No Success again...



  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i was losing weight nicely.. then i introduced exercise.. and started to gain pounds.. :( no inches lost either. but im going to keep pushing at it. somethng has to give. do not give up. keep pushing.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I just glanced at your diary, I can tell you first off its probably your diet why your not losing weight. Plus drinking any kind of alcohol pretty much destroys almost a full week of exercising depending on how many you have. Soda is also a big problem, water or green tea is the best. just some info

    I was going to say the Same thing. Alcohol slows your weight loss down HEAPS. Each nip is worth 30 mins plus\s of EXTRA exercise to burn it off. And it Slows your metabolism more because your liver has to work harder to rid itself of the toxins from it. It can take days for your body to recover well enough again to help metabolise food properly. Hard spirits are worse. IF you are going to drink white spirits are sightly better and I would mix with Diet sodas . BUT prepare for repercussions.I gram of Alcohol is comparable to a gram of Fat. Fat is 9 calories per gram and alcohol is 7 per gram. it also means that any alcohol your body has is being burnt off FIRST instead of food. So calories from Food are instantly stored.

    She is logging her alcohol and only has a glass or two every now and again so this has no bearing on her weight loss. Where did you read that 1g of alcohol is comparable to 1g of fat?
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I've barely lost any and am working out a is discouraging, frustrating, and heartbreaking all at once.. eat exercise calories, don't eat exercise calories, eat bmr, don't eat bmr...aaaahhhhh ugh! what to do, what to do, why does it work so well for others and not so well for some of us.. all I know is we have to hang in there.. at least we are making positive changes regarless of the damn scale!

  • I'm in the same boat! I've barely lost any and am working out a is discouraging, frustrating, and heartbreaking all at once.. eat exercise calories, don't eat exercise calories, eat bmr, don't eat bmr...aaaahhhhh ugh! what to do, what to do, why does it work so well for others and not so well for some of us.. all I know is we have to hang in there.. at least we are making positive changes regarless of the damn scale!


    Go Us!!!! :happy:
  • jazalla25
    jazalla25 Posts: 11
    You might want to change up yoru workout, that is what my dad (trainer) says to do, and it works, because your body can get used to the same workout over and over.

    just a thought, I am no onw to speak becasue I have much to lose
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    You seem to be eating quite a bit of starch--bread, potatoes, and cereal bars--and too little fat. I also notice several alcoholic drinks a week; while there's nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, it can slow or stop weight loss for some people, more than you'd expect from just the amount of calories consumed.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    She is logging her alcohol and only has a glass or two every now and again so this has no bearing on her weight loss. Where did you read that 1g of alcohol is comparable to 1g of fat?

    Do an Internet search on "alcohol slows weight loss". I've seen it mentioned in several reputable diet books. Something to do with the way the alcohol is metabolized by the liver.

    Look closer at her diary--she's having more than just a glass or two some days. I see at least one day a week in the past month with six or seven servings (or more) of whiskey & Diet Coke, or a couple of liters of beer or hard cider. That could certainly halt weight loss.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    She is logging her alcohol and only has a glass or two every now and again so this has no bearing on her weight loss. Where did you read that 1g of alcohol is comparable to 1g of fat?

    Do an Internet search on "alcohol slows weight loss". I've seen it mentioned in several reputable diet books. Something to do with the way the alcohol is metabolized by the liver.

    Look closer at her diary--she's having more than just a glass or two some days. I see at least one day a week in the past month with six or seven servings (or more) of whiskey & Diet Coke, or a couple of liters of beer or hard cider. That could certainly halt weight loss.

    Care to quote from reputable medical articles rather than 'diet books'?
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    She is logging her alcohol and only has a glass or two every now and again so this has no bearing on her weight loss. Where did you read that 1g of alcohol is comparable to 1g of fat?

    Do an Internet search on "alcohol slows weight loss". I've seen it mentioned in several reputable diet books. Something to do with the way the alcohol is metabolized by the liver.

    Look closer at her diary--she's having more than just a glass or two some days. I see at least one day a week in the past month with six or seven servings (or more) of whiskey & Diet Coke, or a couple of liters of beer or hard cider. That could certainly halt weight loss.

    Care to quote from reputable medical articles rather than 'diet books'?

