I feel like screaming



  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    The reason there is so much conflicting information is because everyone's body chemistry is different.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    just eat clean and exercise and it will come off. limit processed foods and sugar!!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I totally hear you. I'm actually taking a break from all the informational posts (or at least not taking them all so seriously) because I was feeling the same way...totally overwhelmed and not sure what numbers to believe. I honestly think in this case that there is such a thing as over-thinking it, so I'm just going to do what I've been doing...exercising, eating healthy, staying within calorie goal. But I'm not going to stress over my BMR and TDEE, if I should or should not eat back my calories, etc. People lose weight all the time by just exercise and eating healthy, so I'm going to give that a go for now and not obsess over the rest.
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    I'm in a horrible mood today for some reason, so please excuse my attitude. I'm just so frustrated with all the information flying around about what people should and should not eat. I can't believe it's this freaking complicated. I try to read the posts and see what I might be doing wrong. Instead, I end up feeling overwhelmed like my head is spinning and is going to explode. It just seems like there is too much conflicting information. Eat back your exercise calories/don't eat them back. I have no idea what TDEE or BMR means. I just want to eat healthy and exercise and lose weight. I know everyone's body is different and I know that I have to figure out what works for me, but that seems like it could take forever. I have been working out consistently (at least 6 days a week) for about 2 weeks now and I'm gaining weight. Last year I lost over 20lbs doing the same thing and have gained about 10 of it back. I'm trying to get back on track now, but I'm having a hard time staying motivated.

    I'm sorry this sounds so whiney. I'm just really irritated today. :grumble:

    I think the most important thing you can do is purchase a digital food scale and start measuring things. Make sure those portions are what you think you are. Looking at your diary... you otherwise look pretty darn good. Working out as much as you are will cause your weight to go up or sometimes stay the same. It takes a couple of months for the body to adapt to new exercise. This leads to the second most important thing you can get.... a tape measure. Ignore the scale... start measuring your waist.

    Most important... just keep it up... it takes time...
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Weight loss is really not complicated. When you have a lot of weight to lose, fat comes off when you consume fewer calories even if you don't exercise or think about the nutritional content of what you're eating.

    People nitpick over macronutrients when they aren't significantly overweight but they want to change their body composition, because at that point it does become more complicated about how the body processes nutrients, builds muscle efficiently, etc.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Took a quick look at your diary and have a few suggestions:

    1) Saw you didn't log your food last weekend - not sure if this is a regular thing for you but try to keep track, even if you have to write it down on paper and then log everything Monday morning. Better to know your complete history than have no clue how your weekend eating/drinking/activity effects you overall. If you're like most of us, you tend to indulge a little due to dining out or social events and if you let that get out of control, it can derail all the hard work you did Mon-Fri.

    2) You're not tracking your water - make sure your drinking at least 8 cups per day, more on the days you're active. You did have a couple of high sodium days and have increased your activity so it's very likely that the trouble you're having is partially from water retention based on these two things (and possibly TOM - time of month - as well).

    3) I'm sure you're right about it being easier to lose while you're breast feeding. I've heard my friends say that they experienced the same thing.

    4) Saw your post about knowing why to eat exercise calories back now. Glad to hear it because I was going to suggest that you should eat back at least half of them. Gotta fuel the machine!

    Good luck!
  • steph0924
    steph0924 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in a horrible mood today for some reason, so please excuse my attitude. I'm just so frustrated with all the information flying around about what people should and should not eat. I can't believe it's this freaking complicated. I try to read the posts and see what I might be doing wrong. Instead, I end up feeling overwhelmed like my head is spinning and is going to explode. It just seems like there is too much conflicting information. Eat back your exercise calories/don't eat them back. I have no idea what TDEE or BMR means. I just want to eat healthy and exercise and lose weight. I know everyone's body is different and I know that I have to figure out what works for me, but that seems like it could take forever. I have been working out consistently (at least 6 days a week) for about 2 weeks now and I'm gaining weight. Last year I lost over 20lbs doing the same thing and have gained about 10 of it back. I'm trying to get back on track now, but I'm having a hard time staying motivated.

    I'm sorry this sounds so whiney. I'm just really irritated today. :grumble:

    You totally just wrote out what I am feeling too! I hate it when you know something has worked in the past and it is not working now. Early last year I lost 17 pounds and I would say it was relatively easy. Well, I gained six of those pounds back after getting really busy at work and holiday rush and now I am having the hardest time getting rid of those six pounds. They just don't want to budge!!! And those 6 pounds get me from a size 12 to a size 10 and from my flab hanging over my pants :) I totally get your frustration. We just need to keep pushing though. I'm not gonna give up. Also, your pic of your two boys is just precious. My girls are 5 and 9 and I miss when they were that little.
  • qtpieprnsz
    qtpieprnsz Posts: 21 Member
    My suggestion was going to be to hire a trainer if you could afford it. i wouldn't have reached the point I am today without mine. He's awesome!!! And good looking, so it helps to get me in the gym!!! LOL

    Keep the faith and stay strong!!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    According to your ticker, it looks like you're about halfway through ... be patient. I had about 60 pounds to lose and I lost the first 30 pretty quickly (like 3 months) and in the past 3 months, I've only lost about 5.

    Stay consistent, eat well, eat in moderation, continue to exercise, and DRINK WATER!

    When I felt like you do now, I hid my scale. For an entire month. I spent my time focusing on making good choices for my body without worrying about a number, that truthfully does not tell the whole picture. It helped me so much and here I am, still going even though I'm frequently frustrated (ask anyone on my FL!!).

    It can be trying, but this is where you get to make a decision to continue. You can do this!!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    double post
  • iuali81
    iuali81 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks to all who replied! I do drink my water every day 26 oz at a time, but just usually forget to log it. I just added Sodium to my dairy today, and I am a little shocked to see how often I'm going over it. I really need to work on that. I think the idea of hiding my scale for a while is a good one. I let the # get to me too often.
    I also agree about needing a scale to weigh my food and a HRM to be more accurate about the calories I'm burning. Well, at least on my runs, I have read that they don't really work for strength training. Looks like I have some purchases to make this weekend!

    I really appreciate the suggestions on my meals too!