What is your main REWARD after you have reached your Goal



  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    Go on vacation to a hot place (currently in Canada) with my soon to be 14 yr old daughter and look as good as she does in short shorts.
  • okielizzy
    okielizzy Posts: 6 Member
    My reward? I'm gonna be a hot mama!
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member

    Love this Panda. I don't have a reward in mind. Do I need one? I think I'll just be happy.
  • anarod0513
    anarod0513 Posts: 119
    Being fit and healthy, being able to run a 5k, WEARING A BIKINI AT THE BEACH, and buying SEXY clothes that I will feel comfortable in. :)
  • sheilairis
    Tattoo on my back!!! And of course new clothes since nothing I have now will fit!!! I just look forward to feeling great and looking awesome!!!!
  • kungfuflyer
    kungfuflyer Posts: 29 Member
    My reward is sitting back and reflecting on the journey it took to reach that goal. To me that is the best feeling in the world besides eating some really good food with friends and family :)
  • Barrett18
    Barrett18 Posts: 16
    If I break 50 pounds by August, I'm getting myself a new hair-do!! I'm going to chop off my long locks and donate them, so I can pass on the support that I have found from here. But, I need a new skinny face to pull off a new me.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    The best luxurious meal ever! And a holiday from all the money I saved from not eating mcDs!
  • etavi
    etavi Posts: 85
    Getting the other side of my ribs tattooed! And my thigh piece done. I have the money for it, but I've been holding back, since I thought it wouldn't look good with all my fat.
  • dotlees74
    dotlees74 Posts: 3 Member
    :flowerforyou: A definite feeling of triumph !!!!
  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    Can someone say "$2000 clothing spree?"
  • vegancakelady
    vegancakelady Posts: 24 Member
    love it - check out those slender legs under all the shopping bags in VeganPanda's pic!
    I'm gonna go shopping big time!
  • LivingstonIpresume
    I'm thinking I will set a new goal. One thing I've noticed is that the reaching the goal and working towards it is extremely satisfying, maybe more so than actually getting there. I'll probably either try and lose more weight depending on how I feel when I get there or start working on the power lifting side a bit more heavily without as much cardio for the weight loss
  • aprildnutt
    aprildnutt Posts: 9 Member
    I want to participate in a Tough Mudder competition with my Husband...that and a breast lift! LOL :bigsmile:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Having my tattoo on my back finished
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    Shopping spree for an entire new wardrobe, lol.
    I wanted a breast lift but going to wait until after I have children.

    we have the exact same thinking. i've already done the kid bit. my youngest is now 10 months, so after this it's MMMMMEEEEEE time.
  • cattraxs
    cattraxs Posts: 47 Member
    Self satisfaction; knowing that I acheived what I set out to do.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My main reward will be sharing my journey in details with folks who compliment me and tell me how fabulous I'm looking and IF they asked me how I did it. I'm going to reward myself by putting on more humility and gratitude toward God and be sure to let folk know it's Him who worked thru me to get where I am (i.e. the Power, Desire, Strength, Health and finances to eat well on a regular basis).

    I have everything materially in this world I could ever want or need--(not that I have a lot, but that I'm very content in what I have things I have now :wink: )

    I'm going to reward myself by continuing to do the things it took to get me where I'm ultimately going, meaning thinking, eating, drinking right and walking/exercising regularly for the rest of my life.

    I'm going to reward myself by acting really "fast and sassy" with my hubby, even more so that I currently do.

    I'm going to reward myself by not taking myself for granted anymore (via my time, attitude and more pampering myself/living life to it's fullest and looking HOT doing it:wink: Although I don't take much mess from anyone now, once I'm at my sassy (on the outside--cause I'm already sassy on the inside:glasses: ) I'm super not going to take any foolishness from nobody ever again (not that I do now, but I'll be just a wee bit more--"oh no you didn't attitude/spirit" and be more outgoing (is that possible:noway: than I currently am :wink:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    If I break 50 pounds by August, I'm getting myself a new hair-do!! I'm going to chop off my long locks and donate them, so I can pass on the support that I have found from here. But, I need a new skinny face to pull off a new me.

    Ya know what? I'm going to copy off of you! I won't donate my hair (necessarily...didn't think about that), but I think I will get a sassy haircut, because mine is not that long (shoulder length), but rather boring as all get-out. I think a cute haircut will be another reward for me too!
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    Shopping spree for an entire new wardrobe, lol.
    I wanted a breast lift but going to wait until after I have children.

    we have the exact same thinking. i've already done the kid bit. my youngest is now 10 months, so after this it's MMMMMEEEEEE time.

    Lucky! :tongue: But, well deserved 'me' time!

    My husband and I aren't even trying for children for another two years and even then we want two of them. So, it'll be a good 5 or more years before my saggy bags get a new look. :laugh: At least I invested in some good bras for the time being.
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