    I realize you're going to defend drinking no matter what; but OK, here are a few:

    1. Siler, S.Q., Neese, R.A., & Hellerstein, M.K. (1999). De novo lipogenesis, lipid kinetics, and whole-body lipid balances in humans after acute alcohol consumption. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, 928-936
    2. Buemann, B., Toubro, S., & Astrup, A. (2002). The effect of wine or beer versus a carbonated soft drink, served at a meal, on ad libitum energy intake. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 26, 1367-1372
    3. Valimaki, M.J., Harkonen, M., Eriksson, C.J., & Ylikahri, R.H. (1984). Sex hormones and adrenocortical steroids in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol. Alcohol, 1, 89-93
    4. Heikkonen, E., Ylikahri, R., Roine, R., Valimaki, M., Harkonen, M., & Salaspuro, M. (1996). The combined effect of alcohol and physical exercise on serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and cortisol in males. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 20, 711-716
    5. Kvist, H., Hallgren, P., Jonsson, L., Pettersson, P., Sjoberg, C., Sjostrom, L., & Bjorntorp, P. (1993). Distribution of adipose tissue and muscle mass in alcoholic men. Metabolism, 42, 569-573
    6. Raben A, Agerholm-Larsen L, Flint A, Holst JJ, Astrup A. (2003). Meals with similar energy densities but rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, or alcohol have different effects on energy expenditure and substrate metabolism but not on appetite and energy intake. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77, 91-100
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    She is logging her alcohol and only has a glass or two every now and again so this has no bearing on her weight loss. Where did you read that 1g of alcohol is comparable to 1g of fat?

    Do an Internet search on "alcohol slows weight loss". I've seen it mentioned in several reputable diet books. Something to do with the way the alcohol is metabolized by the liver.

    Look closer at her diary--she's having more than just a glass or two some days. I see at least one day a week in the past month with six or seven servings (or more) of whiskey & Diet Coke, or a couple of liters of beer or hard cider. That could certainly halt weight loss.

    Care to quote from reputable medical articles rather than 'diet books'?

    I realize you're going to defend drinking no matter what; but OK, here are a few:

    1. Siler, S.Q., Neese, R.A., & Hellerstein, M.K. (1999). De novo lipogenesis, lipid kinetics, and whole-body lipid balances in humans after acute alcohol consumption. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, 928-936
    2. Buemann, B., Toubro, S., & Astrup, A. (2002). The effect of wine or beer versus a carbonated soft drink, served at a meal, on ad libitum energy intake. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 26, 1367-1372
    3. Valimaki, M.J., Harkonen, M., Eriksson, C.J., & Ylikahri, R.H. (1984). Sex hormones and adrenocortical steroids in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol. Alcohol, 1, 89-93
    4. Heikkonen, E., Ylikahri, R., Roine, R., Valimaki, M., Harkonen, M., & Salaspuro, M. (1996). The combined effect of alcohol and physical exercise on serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and cortisol in males. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 20, 711-716
    5. Kvist, H., Hallgren, P., Jonsson, L., Pettersson, P., Sjoberg, C., Sjostrom, L., & Bjorntorp, P. (1993). Distribution of adipose tissue and muscle mass in alcoholic men. Metabolism, 42, 569-573
    6. Raben A, Agerholm-Larsen L, Flint A, Holst JJ, Astrup A. (2003). Meals with similar energy densities but rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, or alcohol have different effects on energy expenditure and substrate metabolism but not on appetite and energy intake. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77, 91-100

    Why exactly would you assume that?

    In any case, thank you for the references - it will be interesting reading to see if they show that someone on a significant calorie deficit will actually gain weight.

  • prettybub
    prettybub Posts: 54 Member
    I just glanced at your diary, I can tell you first off its probably your diet why your not losing weight. Plus drinking any kind of alcohol pretty much destroys almost a full week of exercising depending on how many you have. Soda is also a big problem, water or green tea is the best. just some info

    I was going to say the Same thing. Alcohol slows your weight loss down HEAPS. Each nip is worth 30 mins plus\s of EXTRA exercise to burn it off. And it Slows your metabolism more because your liver has to work harder to rid itself of the toxins from it. It can take days for your body to recover well enough again to help metabolise food properly. Hard spirits are worse. IF you are going to drink white spirits are sightly better and I would mix with Diet sodas . BUT prepare for repercussions.I gram of Alcohol is comparable to a gram of Fat. Fat is 9 calories per gram and alcohol is 7 per gram. it also means that any alcohol your body has is being burnt off FIRST instead of food. So calories from Food are instantly stored.

    She is logging her alcohol and only has a glass or two every now and again so this has no bearing on her weight loss. Where did you read that 1g of alcohol is comparable to 1g of fat?

    Caloric content of fat, protein, carbohydrates and alcohol.

    Calories are needed to provide energy so the body functions properly. The number of calories in a food depends on the amount of energy the food provides. The number of calories a person needs depends on age, height, weight, gender, and activity level. People who consume more calories than they burn off in normal daily activity or during exercise are more likely to be overweight.

    Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
    Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
    Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
    Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories

    Source: But I also studied Nutrition as part off My Fitness Instructor Course. Your body WILL burn the alcohol off FIRST before Fat, And any calories consumed With the alcohol will be stored. Hence it slowing fat loss.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Your overall calories on somedays seem pretty low. Plus you are getting a good number of those calories from alcohol, which means you are not really fueling your body. Not so good for the metabolism. Not sure of the timing of all of your meals, but it looks as though your breakfast calories are very low. Maybe try to shift more of your calories to the morning. If you have a drink or two in the evening, the alcohol slows your metabolism. Then you sleep all night. Get up in the morning, metabolism is slower from alcohol and sleeping, then you don't give your body any fuel, metabolism stays slow. Could also try an early morning workout. Personally I'm not a morning person, but I've heard from others it's a great way to start the day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    . BUT prepare for repercussions.I gram of Alcohol is comparable to a gram of Fat.

    She is logging her alcohol and only has a glass or two every now and again so this has no bearing on her weight loss. Where did you read that 1g of alcohol is comparable to 1g of fat?

    Caloric content of fat, protein, carbohydrates and alcohol.

    Calories are needed to provide energy so the body functions properly. The number of calories in a food depends on the amount of energy the food provides. The number of calories a person needs depends on age, height, weight, gender, and activity level. People who consume more calories than they burn off in normal daily activity or during exercise are more likely to be overweight.

    Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
    Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
    Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
    Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories

    Source: But I also studied Nutrition as part off My Fitness Instructor Course. Your body WILL burn the alcohol off FIRST before Fat, And any calories consumed With the alcohol will be stored. Hence it slowing fat loss.

    Yup - I know the stats - so 1g alcohol =/= 1g fat.

    If you at a calorie deficit is does not matter what is stored - you are at a deficit.
  • have you checked your measurements? you may be loosing inches and not weight.... and yes I know that can be so frustrating but keep going.. you are healthier, happier and it will get there :flowerforyou:
  • wilson1024
    wilson1024 Posts: 126 Member
    Same here but I did lose some in inches so at least I'm losing something. Don't give up! It will eventially turn out good for you! Anything you are doing to better yourself is a good thing :) Time and patience and determination!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    No weight loss again, increased calories slightly, had one small treat that hardly made me go over yesterday, drank piles more water... out of ideas now! Lost 2 lbs in the whole of April, how disappointing! :'(

    I am losing weight incredibly slowly. I am very short, and I have a pretty high lean body mass for my weight. I keep my calories up because too big of a deficit will put me below my BMR very quickly. I don't have a lot of room to play with. I have been working out harder each and every week. The scale still moves very slowly - about .5 a week. I have lost 2 pant sizes though. The scale is only one measure of your success. Are you feeling better? Are you stronger? Do you have more endurance? These are the things that really should matter the most. Best of luck!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Are you taking before/after pictures and your measurments (before/after)?? It may show more than the scale will.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    You seem to be undereating most days. Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE and worked out a realistic calorie target? If not I think you should! Also there's a lot of processed food - all the sodium doesn't help! I think the jury's out on the alcohol issue - I've learnt that I have to not drink it if I want to lose weight, but in my case I think it's because it affects my motivation so much...

    Don't give up. Start afresh, and give it a month of eating ABOVE BMR and a realistic percentage below TDEE, eat proper food, and give it a month. I bet you a drink of your choice that you'll see weight loss.
  • NancyL1221
    NancyL1221 Posts: 5 Member
    You need to take 3-5 days and double your calories (seriously!!). After a couple of days just cut back 500 calories or so. If you are only eating 1200-1500 calories, your metabolism is not working properly. There are many websites that will give you an approximate amount of calories you need to maintain your weight. Use them and then cut back by only 300-500 and you'll see better results. Most people have trouble with the concept of eating more to lose weight. Let me explain:

    If you are like me - 5'7" 190 lbs - I need approx. 2500 calories a day to maintain my weight. I'm also an avid exerciser and I have a great deal of muscle mass. I am currently doing something called carb cycling - every other day no/low carb vs. high carb. Low carb days I'm eating 1800-2000 calories, high carb days are 2200-2400. And I've lost 10 pounds in 5 weeks - something I haven't been able to do for almost 2 years.

    You have to fuel your body for it to work properly. Raise your calories for a short period of time and then cut back - your body will reset.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    A couple things:
    1. Try replacing the alchohal with water and tea. If water is boring, add lemon/lime juice.
    2. Balance out your macros, your sugar/carbs are really high, and your protien fat is low. MFP has the defaults set very carb high.
    3. Don't count on MFP being accurate on calories burned for exercise. as an example, it says my 60 minute brazillian jiu jitsu classes burn just under 800 calories! There is no way this is accurate. Unless i was "sparring" the entire 60 minutes, then MAYBE).
    4. Get your thyroid checked out. You've mentioned several times you have slow metabolism. If your thyroids having trouble, there may be help for you there.
    5. Try coconut oil. It's loaded with great fats and is good for cooking with, or adding to smoothies, or oatmeal. It can help get your metabolism going.
    6. Try to eat more in the morning, and not eat after 6 or 7 pm.
    7. Don't get disheartened. You've done very well so far losing 14kg!