Women - Menstrual Cycle and Weight Gain

Can someone tell me how my cycle is going to affect the scale. I'm doing so good these last two weeks and weighing every couple of days. I think I read a post one time that said we gain weight during our cycle. Does anyone know? Is it best to stay off the scale until I'm off? Thanks!!


  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member

    I started working out and dieting five weeks ago, and I had my period during week 3. Before I started my period, I weighed 132 pounds. When I started, I weighed 136..I gained 4 pounds of water weight.

    Seeing the sudden weight gain was disheartening, but I kept working out regardless. A few days after my period ended, I went back to normal.

    It's mostly water that you'll gain. Oh, and you may be WAY hungrier than you usually are...I certainly was. I eat 1300 calories a day; but during my period, I ate anywhere between 1400 and 1600 per day. Just let it happen...your body needs the extra energy and nutrients.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    I gain about 4 pounds of water weight everytime. I weigh myself daily, for me its good to see how I'm doing daily. I like to see the fluctations in my weight. I keep track on a spreadsheet so I know when TOM comes what's going to happen. Its temporary. I wouldnt be afraid of the scale. Just know its normal and try not to eat all the chocolate and salty snacks in the house... like I am working on trying not to do tonight :)
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    oh good, so it's not just me that feels like a ravenous hungry person before and during my period.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I used to FREAK out during period weigh ins! I never realized how much water weight would mess things up :grumble: BUT it's water weight. I would wait maybe 2-3 days after period ends to weigh in just to avoid any anxiety attacks.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    For me, it's best to just stay off it for a week and a half. I've learned to just stay away from the scale a few days before, during, and a few days after my period. I know that it's just water retention, but I hate seeing those numbers go up. Some women can handle weighing in during their TOM, but for me, having PMS + seeing the scale number go up makes me so cranky haha.
  • 139pilotwife
    139pilotwife Posts: 235 Member
    For those chocolate cravings-I found an idea on MFP that hits the spot. Take 4 ripe bananas and mix with 2 to 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder (depending how dark you like your chocolate) spread on a small pan or plate lined with wax paper. Let in firm in the freezer then break up into little chucks (about 10 - 15 calories for a 10g serving). I keep in the freezer & snack on it when I have those cravings.

    I usually gain about 4 pounds and I struggle with getting workouts in as I get very tired. Yes it does come off quickly after...it tends to makes me refocus & be stronger after my cycle-regenerates me!
  • buckeye86
    buckeye86 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm dealing with that right now. It generally makes me get all upset at the scale, but I'm doing better about it since I know it's just water weight (the silly looking pot belly even though my hipbones are showing proves that). Plus, if you're eating normally and put on 3-4 lbs in a day or two, it's pretty obvious that it can't be fat.
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
  • I gain anywhere from 4-6 pounds...usually a week after I have a loss again
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Bleugh, if there was only a way that we would not gain water weight or crave chocolate, cheese and salty foods :grumble: lol
    Has anyone got any other tips to banish these cravings?! (I unfortunately cannot eat bananas they upset me)

    But yes I gain loads of water weight...everywhere, my fingers swell, my boobs grow (not complaining there like lol!), I swear even my feet swell. Like the other ladies have said, probably best to bypass the scales that week!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member

    Don't worry - it is. :laugh:
  • AssembledIncorrectly
    AssembledIncorrectly Posts: 64 Member
    For those chocolate cravings-I found an idea on MFP that hits the spot. Take 4 ripe bananas and mix with 2 to 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder (depending how dark you like your chocolate) spread on a small pan or plate lined with wax paper. Let in firm in the freezer then break up into little chucks (about 10 - 15 calories for a 10g serving). I keep in the freezer & snack on it when I have those cravings.

    I usually gain about 4 pounds and I struggle with getting workouts in as I get very tired. Yes it does come off quickly after...it tends to makes me refocus & be stronger after my cycle-regenerates me!

    I use Peanut Butter..my kids LOVE it too!!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    You don't gain weight. You gain water. And for some it can be quite a lot of water. I'll gain 4-6lb, just before a period, and it stays with me for about a week, and then is gone by the time the period ends. Some people only gain a pound or two. Some people don't gain. But if you do find your scale number goes up, just shrug and wait a week or so. Don't stress about it. (Realistically, you're still a few pounds down on what you would have weighed that week, had you not been on mfp. you would have had a menstrual gain regardless)
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    Dark chocolate is ok to give into when you're on your period ladies. It helps reduce the cravings but isn't so sweet that you feel the need to eat every last bite. My favorite is Lindt Excellence w/ roasted almond. OMG! And 2 squares is good for the day (100 cal)
  • I've been freaking out today because I suddenly weigh 3 more pounds than I did 5 days ago. My period is almost over. But the last time I had weighed myself, I was down to my target weight so I changed my plan to maintain my weight, not lose anymore. I noticed it added 450 more calories on to each day that I could eat. But when I weighed myself today, I noticed I had gained 3 pounds! Now I've never really noticed my weight fluctuate much due to my period, but maybe I can blame some of the weight gain on my period? Nevertheless, I've changed my plan back to wanting to lose weight, as I want to lose the 3 pounds I just gained. Do you find that it you have to be done with your period for a few days for the weight to go back to normal?
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    Bleugh, if there was only a way that we would not gain water weight or crave chocolate, cheese and salty foods :grumble: lol
    Has anyone got any other tips to banish these cravings?!
    I never really go nuts for the chocolate, thank goodness But the cheese and the salty foods get me every time during my period! If anyone has tips to bypass those specific foods, I'd love the advice!
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 123 Member
    I get really bloated so I usually don't weight myself until a few days after my cycle is over. Not to mention my craving for sweets is unbearable so i'm sure that adds at least a pound by it's self :wink:
  • neurogirl
    neurogirl Posts: 706 Member
    I've noticed I will go up about 4 to 6 pounds a few days before I start and that sticks until about 2 days after I end. It's a trend I've noticed for years and try not to let it discourage me. I make sure to save calories for Chocolate since it really seems to be one of the few things that helps cramps, and remind myself the weight and cramps will be gone in a few days.

    It can feel really discouraging if you haven't tracked your weight in the past and noticed a pattern, but it's just water weight (and bloating ugh!). I just started MFP again a few weeks ago and went through this very same thing. Good luck and keep up the great work.
  • Angelgirl040688
    Angelgirl040688 Posts: 56 Member
    Can someone tell me how my cycle is going to affect the scale. I'm doing so good these last two weeks and weighing every couple of days. I think I read a post one time that said we gain weight during our cycle. Does anyone know? Is it best to stay off the scale until I'm off? Thanks!!

    when u have your TOM u have retained water weight.... so its best to stay off the scale.. i will not weigh in till about 3 days after i get off mine.... we women just cant catch a break...lol
  • Hotanuri
    Hotanuri Posts: 53
    yep, that water weight during my period SUCKS. And the chocolate craving is so bad! But I keep the little Dove dark chocolate pieces on hand for those few days, and one of those will satisfy me for most of the day. Also, I read somewhere that if you are craving chocolate, drink grape juice---something about the reaction and chemicals (science, it's not my forte) satisfies your body's craving for chocolate. Like it thinks you've had it, so the craving goes away.