PCOS - Have you ever said "I would never get that big!"?



  • fcbryant75
    fcbryant75 Posts: 17 Member
    I have been struggling with PCOS for several years. Despite an initial weight loss on Metformin (mostly due to nasty side effects), I was never able to successfully lose more than a couple of pounds at a time on a traditional calorie counting diet. Also, the side effects of the Metformin kept getting worse and worse but I was afraid of what would happen if I stopped taking it so I continued on. In January, I started what is basically a Paleo diet (no grains, no sugar, no processed foods, but I have "cheat" meals sometimes) and it has worked wonders for me! I've lost 42 pounds in about 3 1/2 months, I feel better than I have in years, and the nasty side effects of the Metformin have all but disappeared! As an added bonus, my TOM has been much more manageable and way less painful. The immediate benefits I've experienced have been really motivating and have made the transition a lot easier. My doctor thinks I should be able to conceive normally now. From my experience and that of other women with PCOS I have talked to, limiting carbs one way or another really helps with PCOS, especially if the "traditional" way isn't working.
    JTHRONES Posts: 75
    No one has even spoken to me about any medication options besides the birth control pills and they advised I "eat healthier and exercise" to control my weight.... um.... thats what IHAVE BEEN DOING!!!! Idiots.... ANY ADVICE??

    Ask your Doc about Metaformin. It's very helpful in controlling PCOS. also, i lost 12 lbs on that before my wedding.
    It's not a great prescription for everyone, but it's helpful for some.

    Good point about it not being for everyone. I've been Type 2 diabetic since I was 15 and it worked great for me for 3 years and then I started getting really sick on it.
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    For those of you with PCOS that have lost weight, do any of your symptoms improve or disappear? If so which ones?
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I dont have the diagnosis of PCOS since my periods are "normal" but I can say I have every symptom :(

    To be honest PCOS is very misunderstood by the medical community, my doctor touched on it and suggested that since my periods were "normal" that thats not what I have. Well I did about 20 hours of research and I came up with a different opinion!

    My OB was not helpful at all, she suggested try a low carb diet see how it works call me in 3 months... I was fed up with this crap and decided to do my own research since no doctors (yes many) has been able to give me any answers for the last 7 years why I gain weight!
    Why do i work out 5 days a week and not lose weight?
    Why are the other women Im working out with down 25 pounds and I havent lost crap?
    Im counting calories and I am not losing weight!

    The list of questions was getting longer and longer... and no one had any answers for me!
    - Id like to say that my exp with professionals, doctors, trainers, and the like has been horrible. I have been told to my face that I am a liar about my food intake and that I have to be not documenty ALL of my food. This was not true, I was doing exactly what the doctors/professionals told me to do and NOTHING HAPPEN!

    Fast forward about 2 months ago. I read that Insulin resistance is a huge part of PCOS and they almost always go together. It was like a ligh bulb went off in my head. I started by "cutting" my carb intake to > 40g a day since I had no real idea what exactly I was doing. After about a a month I realized I was feeling "a tad better" I dropped the number to >30g a day and "felt even more better" Currently I am at >20 g of carbs a day and feeling FANTASTIC. My depression is gone, my mood swings are gone, and Im not feeling like general crap every moment of my waking day. I also found out that eating anything with sugar spikes my insulin out of control (causing sugar crashes, mood swings, and depression!) Yes, even an simple apple > Fruit < can spike my insulin out of control :(

    I am not saying "low carb" is right for you or not. The symptoms of PCOS is so vastly different from person to person that its almost impossible to give a "formula" that works for everyone. I want to just offer encouragement to those who feel or felt the same way I do. You know who you are, you arent the ones sneaking food or eating cakes. The ones who are "doing it right" and right isnt working for you. I encourage you to continue and not give up there is hope im down 25 pounds now and am alot more learned :)
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you :)
    Its a shame it took this many years for someone to figure out what was going on. When I was 16 I told my dr I had not yet had regular periods every month, and I started when I was 12. They put me on bc and said that would fix the issue. Now I wonder if this was the problem all along. Even this time around I had to "suggest" the dr test me for it based on what I have heard about the symptoms and what I have been experiencing. And I was left a MESSAGE on my VM that my blood tests confirmed it and they mailed me a pamphelet which told me nothing but try to lose weight and take bc pills. I feel like they should have said "yor results are in call and we will discuss" instead of "your results came back and confirmed you have PCOS, we are mailing tou a pamphelet". Not happy about the way this is being handled. I guess I will be asking a lot of questions at my follow up appt.
    No one has even spoken to me about any medication options besides the birth control pills and they advised I "eat healthier and exercise" to control my weight.... um.... thats what IHAVE BEEN DOING!!!! Idiots.... ANY ADVICE??

