


  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    AMazingly since I started doing this and knew I was keeping track, I have STOPPED having B,L,T's (Bites, licks, and tastes). I am a food addict and it has been very difficult to stay focused. I try to have treats daily and even that didn't stop me from bingeing before my TOM. I went 600 calories over, ate reese's peanutbutter eggs, 8 homemade cookies, 6 mini york peppeermint patties and the next day I was SO sick. My stomach ACHED so BAD!

    Sorry, I have food ADD. But since I started tracking, I try really hard to avoid having bites, simply because it seems like a pain the the butt to try to keep track of them.
  • Lasirenn
    Lasirenn Posts: 50 Member
    Like someone else said, if I can't log it now, I usually don't eat it. The only exception is Sunday dinner. I'm usually at work so mom cooks. I typically have a good idea of everything she puts in, so I can estimate my calories, but I usually don't log them. I just stick to small portions. So far doing that hasn't kept me from my -1 pound a week.
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    Yeah, I'm a little OCD about logging food, but I don't log my exercise as accurately. Since I make myself log all of the food, it has the benefit of curbing my snacking by making me ask myself if that snack is really worth the extra effort of logging.
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    AMazingly since I started doing this and knew I was keeping track, I have STOPPED having B,L,T's (Bites, licks, and tastes).

    Great Comment! :D
  • rcillo219
    rcillo219 Posts: 76 Member
    I don't log if I sneak a bite of something but I do keep it in mind so when I exercise later I can add an extra few minutes to whatever my workout may be so either way I feel good. I feel good that I had a devious sneaky bite of a fry or cookie or chocolate and then later I feel good that I worked out because I enjoy exercise. For me it's a win win :wink: I think for some people if they become obsessive it ends up discouraging them and for others it really helps so whatever works for you and helps with your weight loss!
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Lots of people on here say they don't activity like housework because it doesn't burn enough calories, so if you only eat a few calories should you log it?

    My opinion would be you should either log both or log neither, so they cancel each other out.
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    My son (and my cats, for that matter) eats a lot off my plate; so, I figure if I take a taste of his food, it cancels out. Usually, though, it's him taking from me and not me from him. So, I guess I cheat in my diets' favor. I actually consume less calories than I own up to.

    I like this! I do the same! I have tryed a bite of my hubby's sandwich before (Yes just a bite ;) ) and didnt log it- I figure he always eats mine!
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    I don't add the random bite here or there because I know all the calorie counts are not exact anyway. Even if you weigh or measure every morsel your still only getting a close count as not every potato/tomato/fish/chicken/etc. has the exact same calorie count. Unless you have a lab and personally test every bite you you eat, they are all just averages. The few calories in 2 fries is not going to make that much difference. Unless they are huge steak fry wedges. Then I'd probably count them.
    Thats how i feel!
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    But since I started tracking, I try really hard to avoid having bites, simply because it seems like a pain the the butt to try to keep track of them.

    That's my reasoning for avoiding them too. It's just too much work for one or to bites :laugh:
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    Im loving the replies! Keep them comming! I don't normally take little bites but one day my hubby got a new subway sadwich I had never tryed, so I took a bite (it was yummy) and the otherday I was playing around with my oldest son and snagged 2 french fries off his plate and we laughed about it! It got me thinking......... should I log them? How would I log them? I love your answers!
  • DeborahStanley
    DeborahStanley Posts: 90 Member
    I log everything, I even weigh celery.....but I do not log tea & coffee as they are good for my mental health and without them I would be a total head case :)
  • The only thing that's ever worked for me even a LITTLE in the past has been to meticulously log everything I put in my mouth. I'm horrible about "accidental snacking". I'll eat something without even meaning to, and frequently find myself eating WAY more of it than I should. Someone recently said you can "curb a craving with a single bite as well as you can a whole serving", to which I say nonsense, if you take away my Cheetos I will stab you with a fork.

    I'm trying a different approach this time, first by using MFP where even though I know I'm not being "judged", I also feel a sense of accountability, and second, by planning my day's food in the morning, and adding it to my diary. I leave it open for the day so I can adjust if I absolutely have to, but I find knowing what I'm supposed to be eating is helping me to avoid my accidental snacking.

    That said, since I'm not logging incidental calorie burns (house work, laundry, walking up and down stairs at work, parking further out from places and walking around grocery stores, etc) I probably wouldn't log the "I stole a french fry from my four year old" or "I put my hand in the bag of chips without thinking". I think this works best with your activity level set at sedentary, because MFP isn't accounting for the incidental burns. I'm also not eating back calories so I'm only logging exercise to keep myself accountable. If you're set higher and you know MFP is vaguely aware of the fact that it takes you an hour to vaccuum or scrub the kitchen and bathroom, then I think you should probably log those accidental snacks, otherwise your deficits would be misleading. I'm trying to become obsessive about what I eat, actually, instead of being so obsessive about the scale. Which taunts me. Frequently.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I try to log absolutely everything I eat.

    Even if I have a bite of a sandwich or "a couple" of fries it's still calories that need to be counted.
  • kgchisholm
    kgchisholm Posts: 134 Member

    I also would kill my husband if he tried to take some of my food
    now as it would knock my cals out.

    Hahaha I do this too! My husband now knows to ask, "Did you portion that for yourself already?" before he comes sneaking my food off my plate :)