Do you workout?



  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    I can not say if it speeds up weight loss but I do try to workout at least 3 times a week at minimum. It depends on how much time I have but I usually try to do between 40-60 minutes of cardio. But I have seen tons of people on here who don't workout and still lose weight.

    Hope I helped :flowerforyou:

    (P.S I joined January 9th of this year.)
  • sandiburn
    sandiburn Posts: 149
    when I first started I did not work out. but after 4 mth I hit a wall. I did not loose any weight for a full month. I then started working out 4 times a week for 1 hr. I do a boot camp class now. I wish I had started it from the beginning. Not only has it sped up my loss, but I am toning my arms and legs. I feel sooooo much better when I do exercise. good luck with your journey.
  • bmuff
    bmuff Posts: 64
    I was exercising and eating 1200 calories or less a day, and everyone on here told me I needed to stop exercising or eat more if I'm going to exercise. Well, I am eating still around 1200 cal a day-trying to up it a little because of everyones persuasion. I haven't exercised for about 5 days now, will see if this is going to make a difference. Help me or hurt me? But I was barely losing anything since I had been exercising.
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    You can lose weight with diet alone, but if you want to change your body's SHAPE, you gotta work out...Enjoy!!:drinker:


    I lift heavy and do cardio three times a week.
  • OccupyFitness
    OccupyFitness Posts: 145 Member
    I do work out. I know that it is important for my weight loss and also mentally.

    I struggle with finding a sustainable exercise for me for long term. I can get all gangbusters about boot camp or spinning class when I am really motivated to lose weight, but I find I don't keep it up for too long.

    My favorite form of exercise is walking with friend. I love the social chit chat and the fresh air and the exercise.

    For the last month I have been working on running. I enjoy it but I need to work on my motivation and my mental blocks.

    I know I would be happy if I could find a good long term fit that was really enjoyable for the process, not just about the results.
  • kionig
    kionig Posts: 77 Member
    I-I-I-I-I Work out!

    Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle!

    This song plays in my head, everytime I'm getting ready to go workout. wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Yes. Going to the gym is a bit inconvenient for me so I just do workout DVDs at home. Currently, I am doing Insanity. It's a 60 day workout program.
  • kionig
    kionig Posts: 77 Member
    I started working out and lost 70lbs in 1 1/2 years. Joined mfp and am finally am working on changing my eating habits. I refuse to be thin and unhealthy. I now need to workout to clear the cobwebs from my brain, I am not an athlete, but I can now lift heavy things, run if i have too (i'm not a runner...wish i was), and swim faster. I want to age gracefully and having muscles around these joints will surely help. I switch up my exercise, I do zumba, cardio in the gym, lift weights, run and or walk outside, swim, and try different fitness classes. I workout minimum of 3 days per week for at least 1hr, cardio & lifting, on a good week its 5-6 days.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    You can lose weight with diet alone, but if you want to change your body's SHAPE, you gotta work out...Enjoy!!:drinker:
    Haha, I've heard it summed up as, "Diet to look good with your clothes on, exercise to look good when they come off!"