Women 5'-5'2": What is your goal weight??



  • Hello, I've just turned 63. I'm 5' 3" and want to weigh around 125-130. I've been on so many diets I have forgotten where to start. Outside of Paying for food (like nutrisystem and such) what suggestions would you make to start quickly and then work at a slower pace? Thanks for your help.. to your health..
  • smifford
    smifford Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I am 5 foot, 36 year old and currently weigh 138.2 lbs. My goal is 120 lbs. It is the top limit of my BMI. This was my former weight when I graduated from college. I was curvy and toned at this weight. If I go to 110 to 115 lbs., I look like a kid. I figured four kids (two are stepkids), I should like a woman instead of my kid's playmate. :laugh:
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    I'm 5'2'' and my goal is between 125-20.
    I'm pretty happy where I am right now, just need to tighten up everything.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    It really depends on your body frame. I'm 5'1 and currently around 137 lbs. I would like to get down to 130. That seems high for my height but I am very curvy on the bottom half and I'd like to retain that (and my boobs, haha!) and when I was under 130, I was lacking a little in the curve department.
  • Lmaass1
    Lmaass1 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello, I've just turned 63. I'm 5' 3" and want to weigh around 125-130. I've been on so many diets I have forgotten where to start. Outside of Paying for food (like nutrisystem and such) what suggestions would you make to start quickly and then work at a slower pace? Thanks for your help.. to your health..

    Well, I am DEFINITELY not an expert haha, but you definitely should pick a workout plan that you enjoy doing! Make sure to change up your workouts and your foods! Also, try not to call it a "diet", I feel like the people who say "making a lifelong choice to eat healthier" end up making more of their goals. That's about all, I'm kinda new to this :) Hope this helped
  • kimboyle92
    kimboyle92 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5' 2" and I'm shooting for 110 ... I've been there before and know I look good at that weight ... I'm 129 now so I've got that last, hard 20 lbs to lose. I'm also shooting for 15 -20 % body fat. I'm at 29 now. my scale measures it for me so I'm keeping track of it weekly with my weigh ins. good luck to everybody in reaching their goals!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Hi fellow short hot mommas!!!! I am pregnant but before I got knocked up I was at 212. My goal is 170. I know this is still considered overweight but I am a thick chick and like my curves!!
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    Hi... I'm 5"1 and still have tummy/thigh/arm fat to lose. I wanna be 88 pounds. (please don't kill me) I am eating and working out right so I do not have an ED.
  • ckes84
    ckes84 Posts: 52
    I am 43...5' and currently weigh 110lbs. My highest weight was 178lbs after giving birth and my lowest weight was 89lbs. I can say that at 89lbs I had many people asking if I was sick, and when I look at pictures of me at that weight I think I look horrible. I have a very small frame and was working towards a goal weight of 105, but am considering staying where I'm at and continue to build muscle.
  • peanutbutterz
    peanutbutterz Posts: 74 Member
    I am 36 5'2 and my goal weight is 115.... I just started MFP and my current weight is 169.1 so I have a long way to go to goal...
  • Dannib55
    Dannib55 Posts: 50
    I'm 5'2" and I am shoting for a goal weight of 120 lbs. I like my curves and don't want to be too small
  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
    I am 4'10" hope you dont mind a few inches off :-)
    Before I was pregnant I was 104 (this was too skinny). When I got to about 110-115 I looked healthier.
  • swrlgrl
    swrlgrl Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'0" cw:148, looking to get to a goal of 125-130. I've been below that before and everyone thought I was sick.
  • jojule
    jojule Posts: 10
    It probably depends on alot of factors,for me....I am also 5'1",100 to 105 was a comfortable weight. Now I am in my 50's and I find 110 to be a better weight and easier to maintain.
  • swissmiss8
    swissmiss8 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 5 ft 2 inches. I was 104 when I married at age 29:happy: . I just turned 49 and have learned to love curves. Frankly, if you are too skinny at 50 you look older than you are. I am aiming for a fit 127 when I hit 50.
  • :laugh: 118-120. Considering I lost Point Two pounds in a month, it will take me 16 years to get there... LOL
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    I am 5'2, and currently at 245lbs, I set my goal wieght at 150, to me this seems realistic. I am currently hoping to add some friends here as a support system.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    When I was young- like still in the teens up to 21 or so I was about 100 lbs, but I think it was too thin. Then in the early 20's 110. Mid to late 20's 120-130 until pregnancy where i blew up. My goal (I am 36) is 120. I am not sure I COULD get any lower at this point in my life and after 2 kids. I will reassess when I reach 120.

