How did you come up with you're GOAL weight?



  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    I chose the weight that was the highest in my weight range for a healthy BMI for my height and build. I have been close to 285 pounds almost my entire adult life (weighing 230 when I was 15 and never getting on a scale again until my mid 20's, I'm now 35 years old).

    Getting down to 200 seems like a huge accomplishment but reaching that magic 180, that's the real "goal" in my mind. I clearly have no idea what I will look or feel like then or if I will be satisfied. It's such an abstract thought for me right now, I don't truly know how I will feel. For me, it's less about the numbers and more about how I will look.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I also chose the highest number that would give me a healthy bmi. I was obese when I started and have now moved into overweight. If I got down to healthy I'd be ecstatic. At that weight I wouldn't be 'thin' so if I do get there I might re-evaluate but right now it still seems a long way away so it will certainly do for a goal.

    To be honest I don't really think about it that much, I more focus on smaller goals. Getting out of obese was the first one. Hopefully getting under 70kg will be next (still some time off).
  • k1ngfl1pper
    k1ngfl1pper Posts: 46 Member
    I had originally picked 200 as it was a nice round number. I updated it to 196 (yeah, odd number) as that was the weight the Navy said was my max for my height.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I chose my Goal Weight based on a healthy BMI and also based on my starting weight. I recently got a dr. report with my highest recorded weight of 327 (also how much I weighed when I started on this getting healthy thing - see my profile pics for comparison). My GW is 147 lbs. Midrange in a healthy BMI.... also 180 lbs. from where I started. I will be less than 1/2 my size. Not sure what will happen after that for me. There are lingering questions of "will I want to stop there or be 140 lbs." "will I need surgery to remove skin" "will I want to add muscle and end up at 153 lbs." things like that... but I won't know until I get there.
  • BrayneZ
    BrayneZ Posts: 24 Member
    When I hit 12% body fat. There's no weight goal involved. When I hit it, I start putting on muscle. And never exceed 15%.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I originally chose 135 as my goal weight because I liked how I looked at that weight a few years ago. When I got to 135, I pretty effortlessly lost another 5. I've been fluctuating between 126-133 since July. I'm not terribly concerned about the number on the scale now, and go by how my clothes fit and how I look in progress photos.

    On the other hand, I weighed 110 pounds in high school, and got as low as 103 in college and my early 20s. If I made that my "goal," I'd never be able to achieve it. My lean body mass is about 105 pounds now, so there's no way I'll be 110 pounds again I'd either have about 4% body fat, or I'd have to lose a lot of muscle.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i choose mine as i originally wanted to just get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 128-130. Then when i had a dr appt i asked my dr what her thoughts were on my build, height, etc. so she worked it all out and said 125 would be perfect no less then 122 as i am 5 ft 2 and 35 plus have a med build..
  • NomiS6
    NomiS6 Posts: 67 Member
    slap bang in the middle of the green on the BMI.
    Started in the orange obeese club then moved into the yellow and now officaly over weight. Getting there
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I'm 5'7" with a very small frame, so I would think the lower end of BMI (118) would be ideal, but the last time I was 123 I had trouble finding clothes that fit and everyone said I was too thin, so I just came up 5 pounds to 128, but my true goal is to stay under 130 look good and feel good.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    140 is the line between 'healthy' and 'overweight' for a 5'2" woman. When I get there, I sure won't look it with a big belly. :P
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I chose my goal weight because it was half my starting weight. At 301, it had been since high school that I was any where near 150 pounds. I knew it was not even in the 'healthy' range of BMI, but I had no idea what I would look or feel like there. So I decided I would go for 150, then reevaluate. I'm already starting to reevaluate, but the thing I've found is that I am in such better shape at 200 now, than I ever was at 150 in high school. I'm wearing a 14 now, when the last time I wore this size, I was probably 30-40 pounds lighter. So, I'm just going to have to keep evaluating, and trust the opinions of the people who love me.
  • Randomcheese
    Randomcheese Posts: 15 Member
    I chose my goal wt based on what I weighed before I stopped smoking 10 years ago. For several years I told myself it was better to be heavier than to be smoking but at some point that argument breaks down. For me it was +55 lbs.

