Dumped, Depressed and wanting to kill something.



  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    TN Beauty!!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    You are a beautiful & strong woman!
    I'm soooooooo very sorry this happened.
    It will take time to heal & feel better.
    In the meantime, do all you can for you & your little one to feel good.
    Exercise, hot baths & playing are great stress relievers!

    I wish you the best Girl! Take good care!!! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    I needed to be reminded that no matter the hell I've been through, I will rise above.
    Burned, yes.
    But better off, risen anew from those ashes.
    Don't discount yourself. If I can't bear to post here, I will try to PM (private message) you.

    Quoting my real life best friend above because she is the strongest woman I know and you can be just as strong and make it through this. Sending you both gigantic hugs and perseverance and all the love your hearts can take and then some *hugs*
  • Narkeena
    :flowerforyou: OMG!.. I feel for you.. I've been on the situation of being cheated on... I know how it feels... Just move forward girl! I know you can do it... you are very pretty!

    He will soon realize it's his lost! Just focus on yourself and your little girl... and yes, there is a reason for everything... You'll meet someone in the future who will give you his all...

    Smile... work out... go Out.. PRAY....

    Just message me if you need a friend to talk too... :smile:
  • anthrochix
    16 stitches is impressive! He deserves way more than that. I'm so sorry that you had the rug pulled out from under you like that and that you are having a hard time. It WILL pass. You WILL come out on the other side stronger, smarter, buffer and better than you were when you were with this jerk. Like another reader posted, what you CAN control now is how you will react to your new life - and what better motivation than your new daughter! I will be praying for you, hon. Available for support if you need. (**hug**)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Wow...I have to comment on the stitches since no one else has...never the way to go, no matter how angry you are. That being said, he's a pig, and you need to change your mindset. You're lucky to be rid of him, and now you can focus on yourself and your beautiful child. Don't be waiting for him to call. Change your number, change the locks. Good riddance. Take your frustration out at the gym like you said.

    All men are not pigs (most, but not all), so don't waste your energy on one who is.
  • twilight1542
    I am saddened by your reasons for joining MFP but happy that you are doing this for you & your new child :)

    It's time to stop living for other people & life for yourself. Channel all your anger & frustration into exercising & getting fit. My best workouts are always when I'm stressed or irritated because of the adrenaline rush of strong emotions.

    You're a strong woman-you wouldn't be here if you weren't. It may take a long time for your heart to heal, but by starting this new lifestyle your body & mind will become stronger.

    It's time to say good riddance to bad rubbish--the hubby--and welcome the dawn of a better time in your life. When you least expect you'll find the man you're meant to be with--someone who will love & respect you & most importantly treat you & your child right :)
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    Same year, My ex-husband cheated on me for years and I was non the wiser. I only found when I left him because something was never felt right. When I was single everyone knew!! I was humiliated.
    I lost so much weight because I did not have friends only through my ex- so I hit the gym, instead of feeling lonely. It took me three years being single. I looked pretty but my self esteem was in the gutter because I thought what was wrong with me that he had to cheat on me. Well, like I said three years later and many dates ( which was fun, some not so much ) I found a wonderful man. We are still together 7yrs. Looking back I even gave thanks to my ex, had he not done this to me I would never have met my new guy. My ex- remarried and his wife is a witch, one of his girlfriends gave him an STD.
    I was happy to hear this at first, because he got what he deserved, but I feel sad that I am so happy and he is not. He always tell me he regrets how he treated me. We are friends now.

    Karma Karma Karma.

    He will get his and you will get yours. Keep up the faith, do exercise. Oh I read so many self help books. My favorite was the THE RULES, and I never got hurt again.

  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    :frown: :flowerforyou:

    You have gotten some great advice already.

    Good luck and good riddance!!! You are on your way to better things! :drinker:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: I am sorry to hear about your husband cheating on you.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Not a whole lot else to say that the group hasn't said already.

    Grats on the little girl!
    Violence is not the answer.
    Exercise will be a great stress reliever.
    Definitely... change the screenname.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome to MFP

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can make it better through positive action and with the support of the new friends you will make here.

    Living well is the best revenge. Walk through this with dignity, value, and worth and you will be the winner every day.

    Take it one day at a time.

    You can do it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Be present in THIS moment.

    Enjoy this day.

    It is all we have.

