Got told that I can't exercise in my apartment anymore...



  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    Maybe ask them if there is a better time that would work for them. I know it's your schedule too but maybe there is a way to both get what you want.

    She basically told me that she is always hearing noise from up here so she doesn't want to hear it anymore. I tried to call BS on this because I only workout for 40 minutes a day, but she just wasn't going to listen. She even complained about me walking around normally. These apartments are old! Our floorboards squeak.
    Talk to your landlord you are allowed reasonable enjoyment of your living quarters and it was 3pm, not 3am.

    your neighbours are in the wrong, don't stop!

    I actually was thinking about going down to talk to the office, but I wasn't sure if it would helpful or not. I seriously am the most boring college student ever. I'm gone 90% of the day, I have /never/ thrown a party, I'm very light-footed and try to be quiet when I walk... all I do is workout for those 40 minutes!

    I would complain to the land lord about it its in the middle of the day you have a right I'm not saying be a rude neighbor but they sound like they are the rude ones ... granted you should be respectful and neighborly but at the same time don't become a floor mate for your neighbors or it will keep happening.
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    I currently live in a second story apartment (note, this is the fifth apartment complex that I've lived in where I have had people below me ... zero complaints until now). I was in the middle of doing my workout when the people who just moved in downstairs told me that they don't want me working out in my apartment because it's too loud. I was doing this at 3:00 in the afternoon by the way.

    Anyway, I have 12 months left on my lease and I don't want to be in a war with them for another year, so I feel obligated to stop... but now I don't know what to do! I'm a pretty broke full-time student, so I can't afford a gym membership. I'm two weeks into Insanity and feel like I have to quit, which makes me pretty bummed. I know that I can still do free weights, but that honestly feels like it. Do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this? I live in Florida and it's about to be summer time, so running outside is pretty much not an option.

    I have had so many different neighbors since moving into an apartment like 3 years ago. People need to f-ing realize that moving into an APARTMENT, the noise from the neighbors is just something they're gonna have to deal with!!! The day they start helping you with your rent is the day you can think about considering doing what they want you to do
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    Do you have any rubber mats on the floor? I use the kid ones that interlock and they work great and are cheap at walmart.
    If she's such a jerk about some noise above her, she shouldn't be living on the first floor. You have to expect noise from people above you, that's life. I can't imagine you make much noise unless you're working out in high heels, lol.

    Well with insanity you make LOTS of noise lol. there is so much jumping and running evolved, and I could see how this could be really annoying to hear... BUT thats what you get for living on the first floor. What if you had kids... would she tell you to make them sit and not play? I say you try to resolve the issue in a peaceful manner with the other tenant, letting her know that you have the right to workout during day hours. If she still throws a fit then go to the landlord and let them know this is an issue ( you don't want her to be the one to complain) If your landlord says you can't workout on the upper level then ask them to get you into a first floor apartment.. but make sure you don't have any expenses in doing so.... Hope it all works out!
  • cowgirlzride
    Tell them you WILL be working out. Give them 3 times during the day that work for YOU. Then tell them they can pick the best time for themselves and you will attempt to oblige that MOST days. Put this in writing and keep it for reference in case you need it later for legal purposes. Getting out of your lease, or if they serve you any offical complaints.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I currently live in a second story apartment (note, this is the fifth apartment complex that I've lived in where I have had people below me ... zero complaints until now). I was in the middle of doing my workout when the people who just moved in downstairs told me that they don't want me working out in my apartment because it's too loud. I was doing this at 3:00 in the afternoon by the way.

    Anyway, I have 12 months left on my lease and I don't want to be in a war with them for another year, so I feel obligated to stop... but now I don't know what to do! I'm a pretty broke full-time student, so I can't afford a gym membership. I'm two weeks into Insanity and feel like I have to quit, which makes me pretty bummed. I know that I can still do free weights, but that honestly feels like it. Do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this? I live in Florida and it's about to be summer time, so running outside is pretty much not an option.

    What a pain in the neck!

    If they have just moved in and are complaining already, I am wondering if they are being genuine or are just moanin'-minnies who would moan if you jumped out of bed in the night in barefeet to go for a pee!!

    What sort of exercises were you doing? What are the floors in your apartment made out of, are they solid or floorboards? If they are solid, it is highly unlikely any noise you are making would amount to much.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    Whatever. F*** your neighbor. I have no sympathy for her, and reading your situation actually pisses me off because when I lived with my mom, we lived on a second floor apartment and we had some old guy living below us who thought we were too loud and complained to my mom about it. Seriously, we were out every day from 7:30 am til about 4:30 pm or later due to being working people, while he sat around on his old butt all day! And we were in bed by no later than 10:30 pm anyway so it's not like we were making noise at ridiculous hours. Ugh!! I also disliked him for other reasons besides that, but that's another story. But yeah, he thought we stomped around or something.... and my mom does have a heavy tread but I tried to walk lightly. And yes, we did have some fights and yelling, but again, not at unreasonable hours - I think our complex has later quiet hours, like 9 or 10 pm.

