girls and texting....



  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I get a few hours but days? Are you that busy to not be able to respond in days? Just saying!
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    I have to admit, I am definitely one of these girls. My best guy friend does this to me alll the time, and it drives me insane. I feel like I'm relatively reasonable. I don't expect a text back instantaneously. I'm also not one of those people who sends a million texts out after not getting a response. I know he might be in class, at a movie, out for dinner, etc. However since we live in a society where everyone has their phones on them essentially always, I feel like there's no reason to not text someone back by the next day. Obviously you've seen the message, and made conscious decision to ignore it, so I consider that to be rude. I'll send my friend a text asking to him to grab a coffee, and then a week or two later get a "So when did you want to grab coffee?" Um, a week ago.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I think its a little too emotionally needy to expect someone to text back right away.

    Do you really want someone to do that while driving? (and risk their life to acknowledge they got your cat joke)
    Do you want them to interrupt their dinner to text you back? (because you wouldn't want them doing it if they were dining with you)
    Do you want them to jump up off the pooper to reply to you that they are busy? (ewww gross, you sicko)

    If you answered yes to any of these then maybe you are the one who is being rude.
  • Not all girls are like that - I like being the one that's texted last in an sms conversation!
    I think it really depends on the type of texts and the type of friendship you have with that person.

    I can understand getting annoyed if you're trying to make plans with someone for in a few hours times and you don't hear from them for a while and as a result you're left unsure about when you need to leave or something but if the convo is along the lines of

    What are you up to?
    Not much, just dinner you?
    Mmm same, what are you having?

    And then there's no more responses.... get over it! haha
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    because even if ur busy then eventually u will c the msg in the same day and can say your busy doing whatever. its just polite to respond lol
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    To be honest, all this crap is getting way out of hand. Why is a text more important than any other form of communication?

    Answer: it's not.
  • because even if ur busy then eventually u will c the msg in the same day and can say your busy doing whatever. its just polite to respond lol
    yeah but sometimes you just go on and on about boring stuff! someone has to end it! you don't have a non stop text conversation from when you meet them until you're not friends with them anymore :P

    personal example :


    it's a good friend and I have NOTHING against them at all, but for about three days straight this one semi boring conversation has been going on and when I try to say bye and end it they keep going! so eventually you HAVE to be rude and just not reply.
  • roy987
    roy987 Posts: 11 Member
    I think a lot of people do consider it rude if you don't reply to their texts. I forget sometimes too. Afterall it's not just texts but facebook , gtalk pings and whatsapp and everything else on the phone. But I do make it a point to reply later with an apology that I was busy or something.

    And if you've got enough time to post about it here, surely you can take a second to reply! :-)

    Type too slow? Try Siri. Although I once told it to send a text to my mom saying "I'm driving". She got "I'm dying".
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    Not all girls are like that - I like being the one that's texted last in an sms conversation!
    I think it really depends on the type of texts and the type of friendship you have with that person.

    I can understand getting annoyed if you're trying to make plans with someone for in a few hours times and you don't hear from them for a while and as a result you're left unsure about when you need to leave or something but if the convo is along the lines of

    What are you up to?
    Not much, just dinner you?
    Mmm same, what are you having?

    And then there's no more responses.... get over it! haha

    this is one thing a love about texting you Claire! hahaha you always end it with something and I never reply back haha!
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    So many females are irritating like that. Makes me mad cuz I'm the exact opposite. People tend to get upset with me when I don't text back, sometimes even for a couple days. I don't always have time to deal with stuff because of a very busy schedule and extremely stressful job. And females who do act like that give the rest of us a bad name!!!
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Yea but its more to the point I cant be bothered typing a text.... my fat fingers struggle and it takes me time to write a simple text if I am not paying enough attention...

    I hear ya, I hate texting and only reply if someone asks me a question that needs answering. Same the other way, if I ask someone a question I expect a reply at some point (same day probably, if it's important). If it's just a random text like 'I'm having a nice dinner' (yep, people actually bother to send that) then I'll not reply. My friends all know I hate texting so they know I'm not being rude..... at least I hope so.

    I think people expect others to be the same way as them when it come to replies. People who text all the time can't understand why someone wouldn't reply straight away, people who don't like to text can't understand why someone would get so hung up on not getting an immediate reply.
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    You should be able to activate a setting on your phone that can auto-reply a text back to any text you get.. Like it'll automatically say, "Busy, text ya later!" Or something to that effect. They got an app for that? heh.
  • amycool
    amycool Posts: 57 Member
    Yes like others have said this is a problem with people of both sexes. There is a reason though, you might think these people are just friends or just casual or whatever but in their minds they have created something more than that, it's possible it's more common with girls but it's happened to me a fair few times with men. Sometimes it isn't even a case of not being clear enough with people, you could probably sit down and tell these girls that you are just friends with them and you don't text your guy friends everyday and you don't enjoy it when they get worked up about you not replying but they've already created something in their heads and this wouldn't even help. From my experience I just had to stop trying to be friends with them and make different friends.
  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
    stop being friends with cling ons lol
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I rarely text, but when I do the least I expect is an answer...

    If the guy/girl is to busy, a ´hey ill text you later ´ will do the trick!
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    No, not all girls are like this but many of them seem to be. The quickness of your response is translated on their "He Loves Me" barometer and you either pass or fail.

    I text like a man - to pass on short, necessary information - like, "I'll meet you at X at Y-o'clock" or "I'm going to be late, see you at X-o'clock".

    I can understand your frustration... its the curse of the immediate gratification generation. I remember when all this was fields.... :huh: :bigsmile:
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Oh... there are lots of ladies who are agreeing. I particularly agree with PSIREN's post - manic texters don't understand the reluctant texters and vice versa... :noway:
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
  • These girls need to stop jumping to conclusions and get over themselves. Some people have other things to do and don't want to spend the entire day glued to their phone texting everyone.
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    It really depends... if I casually text someone, its fine if he/she doesn't respond. However if I text someone asking a "serious" question, I do expect a response. If not by the end of the day, then by the very next day.

    Well, an example will b the situation I'm having now. Friend & me are registering for a 5km run, early bird registration ends May 6. I've done my part of the registration, made payment & it'll only b finalised after she logons to the website to enter her details. I'm going on vacation this Sat & wouldn't b home till May 4 - their customer svc doesn't operate on weekends. Since the day I registered, 2 days ago, I've texted her asking her to register. A day after, I texted a reminder. And today, I asked whether she's done her part. No response. At all. And yes, she knows I'm going away tomorrow, and that I want this to be settled b4 I go.

    Why didn't I just call her? Let's just say she's terrible at answering her cell & she doesn't return calls. :explode:

    Editied to add: I've sent her texts both via SMS & whatsapp. Whatsapp registers a person's "last seen online" time, so I'm pretty sure she got my message.