HELP! Females only please!! =)



  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    I don't crave chocolate, chocolate. Just salty stuff. And fried stuff. I usually crave pizza or the ultimate crave is French Fries. Sometimes I'll order an extra order. :[
  • wow, thanks so much girls. i really needed this. thank you for all you helpful tips.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    I get "eat everything is sight" cravings.

    DITTO!! AND DRINK, too! haha
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I just want to EAT. Partly bc of TOM and then my TOM is so painful that I'm resting alot so its boredom. One thing I've found that helps with the chocolate craving is a glass of no sugar added fat free chocolate milk. It's an awesome post workout meal and it kills that need for chocolate for me. The other stuff I try and keep my body busy so I'm not thinking of food.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    i run. keeps my mind off of it and if i'm too weak to resist, well, i burned those calories off. ^_^

    Your attitude makes me smile! :D
  • hwiz
    hwiz Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with one of the posters, do not take it away, just add it to your day and eventually you may tell yourself you don't need it instead of I wish I had it! Have you ever tried the Chocolate zone Protein bars? Yes it is good for you and actually tastes good too! I have tried all kinds and these are really good, and they are a regular size and come in different chocolate flavors. If you save it as a reward each day and before you eat it make yourself drink a tall glass of water before to fill you up prior to eating it.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    OK - it's not chocolate, but it curbs my cravings: Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice Tea. It has carob, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, nutmeg and cloves. If you sweeten with stevia it's 0 calories, and no caffeine.

    Even my teenage daughter who would love to live on chips and sweets thinks this tea is amazing.

    You can beat the cravings - I'm rooting for you!
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    If you must have chocolate and the supplements are working. The darker the chocolate the better it is for you. If you don't like dark chocolate, each time you want it, just try to get a darker one than the last time. I eat the 87% cocoa. And I keep it in the freezer and only allow myself to get out half of a serving.
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    I get "eat everything is sight" cravings.

    Omgosh ^^^^^^ this is how I feel once per month. haha. I feel like I could eat SOOOO much and basically everything sounds amazing.
  • NicoleZ1515
    NicoleZ1515 Posts: 27 Member
    Ive found working out more the week before and during helps with cravings!
  • @lefty421 that tea sounds good, i'll look out for that in the shops. =)
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    make some jello chocolate pudding (sugar free) hits the spot for me when this happens :D you can even top with some cool whip or light whip topping :D
  • all your tips have been amazing, & im doing so good im drinking alot of water and chewing gum, but you are right i shouldnt deprive myself of it instead im going to work out more and if i have some chocolate then atleast i know i've added it in, but hopefully i wont have any at all.
  • Kelly2188
    Kelly2188 Posts: 31
    I discovered quaker chocolate chip oatmeal recently and it has helped my chocolate craving alot! :)
  • ifyouknew
    ifyouknew Posts: 68 Member
    I have a piece of dark chocolate every day, and I agree with others who said that the dark chocolate is more satisfying and less tempting to binge on (and good for you, too!). I find if I have a bit each day, I never get the insane craving that makes me want a whole bar! (This principle probably applies to more than chocolate- if there's something you love, let yourself have a little now and then. If you completely deprive yourself you will binge in a weak moment.)
  • samthomason
    samthomason Posts: 46 Member
    I swear by Bettern' PB Chocolate. To me, it tastes delicious! I like it a little sweeter so I add 1 tsp of agave nectar. Still if you have two tablespoons its only 100 calories, 4 grams of protein and 2 grams of sugar (w/o agave). I feel like I'm eating chocolate frosting out of a can!
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    First of all...thank you! I am currently going through this and I am tearing the chocolate candy up! There is nothing I can do about it except let it pass; because no chocolate candy is safe around me, right now! :frown:
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I'm not a martyr. When it's that TOM I crave sweets, red meat and grease.

    Today I had a mini pizza (sooo greasy) for lunch and THREE chocolate ice cream bars. I count it all in and just adjust the rest of the day (had veg plate for dinner to make up for it) to fit within my calorie limits. If eating crap keeps me from killing people one week a month, so be it.

    Just work it into your calorie plan.
  • Tanyaka
    Tanyaka Posts: 13 Member
    Yep. I find that the week before and then at the start of the week I turn in to a hunger machine!! I am just insatiable. Not even a specific craving, I just feel like my stomach is hollow and I need to fill it! And then again I always have the one day first where I am not hungry at all and just want to sloth around. Maybe a good day to schedule lots of veggies to prepare for the upcoming hunger monster :P

    I plan on marking down notes next time, so I know my patterns. When the chocolate craving is due to hit I will already have worked it in to my diary and when I'm hungry hungry .. I don't know, maybe I will make sure I have more exercise scheduled in to dull food cravings and compensate for a larger dinner to comfort my hollow tummy :P

    I think if we know our own patterns we can prepare for it and get better :)
  • Hannahk90
    Hannahk90 Posts: 8
    I love the skinny cow mini fudgesicles. They're pure chocolate goodness and only 50 calories! If you are really craving chocolate, you can have two and they're still only 100 calories. Plus, since it's ice cream, it takes a bit longer to eat so your brain registers that you're eating chocolate for like 5 minutes. I think even the regular supermarket fudgesicles are really low in calories to. That, and as a few people have suggested, you can always work out a little bit more that day to make up for the calorie increase.