Can someone view my food diary?

I have been losing weight very slowly and could use some advice on what I am doing wrong. Would someone be willing to look at my food diary? Also I don't record my water but I do drink the 8 cups a day. THANKS! for the help! :)


  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    bump :)
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I am not very good at looking at diaries to make suggestions, but I noticed that you don't seem to drink any water or don't track it. Try tracking your sodium too, maybe some of your weight is because you have high amounts of salt in your diet. That may help. Also I noticed looking over your April logs that you were over on several of your days which may contribute to your slow lose. Adding more exercise or changing up your routine may help speed things up as well.

    People lose weight differently, also if you don't have a lot to lose in the first place then it may be more difficult for you. But 12 lbs is great. Don't get discouraged.
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    Thank for posting "s1lence"! I do drink 8 cups a water a day but don't record it. I have about 50 lbs to loss and it has taken me since jan. to loss 12 lbs. Is that good amount to loss in that time? Also how do you find out how much sodium I should be taking in?
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
  • iLinduh
    iLinduh Posts: 50 Member
    You need more fresh fruits and veggies. 5-8 servings per day.

    You're also eating a lot of crap... McDs, Chinese take out, pizza, sugary coffee drinks... get rid of the processed foods.
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    You can track your sodium by going to foods-settings- and choosing sodium in one of the drop down menus.
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I don't see a minimum of 5 fresh fruit and vegetable selections daily. I see a lot of processed foods.

    You might want to try more protein selections that are not processed, limit carbs and sugar and up your fresh fruit and veggies. This should help greatly.
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    i agree you deff. need more fruits and veggies and calm down a little bit on the fast food and junk ..also, i didnt go back very far but i noticed that some days you arent even eating 1200 calories HAVE to eat AT LEAST that or your body is gonna go in starvation mode and you're not gonna lose. me i've done think how can you eat more and lose weight but its true...try to aim for at least 1200 cal every day ..and drink plenty of least 64 oz a day ..good luck hun :)
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I agree that you need more fruits and vegetables - aim for 5 or 6 servings a day. Most servings are 1/2 cup - except leafy greens which are usually 2 cups raw. Think of the food pyramid. Try to balance your calories with the right foods that will fuel your body and get it working at optimal levels. I also agree that you need to watch your sodium intake. Try to keep it under 2000 mg per day.
    And, try to eat a minimum of 25 grams of fiber per day. My diary is open.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    If you made every day like yesterday, you'd be in good shape.

    I haven't had fast food besides Subway, Quiznos and other sandwich type places in about four months, and it's helped accelerate my weight loss a lot. If you really really want something from a fast food place or Chinese, make sure you exercise that day and give yourself more calories to play with. The sodium intake is definitely something that needs to be watched, as well as the sugar intake. I often use the sugar I allot myself for coffee drinks, because I heart them, and try to stay away from sugar the rest of the day to compensate.

    And speaking of coffee drinks, definitely try to cut down on those calorie counts. I switched to sugar free, non-fat drinks, or just non-fat in some cases, and it helps a lot. Try to go for skinny caramel macchiatos, or skinny lattes, which have way less calories and sugar. Play around with flavorings and find one you really like so you can still have that fix.

    Also, make sure you get a bunch of protein packed into your breakfast, because you'll be less likely to crave those high sodium, high fat meals later in the day. If you want a good breakfast sandwich idea, take a look at my diary from today. I think it's just as good as what I could get from Dunkin Donuts or any other bagel shops, and it's only 275 for a crap ton of protein.

    Hope that helps!

  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    What's your goal set to? How quickly are you trying to lose? How long have you been recording. Do you have a food scale or do you estimate? How do you record exercise calories? Just glancing your protein intake seems pretty low and you went pretty high over a couple of days this week.
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    I would say try to eat as clean as possible, set your macros to 40% carbs, 30 Fat and 30 Protein.

    Don't buy deli meat buy a chicken breast and cook it yourself at home, and for every 100 calories of chicken it takes 30 of those calories to digest it (TFE) same as lettuce and cucumber...

    Try to drink more water if you go over on your sodium.

    Its hard but good luck
  • tbrooke2000
    tbrooke2000 Posts: 61 Member
    veggies and fruits! It is hard to add if you aren't used to them, but I started steaming broccoli and putting some tastefully simple garlic garlic on it with some fake spray butter and it fills me up longer and the calories are almost nonexistent!

    Watch your sodium... that will hold your water weight... which doesn't help the scales at all.

    I went to a dietitian and had her look at my diaries. Her suggestions was spread your calories out evenly throughout the day (ie: 300 for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks)

    Good luck! You can add me if you would like...
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 379 Member
    It doesn't look too bad, but here are my suggestions.

    Ditch the fake creamers in your coffee (those sweet, sickly ones) Use half & half or almond milk - unsweetened.

    Get rid of the Kraft Slices Cheese - that's just processed cheese - not real cheese. Sub with some real cheese slices - baby swiss or real cheddar. '

    Keep the processed meats to a minimum. (lunch meat) They're loaded with sodium which makes you retain water, and full of nitrates. (preservatives) Sub canned light tuna (less mercury than albacore) or chicken breast that you have cooked yourself without any additives.

    Eat some salads. You can make a big salad with romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, radish, onion, raw nuts or seeds, hard boiled eggs, and lean protein (chicken, fish). This will fill you up and give you a lot of fiber and protein. Dress it with olive oil and vinegar. You can add a little cheese if you like, too. Feta is good.

    Eat some plain Greek Yogurt for snacks. Sprinkle some raw nuts on it (cashews, almonds), or cinnamon.

    Ditch the granola bar things. Again, processed.

    Eat fruit but don't go crazy. Fruit is sugar. If you're trying to lose you don't want too much. Stick to berries.

    Eat some eggs in the morning. Toss in any veggies that you like. The protein will help with hunger more than the Cherrios.

    You're on the right track - hope this helps some! :flowerforyou:
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Others have said it but I'll chime in too-- cut out the junk! You may be staying under your calorie limit most days, but in my experience quality is just as important as quantity, meaning you should try to eat nutritious food that is more than empty calories. It's tough but definitely gets easier with time. You may find your tastes and preferences even change for the better. Best of luck!
  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Look at the eat-more-to-lose weight group and read the posts about what to expect. I think you need to eat more and eat more healthful things. When you do eat enough it seems to be a lot of processed carbs. Hope that helps!
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    ok seems like I am on the band wagon with everyone else. TONS of processed foods. No water, not enough exercise to make a difference. Increase water, decrease processed, and fast foods. Eat lots of fruits and veggies.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I have been losing weight very slowly and could use some advice on what I am doing wrong. Would someone be willing to look at my food diary? Also I don't record my water but I do drink the 8 cups a day. THANKS! for the help! :)

    Add veggies. Lots and lots of fresh veggies! :)