    This has got to be one of the most vulgar displays of disrespect I have ever read. Getting old is tough on a mind and body, dude. You have no idea what that man's life was all about. I don't know...I'm not saying people should get blanket respect just for being old as dirt but it's at least worth considering. Everything about this just hit my brain wrong.

    Seriously? You think that was disrespectful? If his *behaviour* wasn't so objectionable, they probably wouldn't have disliked him so much!

    And my assumption for the "other reasons" that he was disliked is that he acted creepy/sleazy. Because personally the thing that makes me dislike old men the most is if they are creepy or sleazy at me (because they are old enough to know better)
  • NekaLee
    NekaLee Posts: 51
    Screw that!!!! Even if she did work nights! 3pm ppl are normally up so they can get some things done before going to work! There's no reason for you to have to stop getting fit and healthy because she wants some WHINE to go with her cheese!!! Yo've asked her about a good time (which was nice of you IMO) and she's still being a buttwipe, so screw her. If you wanted to join a gym or use the schools gym, you would had done so. *duh* She can suck it up for a freaking hour!!!! Don't worry yourself about silly minded ppl. You were polite, you've done all that you could do, don't change your schedule for her. I agree with some of the ppl, workout in some tap shoes, I bet her *kitten* will appreciate your working out barefoot the next time.......... And, becareful with working out barefoot. I done that when I started Insanity last month and I had the worst foot pain. After doing some research, it was because I was doing Insanity without shoes on. It took me a few weeks to get my feet back together( I couldn't workout) I workout bare foot because I don't wear shoes in my house. Everyone must remove their shoes. I bought new shoes and use them for my in house workouts. My feet are thanking me every time I wear them and becareful chica.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Talk to your landlord you are allowed reasonable enjoyment of your living quarters and it was 3pm, not 3am.

    your neighbours are in the wrong, don't stop!

  • Doesntplaynice82
    Doesntplaynice82 Posts: 119 Member
    I didn't read every post because there are a ton of them!
    I deal with noise complaints all the time (i'm a cop) so as long as you are not breaking any city ordinances (or state or federal laws) you should be able to make a reasonable amount of noise inside your home.

    I don't know if your neighbor would go as far as trying to call the police...but if I got that call and talked to you and found out you were just working out and it wasnt unreasonable...i would probably laugh in your neighbors face (on the inside of course because i must remain professional)

    Keep working out girl.

    It would be different if she works the night shift but I think she would have mentioned that if it were true, I work the nightshift and I would have politely informed you if that were the case.
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    Whatever. F*** your neighbor. I have no sympathy for her, and reading your situation actually pisses me off because when I lived with my mom, we lived on a second floor apartment and we had some old guy living below us who thought we were too loud and complained to my mom about it. Seriously, we were out every day from 7:30 am til about 4:30 pm or later due to being working people, while he sat around on his old butt all day! And we were in bed by no later than 10:30 pm anyway so it's not like we were making noise at ridiculous hours. Ugh!! I also disliked him for other reasons besides that, but that's another story. But yeah, he thought we stomped around or something.... and my mom does have a heavy tread but I tried to walk lightly. And yes, we did have some fights and yelling, but again, not at unreasonable hours - I think our complex has later quiet hours, like 9 or 10 pm.

    Now, I've moved out of that apartment (which was actually very nice aside from him) and into my own in the next building with my fiance. I had requested a second floor but they gave us a first floor apartment. I was upset at first, but it turns out our upstairs neighbor has been AWOL since before we moved in. Plus, I think she's an older woman since the upstairs hallway has a sign that says "grandma's place." So, we have no idea who our upstairs neighbor is, but we've been here four months so far with complete silence upstairs... kinda nice! Anyway, good luck with your rude neighbor and keep updating! Sounds like you've already taken some good steps to get the situation under control.

    This has got to be one of the most vulgar displays of disrespect I have ever read. Getting old is tough on a mind and body, dude. You have no idea what that man's life was all about. I don't know...I'm not saying people should get blanket respect just for being old as dirt but it's at least worth considering. Everything about this just hit my brain wrong.

