How long until you reach your goal weight?



  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    By Passover 2013 (Sometime around March 25) this baby will be put to bed!

    81 lbs to go, 8 whole months left in 2012. I might get 70-80% completed this year, Yah willing. Watch me!
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    I am about 20 lbs from my goal weight but its getting extremely hard. I hoped for 4th of july but im afraid to set a date then be disappointed!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    Probably towards the end of the year.
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 82 Member
    I've lost 33 lbs since Jan 1 and would like to lose 59 total by July 27th, my birthday. If I don't make it, I'll still know I tried hard and it'll come off eventually. I'm happy with 4-5lbs a month and the fact that every day that I work at this and eat normally, I'm healthier and closer to my goal. :)

    I Love your way of thinking!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    If I keep up at my current 2lb per week loss...11 weeks. So I'm giving myself until the end of July. However, if I slow down (which I think is starting to happen...) then I'm willing to give myself until September. I see my son going to Kindergarten as my goal. Hopefully he'll have a smokin' hot mama by then? ._.
  • I think another 5 to 6 weeks and I will be able to switch to maintenance if the weight loss remains consistent. Seven more pounds to go. I decided 4 more pounds once I got close to goal, but I'm carefully evaluating as I get closer.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Took me 8months to loose 60lbs
    4months to put on 20lbs LOL and
    3 months to loose 10lbs

    So all in all DO NOT STOP until you reach your goal weight. I may not be working out as much but when I stopped it has taken a lot longer to get it back off. I let myself slip up over the Christmas holidays. I want to loose another 40lbs at least and I wish I would have never stopped or gave myself such a big break.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    This thread motivated me to actually re-calculate the date. Looks like it will be May of next year to lose 55 lbs.
  • mwestonp
    mwestonp Posts: 77 Member
    Aiming for July. 55 down, 17 to goal.
  • i wish i could tell
    stubborn last pounds just won't leave!!!
  • mariiyah
    mariiyah Posts: 136 Member
    started (again) this April, aiming to lose 40-45 of the remaining 52 lbs by November at least. dont know if its realistic or not. just guessing, hoping & praying :tongue:
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I don't have a specific exact goal, like an event or date or even a goal weight exactly, but I just plan to keep on doing what I'm doing for a healthy lifestyle forever, and I figure the weight loss will continue--it's been something like 14 pounds since i started here, although I don't know how to have that little tickertape thing show it on the community posts--
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Took me three years! I reached my goal yesterday.

    YAY YOU! Congrats.

    At the rate I am going, it might be three years for me too. Seriously though-I see no end in sight. I view this as a healthy change in my lifestyle, not a race to the end because for me the end will be the day I die!
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    I lost 10 lbs. in a month, but I am sure the weight loss needs to slow down so I can keep it coming off and be able to keep it off. I just calculated, at a pound per week, I will reach my goal about mid-October....I may need to reset the goal at that time, though, because I set the goal at the high end of my ideal BMI. I don't need to be skinny, and I have always been pretty solid, so I may be happy with that. We will see...
  • Jenny111372
    Jenny111372 Posts: 87 Member
    Started MFP on Jan. 12, 2012 (I at 164.2 and I set my first goal of 140.0 by June 14, 2012..the day we leave for vacay. I set my second goal to be 130.0 by my 40th bday (Nov. 13 of this year) and as of this past Thurs. I'm at 140.2! As of then I've lost 24 of the 34.2 pounds I've wanted to lose. I think it's safe to say I'll make my first goal by June and I'm HOPING I'll be able to lose that last 10 pounds by Nov. :) Good luck to everyone in reaching their goals and congrats to everyone that has reached their goals!!
  • justinamay0535
    justinamay0535 Posts: 132 Member
    My first goal is to hit "one-derland" so 199. Im 256 right now so I figure I should get to that by beginning of next year. My ultimate goal is 165-170 and I figure I should get to that by the end of 2013. No set timeline just enjoying the journey! :)
  • My final weight goal of 154 lbs., will be reached in 12-14 months. My first weight goal is 200 then 170 then 154. I haven't calculated yet how long it will take me to reach my first weight goal.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    December 2013, hopefully. It doesn't look good right now.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Probably June, based on 1 lb per week and what I calculated to be 20% body fat, but it's more of a look I'm going for
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Probably the second half of next year, realistically. I still have about 113 pounds to lose.