Ladies 5'4 What is your goal weight?



  • kristenetc
    kristenetc Posts: 11
    i'm 140 right now, i want to get down to about 125 because that's the weight i was at what felt like my healthiest :)
  • I'm about 126Ibs at the moment (I think). This would have been my ideal weight but my tummy is still big :sad:
  • ninick
    ninick Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a little under 5'4" and my goal is to be toned at 110lb :)
  • ambalitav
    ambalitav Posts: 4
    Hi! I'm 5'3" - also curvy with butt, thighs, hip & all lol. I currently weight 224 and I carry my weight well. I'm also not trying to be super skinny. My goal is about 150. When I was in high school, I was in my opinion too skinny yet toned and I weight 135. I don't want to get that skinny. So I think it depends on the person and how they carry their weight. I know of girls who weight less than I do but look bigger because they carry it differently. I hope this helps.
  • loriamcq
    loriamcq Posts: 64
    I'm only 5'3 but I figured that was close enough to respond. I'm also older, 45, so my goals are realistic for my age/height I think. I'm currently 180 and would like to be 150.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    140ish because I have a lot of muscle and am an athlete. Possibly 130ish. I won't know what's right for me until I get there. Once I hit the low 140's I'll know whether or not the low 130's are reasonable for me.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Goal weight: 112lbs

    Current weight: 117lbs

    I may reconsider once I get there because my current body fat is 24.5% and if I don't reach the 21% once I am 112lbs, I might go down to 108lbs.

    I am 5'3.5"
  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    I'm 5'3", started at 176, down to 138. I like the weight I am at. I have an athletic frame, very curvy, busty and don't want to be a stick figure. Would like to get to 138.
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'3" and was 130 in high school and a size 6. I'd be thrilled to be a size 8 now so I am shooting for that rather than choosing a random number. There is going to be such a huge variation here. My size 6 at 130 would be someone else's size 6 at 100. My mom is about my height and used to be under 100 pounds but looked healthy at that weight. So much of it has to do with body type....

    Of course, clothing sizes are so variable that's probably not a great measure either. I can wear an 8 in some dresses already.
  • I'm 5'4 and currently 192lbs! But I am aiming, the ultimate goal, of 154lbs! I'd be happy to be at that again, as I don't mind have a little bit of softness round the edges, I don't want a flat belly or any thing :)
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    SW 215
    CW 157
    GW 145 if I like how I look at 145 I'll maintain, if not I'll lose another 10lbs.
  • Just starting this whole process (again) ... hopefully going to go at it 100% this time. I am 5'4 and would be over joyed with a weight of 150 as a starting goal anyway.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm 5'5"
    HW: 210
    SW: 190
    CW: 186
    GW: 130-135
  • oharabears
    oharabears Posts: 85
    5'4", currently 148, shooting for 138, which will give me a BF percentage of around 20%. I'm muscle-y! LOL!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    When I was younger I lost about 50lbs and dropped from one 180ish to 130s. At my thinnest at 5'4 I was 125 with 38DD and was a size 3, I looked sickly....its all in your body type and what you look/feel like. I never lost my boobs either. I lost it everywhere else. Some people are meant to be tiny, i was never meant to be smaller than 125, you could count every rib, every bone in my body. My goal now is to be 140-150. Good luck!
    How on earth did you wear a 38 band at 5'4" and 125lbs? I am 5'5" and 125, and I wear a 32 band.

    People have different shapes. I am a 34 band at 5'4.5 216 pounds (size 16-18)
  • dirtbikecowgirl
    dirtbikecowgirl Posts: 5 Member
    The doctor's tell me a healthy weight for our height is about 135 pounds.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Oh gosh .... Not again : ) The scale ...... And picking a number as a goal Nope. Myy goal isn't a number's the body I want ..that's my goal. I'm size 8 now, down from a 16 a year ago. My start weight 236. My weight now ??? May surprise you.
    Still have some tweaking to do.

    Check it out ...... My blog. My profile is open, the link is there.


    Love this post! My goal is a lot heavier than many posts here. 165ish at 5' 4.5". But I am really shooting for a clothing size. 8-10. I remember how my waist looked when it was last 30 inches, I still had 3-5 inches to grab. So once my waist looks the way I want, I am done with weight loss. No matter if the scale says 200 or 140.

    But I am about 95% sure that If I bothered to get into the "healthy" weight range for my height on BMI. I would work out to be around a size 2 for me. Too small for me.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    So there are two ways to pick a goal weight. One is to guess, can be based in past experiences, other people, or just pulled out of your shapely bum. Or you can do some math and let that give you a ballpark.
    1) calculate body fat %. If you don't have calipers, google the military circumference based method that guesses your body fat based on your measurements (all you need is a tape measure)
    2) calculate lean mass: lean mass=current weight*(1-bodyfat%). I am 143 and approximately 23% body fat, so my lean mass is 143*(1-.23) which is 110 lb
    3) pick a goal body fat percent. From what I've read, women tend to get abs at about 18%, so I'll shoot for that. Then I will assume I maintain my lean mass (by strength training and consuming 1g protein per lb of lean mass) and use the reverse of the above equation. If lean mass = bodyweight*(1-body fat %), then goal weight = lean mass/(1-goal bf%) in my case 110/(1-.18) = 134.

    I like this method because as you've seen, many ladies here are at weights or want to be at weights that I have too much lean mass for. And I don't want to lose my lady muscle just for a low number! Strong is the new skinny :)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Oh gosh .... Not again : ) The scale ...... And picking a number as a goal Nope. Myy goal isn't a number's the body I want ..that's my goal. I'm size 8 now, down from a 16 a year ago. My start weight 236. My weight now ??? May surprise you.
    Still have some tweaking to do.

    Check it out ...... My blog. My profile is open, the link is there.


    I totally get what you are saying Jen! I started at 250lbs, I am about 190lbs now but I am fitting a size 13 jean (I was wearing a size 24 when I started) and closing in on size medium shirts. It's really strange to me because I know by the numbers I am HEAVY, but I don't REALLY look it. My sister who is similar in shape and I wear the same size clothing and I REALLY AM nearly 35 lbs heavier then her according to the scale. It baffles me. A very good gal pal of mine is 15lbs lighter then me and wears pants two sizes bigger then mine. I am just a muscle-ey type, I think? How to explain it beside maybe muscle weighs more then fat? (and if any of you can explain it to me, I am really all ears- please do) Having said all of that, my goal is set to 130lbs.

    You might need to up your weight goal. We all carry it differently. When I was at 250, I was wearing size 20/18W -- and they fit perfectly. I am wearing around 14W/16 at the moment (unless they are pants..I have bigger it can be tricky). Last time I was around 190 I was wearing 12s and 14s. I have more muscle now than I did then.

    I did an online body fat calculator, and it told me I have 130# of lean body if you do the math...I need to be at 150 (if the calculator is close) just to have enough body fat to menstruate....
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 5'3", started at 176, down to 138. I like the weight I am at. I have an athletic frame, very curvy, busty and don't want to be a stick figure. Would like to get to 138.

    Wow you look great! Your pic inspires me, as that I have similar goals!