Below 1000 calories



  • I'll add y'a and take a look
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    you should talk to your doctor and probably a nutritionist. I have (for totally different reasons) but it helped a lot. We are trying to learn healthy eating habits that we can maintain for a lifetime.
  • SkyMusic
    SkyMusic Posts: 43
    Starvation mode is such an overused term. If you eat 900 cals, your body is not going to go into starvation mode. It probably won't even if you eat 500, unless you do it consistently for weeks.

    If you feel absolutely stuffed, don't eat. Eat when you're hungry and eat healthy when you do. Also eat healthy fats like nuts, beans, eggs, etc. :)

    I, too, never really reach my 1000 - but I always feel full. I trust my body to tell me what I need.

    I wish this website would block people who are unhealthy from giving others advice. Sure, you ate healthy things, but eating an apple, a sweet potato, and 1/2 cup of cereal ALL day is NOT healthy. Period. I hate to call people liars, but if you are up for more than 6 hours on a day like that, and doing nothing, you are hungry. All day. Stop giving people negative encouragement.

    What I do with my life has nothing to do with the advice I give to others. My personal issues as far as recovering from an eating disorder do not prevent me for giving perfectly adequate advice. And I believe I would know if I were hungry.

    If someone is trying to lose weight, eating 800 calories occasionally is not going to hurt her. Obviously making a habit out of it will hurt her in the long run, but listening to your body is important. Your body will adjust to your eating habits.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Starvation mode is such an overused term. If you eat 900 cals, your body is not going to go into starvation mode. It probably won't even if you eat 500, unless you do it consistently for weeks.

    If you feel absolutely stuffed, don't eat. Eat when you're hungry and eat healthy when you do. Also eat healthy fats like nuts, beans, eggs, etc. :)

    I, too, never really reach my 1000 - but I always feel full. I trust my body to tell me what I need.

    Really? You trust your body to tell you? Is that how you ended up on MFP? You're the one who thinks 1/8 cup of cereal an apple, a couple of bites of broccoli and a little baked yam constitutes three meals. Please don't give anyone else advice. You have no idea what you're talking about. You don't eat enough to sustain your organs or provide fuel for your body. Do some research please!
  • bugsy2011
    bugsy2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, take a look at your diet and reflect upon what you are eating and the nutrients you are putting into your body. Just as an FYI: one of my best friends in the world was put on a diet to eat at least 800 calories a day when she was trying to rebuild her strength, esteem, and body from a battle with anorexia. You are eating as much as she was one she was trying to recover from a life-threatening disease. Just think about that.
  • bigd65
    bigd65 Posts: 171 Member
    Starvation mode is such an overused term. If you eat 900 cals, your body is not going to go into starvation mode. It probably won't even if you eat 500, unless you do it consistently for weeks.

    If you feel absolutely stuffed, don't eat. Eat when you're hungry and eat healthy when you do. Also eat healthy fats like nuts, beans, eggs, etc. :)

    I, too, never really reach my 1000 - but I always feel full. I trust my body to tell me what I need.

    Advice from an 18 year old who has just started, Nice advice! Pick your friends wisely that will help you more than what this misinformed person is telling you
    her diary totals 260 exercise calories earned 292 (260-292= -32) and you friended her?
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    i read your diet diary, i think you did really well for dinner, i would add more veggies though like 70-100 grams of carrots is good or any other veggie. I usually eat 100-150 calories of meat depending the kind so your meat is good. But your breakfast and lunch is really really lacking nutrients.... i would work on eating some cereal (oatmeal) and fruit for breakfast. about 1 cup at the very least and a banana or berries. For lunch if you want to be healthy but want something filling i would make a nice big salad with chicken it it or almonds. If you don't want to snack during the day then don't but you need to make those 3 meals a decent size, i would try to eat at least 400 calories each meal... or do 200 for breakfast and then a snack before lunch like an apple or something. you need to eat more.. specially with exercising... if you are exercising that is just more calories you are burning which you SHOULD try and eat back... after you work out you should be hungry. Its important to eat those calories because then your body is just feeding off of muscle and not fat.
  • SkyMusic
    SkyMusic Posts: 43
    Starvation mode is such an overused term. If you eat 900 cals, your body is not going to go into starvation mode. It probably won't even if you eat 500, unless you do it consistently for weeks.

    If you feel absolutely stuffed, don't eat. Eat when you're hungry and eat healthy when you do. Also eat healthy fats like nuts, beans, eggs, etc. :)

    I, too, never really reach my 1000 - but I always feel full. I trust my body to tell me what I need.