    Ask your Doc about Metaformin. It's very helpful in controlling PCOS. also, i lost 12 lbs on that before my wedding.
    It's not a great prescription for everyone, but it's helpful for some.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Hi everyone, we have a group on MFP! It's called PCOSers unite! I am still too much of a newbie to figure out how to post the link but you can go to groups and search. Everyone in the group has been wonderful for discussing PCOS issues.
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    Are you counting carbs from fruits/veggies in that? I'm just starting the lower carb thing and I cut out pasta, bread, rice etc but I am still seeing carbs from fruits and veggies adding up....
    I dont have the diagnosis of PCOS since my periods are "normal" but I can say I have every symptom :(

    To be honest PCOS is very misunderstood by the medical community, my doctor touched on it and suggested that since my periods were "normal" that thats not what I have. Well I did about 20 hours of research and I came up with a different opinion!

    My OB was not helpful at all, she suggested try a low carb diet see how it works call me in 3 months... I was fed up with this crap and decided to do my own research since no doctors (yes many) has been able to give me any answers for the last 7 years why I gain weight!
    Why do i work out 5 days a week and not lose weight?
    Why are the other women Im working out with down 25 pounds and I havent lost crap?
    Im counting calories and I am not losing weight!

    The list of questions was getting longer and longer... and no one had any answers for me!
    - Id like to say that my exp with professionals, doctors, trainers, and the like has been horrible. I have been told to my face that I am a liar about my food intake and that I have to be not documenty ALL of my food. This was not true, I was doing exactly what the doctors/professionals told me to do and NOTHING HAPPEN!

    Fast forward about 2 months ago. I read that Insulin resistance is a huge part of PCOS and they almost always go together. It was like a ligh bulb went off in my head. I started by "cutting" my carb intake to > 40g a day since I had no real idea what exactly I was doing. After about a a month I realized I was feeling "a tad better" I dropped the number to >30g a day and "felt even more better" Currently I am at >20 g of carbs a day and feeling FANTASTIC. My depression is gone, my mood swings are gone, and Im not feeling like general crap every moment of my waking day. I also found out that eating anything with sugar spikes my insulin out of control (causing sugar crashes, mood swings, and depression!) Yes, even an simple apple > Fruit < can spike my insulin out of control :(

    I am not saying "low carb" is right for you or not. The symptoms of PCOS is so vastly different from person to person that its almost impossible to give a "formula" that works for everyone. I want to just offer encouragement to those who feel or felt the same way I do. You know who you are, you arent the ones sneaking food or eating cakes. The ones who are "doing it right" and right isnt working for you. I encourage you to continue and not give up there is hope im down 25 pounds now and am alot more learned :)
  • My doctor will not give me any medications for PCOS to help with my weight loss, which is soooo frustrating! I can't even look at myself in the mirror without being disgusted- and then my husband tries to tell me I look beautiful and I look at him and say are you crazy!!! I just want to to feel beautiful- like he sees me! I have taken chromium- but wondering how many mgs I should be taking each day- and do the cinnamon ones work better then just plain chromium?
  • cookierinthia
    cookierinthia Posts: 72 Member
    Has anyone heard of Clear Passage? They may be able to help with PCOS; www.clearpassage.com. Also, get Eat Right 4 Your Type by Dr. Peter D'Adamo. You can get it from Amazon for little to nothing. My heart goes out to you sufferers. I didn't have that medical condition, but I had my share of female reproductive issues and had a LAVH last June and emergency surgery last December. Feel free to add me for encouragement.
  • pitbulllover
    pitbulllover Posts: 98 Member
    I'm on a low carb diet too, but not quite as low as celebrity. My nutritionist has me limited to 1 piece of fruit a day (no bananas), and 1 cup of brown rice a day (split up into 2 meals, 1/2 cup each time). But I'm also allowed beans and legumes and raw nuts (within reason, although he hasn't set an exact limit).

    I'm also not allowed dairy, sugar, fake sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and no starches/grains except the brown rice (or I can substitute quinao).