    Depends on your frame too. If you have a tiny frame like my sisters who are about 5', you might weight 90-100. But if you work out and build muscle do not get discouraged if you do not see the scale move. Your body might change drastically and you might get super toned and look way different because all the fat will be replaced by muscle but you may weigh the same.

    I think you are probably in the healthy range now.
  • teapot35
    teapot35 Posts: 28
    5'1" here... I am ultimately aiming for 117, but I will adjust my goals as I need to, depending on my measurements and muscle/fat ratios.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I was going to shoot for 120, then changed it to 105. However, I'm going to scrap the scale and just shoot for around 20% BF. If I lose more weight than I already have (I'm 138 right now), then it'll just be a nice bonus!

    Gotta go with this one. I'm 5'2"
    120lbs was my original goal only because that is the lowest I have ever been as an adult. I hit that in April 2011 - main reason for joining MFP was health - was hoping a little weight loss would make a nice bonus since I had put on almost 20lbs in less than a year (no change in eating habits) and then "starved" myself down to 130 and ended up pretty sick (was diagnosed as Fibromyalgia but have since figured out it was Reactive Hypoglycemia and I have been suffering from it for a lot of years - It just really manifested itself in my entire body). Then at the end of April I decided to experiment with Primal Blueprint and Primal Blueprint Fitness (Mark's Daily Apple). WOW!!! I hit 110lbs in September of last year following this lifestyle. Sugar issues have been up and down but I have finally reeled them. I saw 108.2lbs a few weeks ago and am now maintaining between 110-113lbs depending on how much water my body has decided to hold onto. I've had a lazy winter and am getting back into a structured exercise routine.

    I have managed to hold onto my lean muscle mass (yet my metabolism still slowed down a little...hmmmm. Of course a pound of muscle only burns about 5-6 calories: (http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-many-calories-does-muscle-really-burn-and-why-its-not-about-calories-anyway/)

    FYI...it's next to impossible for women to build muscle without some kind of growth enhancement. You might increase it a bit depending on the state of health your body is coming from. But I can guarantee that unless you are eating a lot of protein and a lot of food and taking HGH or steroids then as a female you aren't building muscle. You are getting stronger but muscles can get stronger without getting bigger. And if you are losing weight then losing lean muscle mass is normal (A 300lb person will need a lot more lean muscle mass than a 200lb person...and a 100lb person - less weight to carry; less LMM).

    But I lost things much more important than a little body fat (which was about 4% between May and September)
    No more belly and belly bloat (still had this at 120lbs and 2 months of P90X did nothing for it). I now have a pretty flat tummy - a first at 41 years old.
    No more eczema on my hands.
    No more hiatal hernia
    No more indigestion or heartburn
    No more IBS (although my gut is still healing and will probably take years to completely undo the damage. Some might be permanent. I had digestion problems from mouth to *kitten*!)
    No more hair loss (actually had thinning areas that have hair growing back in. Like the crown and my hairline - this was receding!!)
    No more bad sleep (never had issues falling asleep but my actual sleep was atrocious)
    No more cavities and decay and constant dental issues (my oral hygeine is actually worse but my teeth keep looking better and are stronger now).
    No more daytime sleepiness. My energy levels went up immediately.
    No more cold sores.
    No more dry, scaly skin
    No more anxiety. I now have a sense of well-being and calmness that I have never had. I'm more positive than I used to be.
    That's all I can think of right now.

    So my goal weight was 120lb (a 10lb loss) but have lost more than 20lbs now.