    Advice from an 18 year old who has just started, Nice advice! Pick your friends wisely that will help you more than what this misinformed person is telling you
    her diary totals 260 exercise calories earned 292 (260-292= -32) and you friended her?

    I'm not done for the day yet, calm down. I'm here to support people, too, just like everyone else. I don't understand why people who eat 3000 calories when their goal is 1200 are not insulted, if I am. I go under cals, they go over cals. No one would call an overweight person who consistently eats over their cal goal fat or obese, so how is it okay to call me anorexic?

    If any of us were perfectly healthy, none of us would be here. I'm still learning, too, and I apologize if giving you advice from my own experiences was unhelpful or offensive. And if you want to unfriend me, I understand.
  • Hey guys! I made my food diary public and you can go in and take a look! I am now cooking chinese cabbage with tofu soup, with a pinch of salt and 3-4 drips of oil~ going to eat it with spinach noodles and a hard boiled egg! take a look in my diary and add in any more suggestion you see fit for me!! Thank you!!

    Please don't judge SkyMusic...It's hard for her to adjust to normal calorifie consumption already, let her go step by step... she will recover as time goes on...
  • You are behaving extremely unhealthy. Please read this thread!!!!!!
  • You are behaving extremely unhealthy. Please read this thread!!!!!!

    Thank you for sharing this link with me! I has been an utmost help from you!!
  • ahubbard134
    ahubbard134 Posts: 61 Member
    I agree that more calories and more small meals would be a good idea. You also just started a few days ago. Try to raise calories bit by bit and see if that is working in 2 or 3 weeks. If you just started exercise, don't weigh yourself! You might have some extra water weight, and that can be discouraging.

    How tall are you? What is your BMR? You can find out under the Tools tab. BMR is how many calories you would use if you did nothing all day. If you eat less than that, your body isn't getting enough nutrition. Aim to eat your BMR as a first goal.
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    to skymusic:

    It does, it really really does prevent you from giving sound advice. One should never ever ever eat less calories all day than they burn in an hour of working out. You are modeling bad behaviour which doesn't mirror your advice, and regardless of the reason, it makes your advice flawed. Good luck to you though.

    To soon_chaos. If you like your shakes, I would suggest going down to one shake and having a big morning or mid day meal. This might help. There are tons of great feeds on here about eating 1200++ calories a day and losing. Look up eating BMR etc. Good luck!
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Skymusic, add me if you'd like. I too would rather eat under my calorie goal then over it.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Soon-Chaos you should not be drinking diet pepsi. If you are thirsty have water, tea or fruit juice.
    I don't know how you can only have one gram of rice. perhaps you should check your measurements, you may be eating better than you think.
    dahl is also a good idea, lots of nutrition and reasonable calories. roti are not too filling and can be eaten with most meals
  • amksmk
    amksmk Posts: 40
    This site if full of crazy people !!

    apparently it's full of rude, judgemental people too...
  • ChristaFall
    ChristaFall Posts: 62 Member
    This site if full of crazy people !!

    apparently it's full of rude, judgemental people too...

  • O.K. I have the same before I get bombarded with negative comments, I have to let you all know, I am recoverING from an eating disorder. Its hard girl, but Im right here with you, my diary is crap...all healthy food, but not enough. It's hard when you have this problem to up your calories, and lord knows I am still working on it. Pay no mind to people criticizing your question, at least you asked. It is definitely worrisome, your habits, but we are here to support you, not talk down to you. Keep trying and asking questions! And I'll try right with you! Take advice from positive people, look at thier diaries maybe to get an example of what they eat. That gave me a big wake up call. (oh and dont take example from my diary, I have an eating disorder...which I WILL BEAT!!) But I'm sure you can tell who has a healthy outlook on here, surround yourself with positive people! And those who want to be strong and look great and too thin is painful and makes you a ***** and no fun(only talking from experience) I find more enjoyment in feeling strong, having energy and trying to become healthy! You can do it! And like some people said (if you still feel this way) talk to someone, or go on theres a chat for support and's valid, and harmful comments are not allowed, the administrator has to approve them before they get posted...Good Luck girl! You're beautiful!
  • I added more food into my diet and found myself super full.....=___=.... guess I need to change in a slower pace...
  • Soon-Chaos you should not be drinking diet pepsi. If you are thirsty have water, tea or fruit juice.
    I don't know how you can only have one gram of rice. perhaps you should check your measurements, you may be eating better than you think.
    dahl is also a good idea, lots of nutrition and reasonable calories. roti are not too filling and can be eaten with most meals

    Well....It so happen I am having my dinner outside and the drink was on 50% I ordered one...haha...