Eggs making me sick?



  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    Sounds kind of cliche but could it be morning sickness?

    YIkes...that was my 1st thought...and I don't even know her...
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Eggs make me nauseous if I eat them hard boiled. Occasionally when scrambled too.

  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Sounds kind of cliche but could it be morning sickness?

    YIkes...that was my 1st thought...and I don't even know her...

    Oh gosh guys I'm not pregnant I've had this problem for awhile almost 2 years awhile. Off and on.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    haha definitely not. Unless I've had a year long mystery pregnancy :P
    I had one of those once. The mystery baby turned out to be a gallstone. I was having similar symptoms and it started with eggs of all things.
  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
    I find sometimes I get sick if I eat eggs and cheese together, its weird
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I find sometimes I get sick if I eat eggs and cheese together, its weird

    Same here. I can't do eggs and cheese together but have issue with them separately.
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Well thank you guys for your suggestions I will try them out 1 by one!! love ya :D
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Well thank you guys for your suggestions I will try them out 1 by one!! love ya :D

    Good luck to you! I hope you feel better soon.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    You could be allergic to the chicken eggs or you could be having a reaction to whatever they're fed. If you aren't already eating organic, cage free eggs you might try that because they tend to get a more natural diet and fewer grains and soy. It can make a difference! Try getting them from someone who has backyard chickens if you can. They're really good and better for you.

    If you have an allergy to chicken eggs regardless of their feed but still want eggs everyday you might want to consider duck eggs. They are a little bigger, very tasty and most people with a chicken egg allergy can handle duck eggs just fine. They're AWESOME in baking. The very best French Silk Chocolate Pie I've ever made was made with duck eggs. If you have a natural foods store near you they probably have some otherwise I'd look on craigslist. There are a whole lot of people selling a variety of eggs on there, especially this time of year when the birds are prolific.

    If you're unsure if your eggs are old you can put them in water to cover. If they sink they're very fresh, if they stand up they're less fresh but still edible and if they float I would toss them. As eggs age they dehydrate and the air pocket inside gets larger. That's why they float. :)

    At any rate, I would take a short break from the chicken eggs before I tried cage free ones just to let your system reset itself so you know for sure.
  • JmeHarris
    JmeHarris Posts: 38
    When I was a baby I was lactose intolerant but as I grew older that went away and I enjoyed many years of dairy goodness. After my first son was born the lactose intolerance can back and brought with it an intolerance for eggs and canned tuna. Don't know what to tell you, the body is a strange thing. These intolerances cause problems for both ends if you get my meaning, sometime my throat will get that crampy not quite swollen feeling and the saliva glands work overtime. I can usually sneak up on it though, a few bites lets me get a little taste, but any substantial amounts make my life miserable for a good portion of the day. If this sounds familiar you might need to resign yourself to an egg lite life.
    Also, you should consider that people with egg sensitivites are usually also latex sensitive, something to mention next time you visit your doctor.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I find sometimes I get sick if I eat eggs and cheese together, its weird

    Same! I only like a little amount of cheese if any in my eggs.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I have the same issue with eggs, it turns out that I am allergic, but to raw egg whites only! I

    f the egg is cooked really well I am fine. However if I fry an egg and even the slighest part is not cooked 100% then I get sick. Even if the spatula had some raw egg on it I could get sick.

    I am fine with eggs fried well done, hard boiled eggs, and any baked good that in general is cooked for more than 10 minutes. (it tooks lots of careful testing to figure this out)

    I would recommend being careful though, eggs are a strange allergy and while some people can grow out, some people get worse, and I now have to have an epipen becasue I've had too mayn close calls, each time over the years the sickness got worse, until my throat eventually started swelling.

    The next time you feel sick try and take some liquid allery relief (Benedryl) and if that makes you feel better than you have a good case for the Dr to push an alergy test.

    In any case, listen to your body, there is something there it is trying to warn you to stay away from.

    Good Luck :)
  • bukanosia
    bukanosia Posts: 1
    I had my gallbladder removed over 10 years ago and ever since then, I get horrible stomach cramps when I eat eggs. They are fine if they are in baked goods, but scrampled, fried, hardboiled, deviled and the like are a no go.

    Same! I'm only 21 years old, but I had my gallbladder removed almost 3 years ago, and ever since eggs make me sick. I love omelettes and scrambled eggs, but unfortunately can't have that anymore :(
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    I guess I've heard of stranger things... lol I would try the organic eggs like others suggested and if that doesn't change anything I'd get the allergy test done, sucks not to be able to eat the things that you like :( I'm allergic to fresh apples and peaches, but I can eat them cooked - go figure

    i'm allergic to fresh apples too! i can have apple pie, apple sauce, apple juice (yes apple juice is pasteurized [heated to a certain temp] so it is technically "cooked"), but not an uncooked apple. I break out into hives all over and my lips swell up! i thought i was the only one :)
  • stacyrenee29
    stacyrenee29 Posts: 7 Member
    Been that way since I was a kid. I get nauseated and a headache. I can only have one egg and I buy only the good eggs. No cheapies. They are better for u anyways. Try only one organic egg. If you get sick after only one, then stop eating them. Be sure to let your doc know. When I get imunizations I have tell them because some shots you cannot get or u can end up with a very bad reaction.
  • I get sick sometimes from eggs too, especially if I eat a lot in a sitting, or combine it with dairy or fiber in the same meal. It makes me feel and look very bloated and also I'll have stomach pains. Eggs are high in sulfer which can cause some people indigestion (gas). Especially those with IBS. I still eat them because they are so healthy/low cal/high protein and I'm not technically allergic/risking my life, but I know that I might be in for some discomfort.
  • chrome_princess
    chrome_princess Posts: 129 Member
    I guess I've heard of stranger things... lol I would try the organic eggs like others suggested and if that doesn't change anything I'd get the allergy test done, sucks not to be able to eat the things that you like :( I'm allergic to fresh apples and peaches, but I can eat them cooked - go figure

    i'm allergic to fresh apples too! i can have apple pie, apple sauce, apple juice (yes apple juice is pasteurized [heated to a certain temp] so it is technically "cooked"), but not an uncooked apple. I break out into hives all over and my lips swell up! i thought i was the only one :)

    Everyone thought I was nutso when I told them I was allergic to white grapes ... but my lips swell up like crazy. So I have to stay away from them ... and *sob* white wine. (Eh, I prefer red anyway.) Glad to know I'm not alone with a weird fruit allergy.

    As an aside, this entire thread caught my attention because - all of the sudden, I've developed an aversion to eggs. Sigh. Time to cut them out.