    That's easy for you to say, but you don't know my former neighbor - old, bitter, and hostile against the world. I'm not going to justify myself because I don't feel the need to defend my comment to some internet stranger.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Does your school have a gym?
  • snugglebunny65
    snugglebunny65 Posts: 17 Member
    The YMCA doesn't turn away people for financial reasons. They have a special application that considers your income. You may want to look into this. I did and and I am not sorry and don't bother anyone in the apartment below me. Its a lot cheaper than moving.:wink:
  • Sarahrachael82
    Sarahrachael82 Posts: 19 Member
    This is an apartment complex issue. It isn't your fault the walls and ceilings are paper thin. Maybe they should've thought about that before they moved in. I am also a college student who isn't home most of the time. We have loud doors and can hear eachother, but during the day.... who cares!? That is absurd! I'd talk to the landlord about that, definitely.
  • xlolitabandita
    This actually happened to me when i lived in an apartment. It was old, like yours, and everyone could hear everything going on in the other units. This is why I let all of what felt like my upstairs neighbors stomping around in combat boots at 5am slide. I never ever complained about it or said anything. I was playing my wii fit one day, which causes hardly any noise, and I started hearing a very loud banging noise on the ceiling above me. It turned out that they had complained to my land lord about constant noise coming from my apartment on the first floor below, and to get back at me they were banging on their floor with brooms. It's pretty sad that an 18 year old girl is more mature than a middle aged married couple. Any way, their complaint was not even true. I was working two full time jobs and was hardly ever home. I only played any of my dance games durring the afternoon, as not to bother anyone. Anyway, the land lord ended up telling them that as long as I was not causing noise durring quiet hours or in the middle of the night she couldn't do anything, especially since no one else had complained about me, but she had recieved nuermous complaints on the noise they make in the morning. Going straight to your land lord is your best bet. Noise is just part of apartment living, especially in older buildings.
  • bethelcheryl
    bethelcheryl Posts: 199 Member
    When I lived in an upstairs apartment, my downstairs neighbor would complain when my 2 year old jumped up and down. She weighed 25 lbs or so. And she went to sleep by 7:30 so she wasn't doing any jumping in the middle of the night. So annoying. Now I never live above or below anyone. I have an end unit townhouse style condo now.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    There must be 'quiet hours' in your lease. I would talk to your landlord and see what can be worked out. I know you don't want to be at war with your neighbor but she has no right to tell you how you can enjoy your living space.

    Our quiet hours are 8pm-8am, with security getting here at 5pm to start patrolling. I've never worked out later than today, which I started at 2:45pm and would have finished around 3:35ish :/

    My apartment complex has a "gym", which is effectively two treadmills (one broken), two bikes (one also broken), and a few TVs.

    Mention to your landlord that you want to keep peace but at the same token as a student who is gone 90% of the time you are not making a lot on noise. And how you are only going about your normal activity during respectful hours. How you are willing to work out a reasonable compromise. But using the complex gym is not one of them with the state it is in right now. Explain your workout and how long it is and how you are not working out for hours on end. Maybe they will fix the gym so you can work out there. Does the school have a gym you can work out in? Guess if all else fails and there is enough room you could take a portable DVD player and your workout to the complex gym.
  • wonderwomanwannaB
    My lease specifically says specifically not to use workout equipment between 10am-10pm. I don't know what your lease says, but it most likely is ok to make noise at that time of day... otherwise people couldn't do a lot of things that are part of daily life. It sounds like either you or your neighbor is going to be unhappy. If it is within your lease then they are the ones who need to deal with the inconvenience.

    PS I used to live under a musician. He practiced piano for HOURS every day. And by practice I don't mean played music, I mean scales and the same two measures over and over. Drove me nuts, but as long as he was doing it during the day it was within his rights as a tenant.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    This actually happened to me when i lived in an apartment. It was old, like yours, and everyone could hear everything going on in the other units. This is why I let all of what felt like my upstairs neighbors stomping around in combat boots at 5am slide. I never ever complained about it or said anything. I was playing my wii fit one day, which causes hardly any noise, and I started hearing a very loud banging noise on the ceiling above me. It turned out that they had complained to my land lord about constant noise coming from my apartment on the first floor below, and to get back at me they were banging on their floor with brooms. It's pretty sad that an 18 year old girl is more mature than a middle aged married couple. Any way, their complaint was not even true. I was working two full time jobs and was hardly ever home. I only played any of my dance games durring the afternoon, as not to bother anyone. Anyway, the land lord ended up telling them that as long as I was not causing noise durring quiet hours or in the middle of the night she couldn't do anything, especially since no one else had complained about me, but she had recieved nuermous complaints on the noise they make in the morning. Going straight to your land lord is your best bet. Noise is just part of apartment living, especially in older buildings.

    wow. that's pretty messed up. you didn't complain about their noise but yet they have the audacity to complain about the little you made? :noway:

    anyway, to OP, exercise away. do you have an exercise mat?
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 209
    There must be 'quiet hours' in your lease. I would talk to your landlord and see what can be worked out. I know you don't want to be at war with your neighbor but she has no right to tell you how you can enjoy your living space.

    exactly. you are not responsible for being quiet 24 hours a day. i'm sure there must be a "reasonable" hour for you to work out. I would just tell the person that you ARE working out and ask them when might be a good time for them.

    I dunno - I think we all have a right to use our living space, and especially since you are trying to live a healty lifestyle, she shouldnt be able to put a halt to that. you could always offer that she join you :)
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    Ask her to come workout with you
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