1st May! New Month, New Start! What are your May goals?



  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    Lose 10lbs!
    At least another 1" off the waist
    At least another 1.5" off the can
  • islaybower
    islaybower Posts: 57
    1. Work on balancing my protein/fat/carbs (I am APPALLING at this)
    2. Start Insanity! Just as soon as the darn thing arrives
    3. Do my morning yoga dvd at least twice a week
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I have a 4-day weekend away planned for mid month where alcohol will be a focus of the days and nights - we're viisiting the NY Finger Lakes and we will be on the Wine Trail. Then there is an Irish Pub 2 blocks away from our motel! It will be a long weekend of food debauchery since I won't be preparing my own meals either...

    My goal is to eat as well as I possibly can while away. I haven't taken this long "off" since I started here 1 year ago and this will be a challenge to live "real life" (semi real life) ....
    I'd also like to still lose at least 2 pounds during this month.
    I would also like to challenge myself to at least a 20 minute run each morning that I am away - Saturday, Sunday and Monday while the others sleep or hit the shower!
  • TropicTori
    TropicTori Posts: 18
    Wow Some of your goals are so inspiring!! and well thought out!! I just have been doing Daily goals and overall weekly goals... Now I gotta think of some for the month of May :) thanks for the inspiration all !!
  • idziak04
    idziak04 Posts: 69
    My goals for the month of May:

    1. Lose 5 pounds by Memorial Day.
    2. Keep doing Ripped in 30 4 times per week/ cardio workout 2 times per week
    3. Drink at least 10 glasses of H20 a day.
  • TLPat
    TLPat Posts: 55 Member
    1. Continue 30 Day Shred.
    2. Read New Rules of Lifting (just purchased).
    3. Rev up the weight loss again - stagnant last month after finishing training/10K.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I am flying to Texas with my little girl May 26th to visit my brother and sister-in-law stationed at Ft. Hood. My brother hasn't seen me since September 2011 when I was 27 pounds heavier. I would like to...
    1. Lose at least 3 more pounds so that I can be on the Wall of Champions at my gym. :)
    2. Lose a total of 5lbs before I leave for Texas for a total weight loss of 32lbs.
    3. Buy a size 16 jean to take with me to Texas - I haven't worn a 16 since high school! Getting close to this goal. My size 18s that I just bought are falling off of me!
    4. Try new food recipes, especially involving fish - recently discovered I like tilapia. :)
    5. Continue my work outs every week day, even though I will be adding softball 2 nights a week (4 games a week). I'm worried I will be so worn out I won't continue my regular work outs.
  • tdawgrn
    tdawgrn Posts: 4
    My goals this month:

    1) 1 cheat day a week
    2) track everyday
    3) Workout 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes
    4) loose 6 lbs!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Goals for May:

    1. Lose 4-6 lbs
    2. Improve my half marathon time at the Diva Half on 5/20 in Myrtle Beach
    3. Continue working toward my full marathon goal.
    4. Cut back on my alcohol consumption -- which will probably make goal number 1 more attainable. :grumble:
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    My goal is to get to my mini goal of losing 20 pounds. I have lost 12 so far.... but I have a feeling this week will be a good weight loss week for me. Very achieveable!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Goals: I would *love* to lose 5 pounds. Don't know if it's possible, but I will give it a shot.
    Also want to log in my food carefully & honestly, and stay away from sugar as much as possible.
    Last, I want to do 30 day shred @ home & go to the gym for classes at least 3x a week.
    Just started a new job which will require gym in the morning... I'm not a morning person :D
  • sashanicole88
    sashanicole88 Posts: 180 Member
    1) Exercise - at least five days a week!
    2) Stay under my calorie goals every day (including weekends!!!!)
    3) Include more fruits and veggies in my diet
    4) Drink more water!
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    i wanna get to 142lbs....i really have been struggling with this up and down stuff...i got to 145 then back up to 148 then i got down to 144 now back up to 146...this is really starting to drive me crazy!!!!

    gonna stick to my burning 600+ calories a day...with my day of rest on Sundays to let my body heal....so thats 3600+ calories to burn a week...my calorie intake goal is 1530...i dont want to go over 1600 for that....i need to drink MORE WATER!! and be better about logging it!!!

    start working on my abs....need to do my ab exercises...i want to do them monday-wednesday-friday....

    im gonna cut out alcohol for all but one day and the only day will be May 11th when me and dh go out for mothers day/his birthday other than that i am gonna try not to drink at all!!! and that will be my only "cheat" day as well....period...no more!!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Get abs!
  • My Goals

    1.Log every day (whether good or bad)
    2.Workout 5 days a week
    3.Try to have only ONE cheat day a week :indifferent:
    4.Prepare my meals in advance
    5.Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    6.Get out of the 160's
  • mkfisher84
    mkfisher84 Posts: 1
    1. Work out for at least 60 minutes, six days a week.
    2. Trying new classes at the gym, yoga and pilates.
    3. Log all food and exercise!
    4. Lose 8 pounds...be well on my way to goal weight.
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    My goals are:

    1) Log my calories every day on MFP
    2) 6 days a week of TapouT XT workout video
    3) Lose 10lbs
    4) Weigh in once a week on Mondays
  • cahulsey
    cahulsey Posts: 11
    Good morning! I love your goals!

    My May Montage would be:
    1. Bike 5-10 miles, 3x's this week
    2. Stay at, or slightly under my recommended daily caloric intake
    3. Add some calesthenics to my week (push-ups and ab work)
    4. Track 3 - 4 days each week
    5. Stay away from junk foods and sodas
    6. Allow myself 1 "free" day

    Best of luck to all and HAPPY MAY!
  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    I am going on a vacation to Colorado with my boyfriend and dogs in about 6 weeks and I want to be wearing the jeans I wore the day I met him 20 months ago. I have about 14 pounds to go to hit that mark I think. I want to be able to hike and bike and swim on vacation and not be out of breath and be able to keep up with the dogs and the boyfriend! Our vacation is the weekend after I graduate from college for the third time and I want to be in the best shape of all my graduations! :) So my goal weight for the end of May is 165 pounds :) I also want to go to Kosama 6 days a week, every week this month. No days missed!
  • milagros00
    milagros00 Posts: 80 Member
    Last month I gave up sugar. No cake, cookies, ice cream, donuts, candy, well you get the point. I started while on vacation in Texas. The change in routine made it surprisingly easier. I was not expecting much and did not do it to loose weight, but I have found an enormous benefit was gained. I no longer feel bound and chained by my obsession with sweets. I no longer sneak to eat donuts or make late night runs for ice cream. I FEEL FINALLY FREE.

    This month I will lower my fat intake. Looking forward to how I will feel in June.