    Be your own best friend and don't look outside yourself for happiness. It is within.
  • cheshirekat
    cheshirekat Posts: 126 Member
    Oh my, that really sucks, and I totally feel for you. I am going through a breakup right now too, and its painful and heavy in my heart everyday, and I always feel like there was something wrong with me but its not true! You are worthy, and beauty comes from within even though that sounds corny. Find some supportive friends, start a new hobby, and concentrate on doing the things you love doing. With a little effort, you will lose weight as well and it will be easier than you ever immagined possible. Work on accepting who you are, right now, today, and go from there, because you are beautiful and we are all incredible and unique human beings, so give yourself some love! Take yourself on a date, watch your favorite movies, read your favorite books or poems. And if you feel sad, just let yourself feel sad, its completely ok to be sad sometimes and its a natural part of being a human being. Give yourself permission to cry your eyes out, beat up a pillow, or just go for a long slow walk to blow off some steam. You can do this, find the strength within yourself.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Stay strong. This will be great motivation to get healthy and fit. Best wishes to you!:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Same year, My ex-husband cheated on me for years and I was non the wiser. I only found when I left him because something was never felt right. When I was single everyone knew!! I was humiliated.
    I lost so much weight because I did not have friends only through my ex- so I hit the gym, instead of feeling lonely. It took me three years being single. I looked pretty but my self esteem was in the gutter because I thought what was wrong with me that he had to cheat on me. Well, like I said three years later and many dates ( which was fun, some not so much ) I found a wonderful man. We are still together 7yrs. Looking back I even gave thanks to my ex, had he not done this to me I would never have met my new guy. My ex- remarried and his wife is a witch, one of his girlfriends gave him an STD.
    I was happy to hear this at first, because he got what he deserved, but I feel sad that I am so happy and he is not. He always tell me he regrets how he treated me. We are friends now.

    Karma Karma Karma.

    He will get his and you will get yours. Keep up the faith, do exercise. Oh I read so many self help books. My favorite was the THE RULES, and I never got hurt again.


    I'm currently working with my therapist to move past the anger to a place of indifference for him, and hopefully eventually wanting the best for him.

    I cannot begin to fathom wanting anything but his misery right now. :laugh: I am setting my goals for indifference towards him.... baby steps.

    I hope one day to be where you are.... wanting the best, sad that my ex has a horrible life, because I know he will have regrets for what he's done, one day. (If he ever matures. He may not.)
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    Look at it this way you just lost 200 plus pounds when you dumped that jerk.
    But you found the right group of supporters it will take one day at a time but you will do it.
    I don't like getting religous on the site but I am a strong believer God only gives you what you can handle.

    Sending you a hug.
  • ♥seoid♥
    OMG...that is horrible honey. Hang in there.
  • mhayes13
    mhayes13 Posts: 60 Member
    Not a whole lot else to say that the group hasn't said already.

    Grats on the little girl!
    Violence is not the answer.
    Exercise will be a great stress reliever.
    Definitely... change the screenname.

    The above says sums it up nicely. And while I understand some the "man hating" in the comments we are not all bad. Do this for you and good things will come to you and your new daughter. The people on MFP will over great support - you have many friends here now.
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    This happened to me also, after 27 years of being together. People knew but didn't tell me it had been going on for years. I wasn't bad looking or really overweight. He just got bored I guess and needed attention from someone new. I cried and cried and didn't eat and drank vodka. They call it the divorce diet. I think I lost 30 pounds. My heart felt like it was breaking and it actually did. I had a massive heart attack. People do die of a broken heart. Be careful. I read a lot of self help books, some good and some not so good but that's how I got to sleep at night, reading self help and then crying into my pillow. I tried to get therapy but no one would answer my calls. Watched Bridget Jones lots, haha and anything to do with husbands cheating and why they did.

    Do not waste your time on trying to get back with him because it is just that, a waste of time. I wish I had known that also. I let him come over every weekend after we split up for about a year. I tried everything to get him back. I found out that he was still cheating. He was "Just not that into me". I met a fantastic man online and we have been married for 2 years now. He treats me like a princess.

    My ex is now a complete alcoholic and lives in a room at the bar. I feel sorry for him but I have tried helping him and out of respect for my husband, will not anymore.

    Good luck to you. Be good to yourself. Do not call or see your ex as this only makes things worse. Easy to say but take it from me, it is a "waste of your time"

    I do not suggest the vodka by the way.
    I don't drink anymore.
    Good luck.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444