FUNNIEST!!...thing I've ever read!



  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I answered the phone laughing/crying and my hubs thought something was wrong!! Too funny!
  • Snubbleup
    Snubbleup Posts: 66
    The fat passes out of your body, so you may have bowel changes, known as treatment effects.

    Bowel changes. Notice how they phrase that? It means stuff will be happening the likes of which you could never have imagined. It’ll be like a daily Dean Koontz novel inside your underwear.


  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    This is great!! :laugh:
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
    Have a friend that took it and had to sneak home from work a lot to change because of the brown bingo dabber making an appearance.
  • linzoz
    linzoz Posts: 5
    BAHAHAHA! I nearly peed my pants!!
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    how can you not LOL about anything that discussed "anal leakage"!!!! Thanks for this, what a great laugh!!!
  • TheAshpie
    TheAshpie Posts: 62 Member
    Omg. I just laughed so effing hard. Must show this to everyone I know!
  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    Yeah according to my nutrition teacher the same ingredients used to be prescribed and they would recommend diapers for anyone taking it because you could eat a meal and have basically diarrhea consisting of fat running down your leg when you got up to leave. It is bad stuff!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    "all the time, with a sphincter that can no longer be counted as a friend."

    That is one bad break up. Lol

    I might have to log my laughter as cardio. I hurt!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    "all the time, with a sphincter that can no longer be counted as a friend."

    That is one bad break up. Lol

    I might have to log my laughter as cardio. I hurt!

    No kidding lol =D.

    I thought this thread had died! Glad it didn't...I've got tears in my eyes all over again =p.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    LMAO. Thank you for this. I needed the laugh :D
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    Love it! Love it! It's good that someone developed alli ONLY BECAUSE then this thread could happen. The world would be a sadder place without it!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    "all the time, with a sphincter that can no longer be counted as a friend."

    That is one bad break up. Lol

    I might have to log my laughter as cardio. I hurt!

    No kidding lol =D.

    I thought this thread had died! Glad it didn't...I've got tears in my eyes all over again =p.

    I read it to my husband and he was laughing at me laughing, snorting, the high pitched squeaking that happens when you laugh and talk at the same time... Oh man. I need to go to bed.
  • gizziemonkey
    WOW....this is too funny or maybe not so funny when you consider all the people who have fallen victim of taking this stuff. I wonder how many people would still choose to take it if they read this thread.
  • momma2Lulu
    its looks girly in the store... i wonder if anyone actually reads all of that before taking it... i mean really who would read that and think yes finally a pill that makes me S**t myself uncontrollably!! thats exactly what i need! ...

    i actually should have a low in fiber diet because too much fiber is a very bad thing for me and omg i can't even imagine the field day that would have with my body...

    i kind of want to look up the one i saw a commercial for now.. not sure the name.. but sprinkle a little on your food and your good to go ...
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I needed this laugh tonight, thank you! :)
  • Yunnieh
    Yunnieh Posts: 89 Member