    It's touch because I've always been vegetarian lol... not a lot left for me to eat. I've been toying with the idea of trying to eat meat again but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to do it.
    Are you counting carbs from fruits/veggies in that? I'm just starting the lower carb thing and I cut out pasta, bread, rice etc but I am still seeing carbs from fruits and veggies adding up....
    I dont have the diagnosis of PCOS since my periods are "normal" but I can say I have every symptom :(

    To be honest PCOS is very misunderstood by the medical community, my doctor touched on it and suggested that since my periods were "normal" that thats not what I have. Well I did about 20 hours of research and I came up with a different opinion!

    My OB was not helpful at all, she suggested try a low carb diet see how it works call me in 3 months... I was fed up with this crap and decided to do my own research since no doctors (yes many) has been able to give me any answers for the last 7 years why I gain weight!
    Why do i work out 5 days a week and not lose weight?
    Why are the other women Im working out with down 25 pounds and I havent lost crap?
    Im counting calories and I am not losing weight!

    The list of questions was getting longer and longer... and no one had any answers for me!
    - Id like to say that my exp with professionals, doctors, trainers, and the like has been horrible. I have been told to my face that I am a liar about my food intake and that I have to be not documenty ALL of my food. This was not true, I was doing exactly what the doctors/professionals told me to do and NOTHING HAPPEN!

    Fast forward about 2 months ago. I read that Insulin resistance is a huge part of PCOS and they almost always go together. It was like a ligh bulb went off in my head. I started by "cutting" my carb intake to > 40g a day since I had no real idea what exactly I was doing. After about a a month I realized I was feeling "a tad better" I dropped the number to >30g a day and "felt even more better" Currently I am at >20 g of carbs a day and feeling FANTASTIC. My depression is gone, my mood swings are gone, and Im not feeling like general crap every moment of my waking day. I also found out that eating anything with sugar spikes my insulin out of control (causing sugar crashes, mood swings, and depression!) Yes, even an simple apple > Fruit < can spike my insulin out of control :(

    I am not saying "low carb" is right for you or not. The symptoms of PCOS is so vastly different from person to person that its almost impossible to give a "formula" that works for everyone. I want to just offer encouragement to those who feel or felt the same way I do. You know who you are, you arent the ones sneaking food or eating cakes. The ones who are "doing it right" and right isnt working for you. I encourage you to continue and not give up there is hope im down 25 pounds now and am alot more learned :)
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    I went vegetarian when I was 16 (16 years ago!) and 4 years ago began eating some fish here and there... Maybe I will try what you are doing. The caffeine thing and the fake sugar thing is going to be tough because I LOVE coffee.. and I put splenda in a lot even though I have heard all the negative things about it... lol. The only dairy I eat is yogurt and cheese, but that would be tough because I like both...
    I'm on a low carb diet too, but not quite as low as celebrity. My nutritionist has me limited to 1 piece of fruit a day (no bananas), and 1 cup of brown rice a day (split up into 2 meals, 1/2 cup each time). But I'm also allowed beans and legumes and raw nuts (within reason, although he hasn't set an exact limit).

    I'm also not allowed dairy, sugar, fake sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and no starches/grains except the brown rice (or I can substitute quinao).

    It's touch because I've always been vegetarian lol... not a lot left for me to eat. I've been toying with the idea of trying to eat meat again but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to do it.
    Are you counting carbs from fruits/veggies in that? I'm just starting the lower carb thing and I cut out pasta, bread, rice etc but I am still seeing carbs from fruits and veggies adding up....
    I dont have the diagnosis of PCOS since my periods are "normal" but I can say I have every symptom :(

    To be honest PCOS is very misunderstood by the medical community, my doctor touched on it and suggested that since my periods were "normal" that thats not what I have. Well I did about 20 hours of research and I came up with a different opinion!

    My OB was not helpful at all, she suggested try a low carb diet see how it works call me in 3 months... I was fed up with this crap and decided to do my own research since no doctors (yes many) has been able to give me any answers for the last 7 years why I gain weight!
    Why do i work out 5 days a week and not lose weight?
    Why are the other women Im working out with down 25 pounds and I havent lost crap?
    Im counting calories and I am not losing weight!

