Fluctuating Weight... 5lbs in one day?!

:happy: Hey everyone

So I was really bad... I usually weight myself once a week in the mornings. But today, I wanted to weigh myself again. So in the morning, I was 209! I had lost 4 pounds since my last weight in. Feeling good about myself, I weighed myself again tonight... it was up to 214. :noway: I used the same scale with the same clothes.Is it really possible that I gained 5 pounds in one day?! I know I shouldnt have done that, and should have just let it go untill next week, but I was curious. Whats the deal!? :sad:


  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Bodies naturally vary from one day to the next, and even in the same day. Water retention can be a big cause. Absolutely don't worry about it. You can't gain 5 lbs in one day. :)
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Yes, it is possible. Everything you ate/drank today is in your body.

    I bet it will be gone in the morning.
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    I go up and down a lot in a day too....A few months ago I weighed myself several times throughout the day for a week or so, and realized the time of day that I weigh the least is about an hour or so before I have lunch. I weigh the most first thing in the morning and at night....so your not alone...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Did you eat an additional 17 THOUSAND calories? :smile: Of course the answer is no.

    Weighing at a different time (morning versus night)
    weighing when you're ovulation
    weighing when you have PMS
    weighing when you have a big lunch
    weighing after you've had a lot of salt

    ALL are more likely answers to the scale showing 5LBS different

    I typically show 2-3 LBS different between morning and night. REGARDLESS. ADD PMS, salt, ovulation and BAM I'm 6LBS up.
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    I did that for a few days and every day I weighed 5 more lbs at night than I did in the morning. I thought it was just me being crazy. It was exactly 5 lbs more every night.

    Glad I am not the only one here. I thought there was something wrong with me. LOL

    Now I weigh every other day but only log official weigh in on sunday morning before I eat anything.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    I go up and down alot too, my normal range is within 5 lbs .. If i'm eating badly during my period it's been up to 10 lbs.
  • taratam83
    taratam83 Posts: 88 Member
    You said yesterday you weighed in the morning and today you weighed at night. That is not consistent at all. You should weigh in the morning, you'll be closer to the lower weight range. You have to take in account all the food you've eaten today... never weigh yourself at night :) Try again tomorrow morning and don't stress about it too much, our bodies fluctuate weight daily it depends on everything in your system nutrients, hormones, and otherwise.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    don't weigh in the evening. that's after you've eaten and drank all day - not your true weight. plus as women our weight fluctuates almost hourly!! damn hormones. if you can't handle the fluctuations, don't weigh often, weigh once a week.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Yup I have done it too. I never weigh after I eat. I want to know what I weigh empty not what me and my food weighs. If I eat too salty or I don't drink enough water I always am up 5 lbs at the end of the day. Too truly gain a pound of fat you need to eat 3500 calories above your total daily expected expenditure. So if you gained 5 pounds of actual weight in one day you went to the county hot dog eating contest.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    In good news, if you are anything like me you are probably always 5lb heavier at night than you are in the morning.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    My weight fluctuates around 5 lbs through out the day, I honestly wouldn't worry about it.
  • jentarver
    jentarver Posts: 192
    um no lol. Its called being a female we fluctuate all the time. Always weigh yourself in the morning and rely on that weight. No others throughout the day.
    Unless you ate over 17500 cals in one day. Which I am sure you didn't.
    No worries hun!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Not unusual at all =)
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I weigh myself before bed sometimes...and I'm routinely up 2-3 lbs...more than that if I had a big dinner! Don't fret...it'll be gone in the morning!
  • juliegin
    juliegin Posts: 77 Member
    In one day, yes this is normal. What always messes with me is one day to the next, or within a couple of days, if I ate bad one of those days, and go up 5 lbs. But think of all the water you drink (hopefully a lot) in one day, water is heavy! You'll be lighter in the morning, and don't weigh at night anymore! :)
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    How can you expect to be drinking and eating, putting things into your digestive system that have physical weight, and expect it to not show on the scale? That would defy logic totally. My boyfriend often gets on the scale before and after dinner out of curiosity, and sometimes he is 3Ibs up just from having that one meal. He is back down the next evening, or even lighter, so your evening weight really has no bearing as it depends on so many factors, including the weight of the foods you eat, how much you have drunk, time of the month, salt levels, exercise you have done and what is still sitting in your digestive tract waiting to be eliminated.
  • Rickly
    Rickly Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think it's really possible to weigh a human being exactly, with everything that can change, but think of exactly what it is that you're weighing. I try to weigh myself naked, empty, and fasting in the morning, but I still have unknown amounts of substance in my colon and unknown amounts of water retained compared to the day before. My weight varies +/- 5 pounds easily from just those factors. Don't sweat it! Just try to weigh yourself at the same time every day and make sure the general trend is in the right direction.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Happens to me too and then I feel like the weight I lost was back and I really did not lose anything. And even though a lot of people are sayign you weigh less in the morning, I don't. I weigh more in the morning until about noon or so. And then later on at night I weigh more again.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Heh, I managed to put ten on over the weekend (lots of restaurant food, probably retaining water).

    Nine of it's gone already and I expect the last one will be gone tomorrow morning :P

    (I just got a new scale and have been playing with it watching my weight vary over the day). :D
  • bandenna
    bandenna Posts: 89 Member
    Yay! You guys were right! lol Had no idea it would fluctuate that much. Now I'm back down since I weighted this morning. Now I must stay away from the scale so I don't discourage myself any more :blushing: I think weighing myself is an addition... Thanks everyone and have a nice day!