    I'm down 40 lbs from my heaviest in Jan 2010 and 16 lbs in the last three months since I started using MFP. My current goal is to get to 200 by the end of the year (-14 more lbs). So far it's working well enough that I've been considering adjusting my goal to be more in line with the recommended wt for my ht. But I'm thinking that I need to accomplish my first goal before I start moving the finish line.
  • runfrommygenes
    I figured out by taking my current BF% and choosing a BF% I wanted to be (20%)...

    Weight isn't all the same...
    The BMI is a line of BS that isn't good for most of the population! Very muscular people are considered obese even though they have NO weight to lose...

    So, figuring out your Body Fat % now, and how much of you is fat..... 44 lbs of me is fat... (27% body fat at 164 lbs)
    I want to be 20% BF... SO I need to lose 11 lbs of FAT on me to hit that...!
    GOAL 153 lbs... putting me just under the HEALTHY BMI for a 5'6" woman...
    BUT at an athletic body fat %.... Go figure!

    If I lost 20 lbs of FAT, I would weight, 144 (which lots of woman at 5'6" look great at...) HOWEVER, that would put me at 12% body fat... and very low for a woman!!!


    You can find a great calculation here....
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm 5'1". I have my current goal set at 120. The lowest I have weighed since having kids is 122 so I thought that was a good place ot start. When I was in college I was most comfortable at 105-110 but am not sure if that is realistic for me now or not. I will re-evaluate when I get to my original goal.
  • littlewitch1973
    I honestly do not have a set "goal weight". I am working towards feeling comfortable in clothes, and once my body finds the size it likes, that is where my weight loss will stall. I am working towards a range of 150-180. Could I lose more? Sure... would it be healthy for me? Not sure. I will be using body fat and clothing fit as more of a guide. If I weigh 160, but wear a size 8, and have lean muscle and low body fat, I will be happy. If I weigh 160, wear a size 12, and have a muffin top, I will likely not be too happy. To me, too much emphasis is put on numbers on a scale, versus what your body feels best at. I want to be strong and healthy - able to run away from Zombies during a zombie apocolypse (just kidding!!) and be able to move furniture by myself if I need to.

    Following a healthy eating and training plan is what is more important to me, versus the number on the scale - that number tends to depress me, as I dont see the weight dropping, but do have to buy new pants because I lost so many inches I have to keep pulling my pants up!!
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I'm 5'6" I chose 135 because I was 133 when I got married. I know I was happiest with my body at that point in my life and clothes shopping was the most fun.
  • dadeys1
    dadeys1 Posts: 40 Member
    Right or wrong, what I read was that over 25% BMI is considered "overweight". So according to that, I've been "overweight" since I was about 16 years old. I'm 5'7" so I need to get below 160lbs to be <25% BMI according to the charts on the web. I chose 155lbs just for good measure. I'm currently at 163lbs closing in on that goal. Not sure if I'll get there considering I'm now 10lbs less than I was in college but I'll keep trying.
  • mona169
    mona169 Posts: 17 Member
    I was 105 lbs before I got pregnant. also with a herniated disc and 5'2", my Ortho want me to put less pressure on my spine, so he wants me to be around 100lbs, though my realistic goal is 115 lbs.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I came up with mine, because the last time I felt really good about my body was 2 years ago, when I was 261lbs, so I figured 260 was good, but i'm going to have a lot more muscle this time so I figured it should be even better. If I go lower I wont mind at all, but I don't think I would go lower thank 240, I just like my size to much.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    I remember a couple of years ago I was 185 and still fat. So I just guessed that 15 more lbs would take off that last bit of fat and so my goal is 170.