    The list of questions was getting longer and longer... and no one had any answers for me!
    - Id like to say that my exp with professionals, doctors, trainers, and the like has been horrible. I have been told to my face that I am a liar about my food intake and that I have to be not documenty ALL of my food. This was not true, I was doing exactly what the doctors/professionals told me to do and NOTHING HAPPEN!

    Fast forward about 2 months ago. I read that Insulin resistance is a huge part of PCOS and they almost always go together. It was like a ligh bulb went off in my head. I started by "cutting" my carb intake to > 40g a day since I had no real idea what exactly I was doing. After about a a month I realized I was feeling "a tad better" I dropped the number to >30g a day and "felt even more better" Currently I am at >20 g of carbs a day and feeling FANTASTIC. My depression is gone, my mood swings are gone, and Im not feeling like general crap every moment of my waking day. I also found out that eating anything with sugar spikes my insulin out of control (causing sugar crashes, mood swings, and depression!) Yes, even an simple apple > Fruit < can spike my insulin out of control :(

    I am not saying "low carb" is right for you or not. The symptoms of PCOS is so vastly different from person to person that its almost impossible to give a "formula" that works for everyone. I want to just offer encouragement to those who feel or felt the same way I do. You know who you are, you arent the ones sneaking food or eating cakes. The ones who are "doing it right" and right isnt working for you. I encourage you to continue and not give up there is hope im down 25 pounds now and am alot more learned :)
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I eat "lowish" carb because of the insulin issues that come with PCOS. I avoid sugar, bread, rice, pasta, cereal (other than oatmeal), and potatoes. I'll eat fruit, but tend to limit the really sugary ones like bananas and pineapple, though once in a while I'll eat those too. I don't fret over exact numbers of carbs a day, but by cutting those things I mentioned out, my number stays sort of low (less than 100g).
  • pitbulllover
    pitbulllover Posts: 98 Member
    The reason he has my diet so restrictive is because he thinks I have food allergies/sensitives (gluten most likely). I'll have things added back to my diet one at a time, to see if they trigger me feeling sick/sluggish/tired. But right now I feel great. I think next month I'll be allowed to start experimenting with dairy though and maybe oats. But I'll probably always have to watch my carbs because of the insulin resistance.

    Have you tried stevia? (Truvia is one of the brands). It's an all natural sweetener that I'm allowed, but since I can't have anything to put it on I haven't had much of it lol.

    I went vegetarian when I was 16 (16 years ago!) and 4 years ago began eating some fish here and there... Maybe I will try what you are doing. The caffeine thing and the fake sugar thing is going to be tough because I LOVE coffee.. and I put splenda in a lot even though I have heard all the negative things about it... lol. The only dairy I eat is yogurt and cheese, but that would be tough because I like both...
    I'm on a low carb diet too, but not quite as low as celebrity. My nutritionist has me limited to 1 piece of fruit a day (no bananas), and 1 cup of brown rice a day (split up into 2 meals, 1/2 cup each time). But I'm also allowed beans and legumes and raw nuts (within reason, although he hasn't set an exact limit).

    I'm also not allowed dairy, sugar, fake sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and no starches/grains except the brown rice (or I can substitute quinao).

    It's touch because I've always been vegetarian lol... not a lot left for me to eat. I've been toying with the idea of trying to eat meat again but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to do it.
    Are you counting carbs from fruits/veggies in that? I'm just starting the lower carb thing and I cut out pasta, bread, rice etc but I am still seeing carbs from fruits and veggies adding up....
    I dont have the diagnosis of PCOS since my periods are "normal" but I can say I have every symptom :(

    To be honest PCOS is very misunderstood by the medical community, my doctor touched on it and suggested that since my periods were "normal" that thats not what I have. Well I did about 20 hours of research and I came up with a different opinion!

    My OB was not helpful at all, she suggested try a low carb diet see how it works call me in 3 months... I was fed up with this crap and decided to do my own research since no doctors (yes many) has been able to give me any answers for the last 7 years why I gain weight!
    Why do i work out 5 days a week and not lose weight?
    Why are the other women Im working out with down 25 pounds and I havent lost crap?
    Im counting calories and I am not losing weight!

    The list of questions was getting longer and longer... and no one had any answers for me!
    - Id like to say that my exp with professionals, doctors, trainers, and the like has been horrible. I have been told to my face that I am a liar about my food intake and that I have to be not documenty ALL of my food. This was not true, I was doing exactly what the doctors/professionals told me to do and NOTHING HAPPEN!

