Alright, here's an awkward topic but I need advice/insight

Can we talk about poop?

How many times a week is one supposed to go to the bathroom?

I am lucky if I can go once a week, it's usually once every other week. It's very uncomfortable. It's been like this for a couple of years. I'm not sure why I have so much trouble - I always hear things like eat more fiber etc etc but I eat lots of veggies/fruits and I really don't think it's a fiber thing. Once in awhile I will take a laxative and sometimes those don't even help me. Sometiems I will be the sodium citrate solution (the thing you drink before a colonoscopy) and that will usually make me go. I went to my doctor and she just tries to give me diet advice but I feel like it's gotta be more than that since my diet isn't BAD (it isn't pefect, but it's mostly clean with some treats/cheats thrown in).

I just took a laxative pill tonight because it has literally been about 2 weeks and I am in so much pain. If you look at my belly from the side you can see it protruding and I am sure it is because I am (literally) full of *kitten*.

Does anyone else struggle with this??


  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    This is not normal. You need add more fiber to your diet. At the very least every other day but also causes discomfort. I think once a day is good.

    Try Super Seed by Garden of Life. It is a really good product.

    Now, is this question for real?
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    You may need to see a specialist to track down the problem. Ask your doctor for referral.
  • I heard somewhere (dunno where) that twice a day is healthy. I've also heard that once a day is the norm.

    with that being said, you need to talk to your doctor, add some apple juice into your diet or something. Are you on any medications? Have you tried taking a stool softener? After I had my son I didn't go for 4 days and thought I was going to die.
  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    I guess I am one of the lucky ones...I usually go twice a day. I'd try adding more fiber to your diet. If that doesn't work, maybe consider a second opinion?
  • Kamilask
    Kamilask Posts: 1
    U need to ask for ultrasound to rule out other problems in ur abdomen. That's not normal.
  • I saw something about this on Dr. oz not long ago... i'll try to find a link for you...
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I would suggest getting a referral to a gastroenterologist; not only isn't it normal, but it's causing you serious pain and the usual solutions aren't working.
  • nataliemarie387
    nataliemarie387 Posts: 61 Member
    This is not normal. You need add more fiber to your diet. At the very least every other day but also causes discomfort. I think once a day is good.

    Try Super Seed by Garden of Life. It is a really good product.

    Now, is this question for real?

    Yes - I am serious. I think if I could go I would lose 5 lbs automatically. I have an OBGYN appointment tomorrow - I will speak with her about this problem.
  • nataliemarie387
    nataliemarie387 Posts: 61 Member
    I saw something about this on Dr. oz not long ago... i'll try to find a link for you...

    Thank you :)
  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    Drink more water with the fiber. And also see a doctor. I go two + times a day. My mother has these issues. Have you had your colon checked?
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    I have bowel issues and I see a specialist... My last appointment I am all good and healthy at the moment, I still go to the toilet for upto 4-5 times a day but its solid, so its okay..

    She then went on to say some people are more regular than others... But it should be at least once every 2-3 days... So definitely get it checked out
  • I would go to a different dr if they havent already referred you to a specialist. Also, a friend of mine had that happen to her son(11) out of the blue he stopped going regularly. He would have horrible pain. After testing, different drs, they found out he had a gluten allergy.

    I can't imagine the pain your going through. Try a different dr and ask for a referral to a specialist.
  • Chrissy979
    Chrissy979 Posts: 51 Member
    I was just at a gastrointestinal specialist not to long ago. Have you tried benefibre, my specialist recommended starting at one teaspoon exact measurements, I keep a set of measuring spoons at the office :smile: every day for two weeks, and bump it up by 1/2 teaspoon incriments every week until you find what is working for you. It is clear, odourless and you can put it in anything, I usually put it in my coffee or water in the morning.
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I read a book that said if the human body is fed correctly we would go poop within an hour of waking up and it would come out so cleanly we don't really need toilet paper. When I am eating good, I do accomplish that (although I do use t.p.!!!) But I also take Metamucil twice a day- 4 teaspoons in a glass of water each time. I take it for lowering cholestrol - you are supposed to take a glass of water with 3 teaspoons of metamucil three times a day- I read it wrong and just stuck with the four spoons (have to drink it quick because it thickens fast) because I only do it twice a day. It works great and it is healthy for you since it will also lower cholestrol!
  • nataliemarie387
    nataliemarie387 Posts: 61 Member
    Drink more water with the fiber. And also see a doctor. I go two + times a day. My mother has these issues. Have you had your colon checked?

    Hi - never had a colon check.. Also, good point on the water, I KNOW that I don't drink enough (about 5 cups a day on average) and I'm sure that isn't helping.
  • Try adding probiotics to your diet. Raw sauerkraut and Kefir ALWAYS give me regular smooth poops.
  • candctaber
    candctaber Posts: 274
    I'm right there with you. I have done the same things as you said you have tried without any luck. My doctor just put me on one dose of Miralax EVERYDAY. So far, there hasn't been a change, but it's only been a couple of days. Good luck & if you find something that works, let me know!
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    That Depends (no pun intended). I know that after 3 days of no-go, you're constipated. Beyond that, I wouldn't know- I was blessed with the opposite problem- IBS... I'd go see a doctor if this has been a consistent issue.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    I agree that you need to see a doctor asap. I can't imagine not going for that long. 2-3 times a day is normal for me. Last week I went three days without much movement and felt absolutely awful. If I were in your shoes, I'd have to go to the ER for an enema. You could have a blockage from being so impacted.
  • madeinforks
    madeinforks Posts: 50 Member
    Two of my daughters go through this..They too ate lots of fiber and still had problems..they are very active and eat healthy..but it is a medical thing..they take medication for this..message me..I will ask them the name of it..but you do need to get help for this..not good to go that long without going..