Which one is more important.. Looks or Personality



  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Well, depends on what you want out of your relationship.

    If you want something short and sweet, with a lot of fun in the middle, definitely go for looks. They don't need to carry on intelligent conversation, or even be that nice. But they can be hot, and keep you entertained short-term, and that works.

    Long-term, personality. After the bedding is done, you've got to have something to talk about.

  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    they are both equally as important!!! A good looking girl with a bad personality to me is ugly..... but also there has to be a physical attraction there, just can't be with someone that I am not physically attracted too even if they have a good personality, have to have both!
  • martin_chicago
    martin_chicago Posts: 263 Member
    i say a little bit of both
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Quick question:
    If you went on a dating site (legit date and no crazy people hypothetically) and the personality of a person was exactly what you were looking for and liked, but no picture was provided, would you meet that person for a date?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    a personality i like as well as a mutual physical attraction
  • Aleyonce
    Aleyonce Posts: 43 Member
    So far it seems like personality won this round. Im really surprised by the men who stated personality first because most guys are physical creatures and like to show off their lady to their guy friends and whomever lol
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    I think it's gotta be a little of both too.. especially at first.

    I think what is most important in looks is that they look like they take care of themselves. If they wear decent clothes and look clean, that's good with me. I find the guys I feel are "unattractive" usually look kind of sloppy or dirty. Blehhhhh.

    I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years. I love both his looks and personality. But, I think after a certain point you do stop caring as much about looks. Even if he changed his appearance somehow I'd still keep him. =]
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh good this question.

    Which one is more important? The truth, or BS? ;) If you actually expect people to give the non socially acceptable answer... you're barking up the wrong tree.

    If personality mattered the most, sites like this wouldn't be popular and no one would be busting their *kitten* in the gym trying to lose weight if they were rewarded the same as the person who was fit and had the train of the opposite sex trailing after them. Douche bags that worshipped their image in the mirror wouldn't be sought after like gold, and toe rags that cared more about bleaching their teeth and their fake tans wouldn't be put high up on the "must have" christmas list.

    That's the truth.
  • Aleyonce
    Aleyonce Posts: 43 Member
    Quick question:
    If you went on a dating site (legit date and no crazy people hypothetically) and the personality of a person was exactly what you were looking for and liked, but no picture was provided, would you meet that person for a date?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Honestly that a hard question, I probably would be it would be alot of hesitation. Just being honest. And while everyone basically agreed that personality played a major role, so does looks. Its quite easy for us to say that but when it comes down to it.. is it really personality only?
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    I'd take an average guy with a great personality over one of those beautiful gym *kitten* anyday!!!!!!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Looks can only get you so far ... Let a gorgeous person open their mouth and sound like a moron and see how long it takes before one realizes you will go a lot further in life with a good personality and a lot of knowledge.

    I've never been one to be attracted to someone based on looks alone ... Although, my lovely boyfriend definitely lights my fire ... His looks alone did not win my heart ... Him being a total sweetheart and passionate lover made me fall head over heels !
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Dating sites are a great litmus test to this question. Guess which group of people have the hardest time finding a date?

    I'll give you a hint. they tend to have great personalities ;)
  • Aleyonce
    Aleyonce Posts: 43 Member
    Oh good this question.

    Which one is more important? The truth, or BS? ;) If you actually expect people to give the non socially acceptable answer... you're barking up the wrong tree.

    If personality mattered the most, sites like this wouldn't be popular and no one would be busting their *kitten* in the gym trying to lose weight if they were rewarded the same as the person who was fit and had the train of the opposite sex trailing after them. Douche bags that worshipped their image in the mirror wouldn't be sought after like gold, and toe rags that cared more about bleaching their teeth and their fake tans wouldn't be put high up on the "must have" christmas list.

    That's the truth.

    THANK YOU! Its true! im behind you 100 percent. I can have the best personality in the world and yet a man will still find a way to say ohhh it wont work out all because he may not be attracted to me. Its all about being honest. Everyone has differennt taste at the end of the day
  • Aleyonce
    Aleyonce Posts: 43 Member
    I'd take an average guy with a great personality over one of those beautiful gym *kitten* anyday!!!!!!

    Yes they give the most trouble!
  • soon2b_1fitmama
    i tried.. and it didn't work out.
    i just can't be with someone if I am not attracted to them.
    it has to be both.. i couldn't pick one over the other
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Looks are far more important. Personality doesn't matter. Definitely looks.


    Aha! The truth comes out about why you weren't into your guy friend that went hiking with you!!

    To me what's important is how I get along with that person and how they treat me. If they can't do that right, then neither personality or looks matter.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wise words.
    I'm going to sound shallow (and maybe I am) but looks are important. Its the first impression. However, for a long term relationship imho its the personality that seals the deal and its the personality that you fall in love for. Its personality and love that makes you grow old together.

    However, looks for me are important. Looks are the reason I will go out with you. Its basically the start.

    This probably fits me more than anything else. However...those 'looks' can mean a lot of things...and personality plays its part in them...as well as the next quote.
    If you fall in love with their eyes then they will never grow old, cause your eyes will always look the same.

    I never thought of it this way...but this is true for me more than anything else. Despite any future flaws, any future issues...if I can still see the girl I love in there...she'd have to kill me to get rid of me.
    Quick question:
    If you went on a dating site (legit date and no crazy people hypothetically) and the personality of a person was exactly what you were looking for and liked, but no picture was provided, would you meet that person for a date?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Why not? She could end up being the love of my life. But all of the above apply lol.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    I won't lie, looks are important to an extent. I do not mean handsome, I mean well kept, no missing or ugly teeth, no unclean people, no third eyes in the middle of the forehead. But I do not go by how handsome someone is. When I met my husband, I thought he was ok, then we got to know each other and I became more attracted to him month by month, because of his personality he became better and better looking to me. I did not see him the same way anymore. Now to me he is a very attractive man.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member

    Pretty can get pretty ugly real quick.

    I agree totally!
  • Aleyonce
    Aleyonce Posts: 43 Member
    I won't lie, looks are important to an extent. I do not mean handsome, I mean well kept, no missing or ugly teeth, no unclean people, no third eyes in the middle of the forehead. But I do not go by how handsome someone is. When I met my husband, I thought he was ok, then we got to know each other and I became more attracted to him month by month, because of his personality he became better and better looking to me. I did not see him the same way anymore. Now to me he is a very attractive man.

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