    Bottom line: It's a very unhealthy crutch and I can't believe the FDA still allows it to be sold.
    (FYI- PhD in Pharmacy here with 29yrs of practice experience too.)
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Phentermine is a stimulant, a controlled substance, narcotic, in the family of amphetamines AKA "speed". You cannot take phentermine long term. As soon as you stop taking it the weight you lost will slowly start to return.

    This came from

    "The drug Phentermine is part of an overall weight-loss program that includes dieting, exercising and counseling. It suppresses the appetite by increasing the metabolic rate and blood pressure. Dr. Sunny E. Ohia has done extensive research on its use, side effects and what happens to the human body when it's taken. It is only to be prescribed for eight to 12 weeks. By that time, the effects of it will be gone; increasing the dosage only causes dependency and an increase in dangerous side effects that are already associated with this drug. Discontinued use of Phentermine causes dizziness, depression and fatigue.
    Most Dangerous Side Effects

    Dr. Ohia points out that besides addiction, the most serious side effects of Phentermine are heart palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, low blood pressure and pulmonary hypertension. Heart palpitations are noticeable irregularities in the heartbeat. They may be too slow, too fast or irregular. Tachycardia is a rapid heartbeat of more than 100 beats a minute. Arrhythmia is a skipping, rapid or pounding heartbeat. Pulmonary hypertension is high blood pressure specifically in the pulmonary artery, vein or capillaries, which are those related to the lungs. It was these side effects, particularly pulmonary hypertension, that caused sudden death for several users, which resulted in the recall of Phentermine.

    Additional and Pre-existing Side Effects

    Phentermine also causes dry mouth, unpleasant taste, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and constipation. These side effects happen in the digestive system, indicating the body is rejecting something it's being given to digest. Change in the libido or sex drive may also occur. A person who has anxiety, a history of drug abuse, nervousness, restlessness, dizziness, insomnia, euphoria, depression, agitation or headaches is in danger, as these are additional side effects of Phentermine or its discontinuation. If a person has psychological problems, seizures, low blood sugar, hyperthyroidism, glaucoma or is sensitive to tartrazene, he is medically advised to be reluctant to take Phentermine. MAO inhibitors cause drug interaction, even if they haven't been taken up to 14 days prior.
    Medical History and Phentermine
    In addition to the effects on the human body that have been described, Phentermine is even more dangerous to the person with heart disease and high blood pressure. Because the most serious side effects include heart malfunction and high blood pressure, Phentermine would obviously maximize the effects of these health problems. If a person is taking another drug that stimulates the nervous system, there is a medical alert against the taking of Phentermine, which stimulates the nervous system as well. This will cause overstimulation, which is an exaggerated reaction to what one sees, hears, touches, tastes and smells. It can also be expressed in the form of hyperactivity or the inability to be normal or calm in activity."
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    I am taking it right now and it has been wonderful. My doctor prescribed it because I was having difficulty losing weight while on depo provera. My OB says it is the only reason i am seeing any weight loss at all.

    I think it may not be for everyone, but it is definately working for me. I am more motivated than ever.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I am taking it right now and it has been wonderful. My doctor prescribed it because I was having difficulty losing weight while on depo provera. My OB says it is the only reason i am seeing any weight loss at all.

    I think it may not be for everyone, but it is definately working for me. I am more motivated than ever.

    I assure you, as soon as you stop taking it you will begin to gain the weight back that you have lost. It is a temporary fix for a long term problem. You can only be on it for 8-12 weeks. After that you need an increased dose in order for it to work. At this point you have become physically dependent on the drug. Now once you come off of it you will go through withdrawal. It may seem like the miracle pill right now....see where you are several months from now without it.