Help....a bit discouraged :(



  • princessruthie
    princessruthie Posts: 5 Member
    When I was at that weight (I'm also 5'2) I was on a 1500 calorie diet eating fruits and veggies with every meal/snack and working out like 3-5 times a week and the weight steadily decreased. You def need to eat more and shoot that trainer only person who could advice you on such a low cal diet is a doctor and even then he would be drawing labs and making sure u didn't work out much so you wouldn't pass out
  • ms_tris
    ms_tris Posts: 82 Member
    If you do want to eat a lower calorie amount (1000-1200) since you are not extremely tall, that is an option. That being said, it is not necessary to exercise so much with that low of a calorie intake. If you just LOVE exercise, then you should up your calories to support it. Today's diary looked great to me. Lots of fiber and healthy foods.
  • PSTreasure
    You are not eating enough!! You should get at least 1200 calories a day. You should also vary your exercise routine. Why do you need a trainer if all he is having you do is use the eliptical? I'm not an expert, but I do know that you have to work on also doing some weight training. Also, don't get so caught up in your weight changing every week. If your clothes are fitting you looser than your body is changing and that is a good thing. I have to keep reminding myself that it didn't take just a month or two for me to get this size, so it is certainly not going to come off any faster. Keep at it, but make some changes in how you are doing it.
  • ahubbard134
    ahubbard134 Posts: 61 Member
    -Water weight
    -Eat more calories (net BMR at least)
    -Keep on rockin!
  • J0ET
    J0ET Posts: 33 Member
    1. Fire your trainer & get your money back
    2. Start eating more
    3. Start lifting weights - cardio will burn muscle first if you're not taking in enough calories
    4. Read... ALOT!
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    You need to eat more for your body. It can be discouraging, but keep working at it. Eat enough to keep your body going with the workouts and just to function through the day.
  • andreaeose777
    andreaeose777 Posts: 24 Member
    You didn't truely gain two lbs. You have too much sodium in your diet and not enough fiber so your probably constipated and your body is holding onto the water. So its making it apear on the scale that you've gained. The scale will go up and down all of the time 4 lbs in a week is awesome. I will go weeks with loosing nothing and then loose 6 lbs over night. Its just how my body works. Don't look at the numbers in a week take a months look and see where u are at. I'm 5 foot 3 inches tall and weight 180, I work out about 4 times a week and on the days I workout I eat 1600 calories and on the days I don't I eat 1400 calories. My highest weight was 224 so this seems to be working for me. Its a long slow process though. But I've also done the get off weight now diet of starving myself and lost 50 lbs fast. I gained it all back in a year. Now this is my lifestyle and its so much easier to stick to it now that I found a calorie range that works. It take a while to see what works for u. Give it time and you'll figure it out. Good luck.
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    I agree, you should be eating more. Try upping your protein a little, maybe add some nonfat Greek yogurt with the fruit for your snacks. 1000 calories is just way too low, your body thinks it is in starvation mode. Good luck:)