    Fast forward about 2 months ago. I read that Insulin resistance is a huge part of PCOS and they almost always go together. It was like a ligh bulb went off in my head. I started by "cutting" my carb intake to > 40g a day since I had no real idea what exactly I was doing. After about a a month I realized I was feeling "a tad better" I dropped the number to >30g a day and "felt even more better" Currently I am at >20 g of carbs a day and feeling FANTASTIC. My depression is gone, my mood swings are gone, and Im not feeling like general crap every moment of my waking day. I also found out that eating anything with sugar spikes my insulin out of control (causing sugar crashes, mood swings, and depression!) Yes, even an simple apple > Fruit < can spike my insulin out of control :(

    I am not saying "low carb" is right for you or not. The symptoms of PCOS is so vastly different from person to person that its almost impossible to give a "formula" that works for everyone. I want to just offer encouragement to those who feel or felt the same way I do. You know who you are, you arent the ones sneaking food or eating cakes. The ones who are "doing it right" and right isnt working for you. I encourage you to continue and not give up there is hope im down 25 pounds now and am alot more learned :)
  • I almost started crying. It is incredible. I felt so alone because no one knows what we go through to lose weight. It is not a crutch, it actually is just incredibly difficult to lose weight. I just want to thank you all for the replies.

    And for someone who asked, I am on metformin. Even with the god awful first week of symptoms, I haven't lost a thing. :( Waiting on a BC prescription.

    Thank you again for sharing the love and information, it is possible! :)
  • =
  • i feel so lonely like you did. eddspecially being a teengaer i was known as the fatgirl but that was nothing to the physical abuse especialy when others would run after me with their dog and make me run even though they knew i couldnt breathe cus of my asthma. and it is true noone knows how we feel
  • I have ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and a couple of other issues! Weight gain comes easy, but the weight loss is slow for me. Don't get discouraged though. Two years ago I lost 50 pounds (I gained half of it back when I started eating whatever I wanted), and now I am working on losing again. It's not impossible! And it looks like from all of the comments you will have a TON of support!!
  • ChinaDollTKP
    ChinaDollTKP Posts: 12 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. I couldn't understand why I ballooned to almost 300#s (and am only 5'3) then my doctor told me It was PCOS. I completely understand the frustration.

    I will be very honest and say that I struggled to lose weight just through reducing calories and exercise. I would lose soooo slooooowwlly and it was difficult for me to keep my motivation. When I tried the low carb/low fat approach the weight came off at a more normal speed.

    I know its not for everyone, and there seems to be a lot of controversy on the boards about it...but going to a medically supervised weight loss program that focused on Low Cal/Low Carb/Low Fat eating has been the only thing that helped me. My PCOS also improved as I lost the weight.

    Feel free to add me, always looking for friends to motivate and support each other.
  • slightner
    slightner Posts: 61 Member
    I also suffer from PCOS. Its frustrating. I take metformin to try to help my weight loss, and when I showed my doctor my calorie intake and exercise and that i wasnt losing anymore, she put me on Adipex for 2 months to try to boost my metabolism. This is my 2nd week of it and I lost 3 lbs the first week and 1.5 this week. I'll take that! Im wondering if I tried the cinnamon chromium if ti would help too, since the Adipex cant be used long term.

    If you are trying to get pregnant, losing weight will help. I lost 35 pounds right before I got pregnant with my 1st and got pregnant with my 2nd when the 1st was 9 months old :) After 3+years of trying and using Clomid. So be hopeful!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    Yes! I said I would never reach 200 and then I did. My doctor put me on metformin and I lost some weight but then went back to 200. Then I had my son, lost weight while I was pregnant, went off of metformin after I gave birth and then got up to 220 lbs. I went back on and got back down to 200. During all of the flucuation I never watched what I ate and never excercised though so now that I am the weight is coming off. I read a study someone here posted that said that women with PCOS and Insulin resistance have a BMR of 1118 where as a normal healthy womans was about 1500. I reduced my cal intake to 1200 and saw results but then stopped losing until Istarted eating my excercise calories on top of that. The weight is coming off again. But on a day that I don't excercise I will keep my intake at 1200. Losing weight is a complicated science and even more complicated for women with PCOS but it doens't mean it's impossible. You just have to be patient and take the time to pre plan meals and get your excercise in.