what makes a man sexy?



  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    If they smell nice and are confident. Not in an arrogant way, but very flirty! I loooove that! :wink:
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    This guy


    Tall, big muscles, rough around the edges, and a little bit dark.

  • FerryfieldLad
    FerryfieldLad Posts: 185 Member
    Well I don't have muscles like some of the guys on here lol but I am trying.

    Really just wanna feel comfortable with myself!

    So far as women go its legs for me :tongue:
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I find confidence is the key. Nothing OTT.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    The sexiest place on a man is right by his hip. where the "v" starts if he is ripped.
    It just screams touch me!

    I love broad shoulder, and long fingers. My husband is 6'4" and he can touch from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet at the same time. MMMmmmm.
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    Someone who makes me laugh and is laidback, also if they can dance. I'm not really that bothered about physical things/looks but I must admit a broad chest is nice!
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I can't find a picture of me being chivalrous, sorry.

    PMSl just put you overcoat over a puddle ;)
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    Bald with a smile and a sense of humor, YUMMY!!!!!
  • jumptothebeat
    jumptothebeat Posts: 71 Member
    Strong arms, masculine hands (go literally gooey at man hands!), brains and a good sense of humour!
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Mind you, I don't mind Mr Vin Diesel. His voice is sexy as! And well, his body isn't too bad now is it?! :tongue:


    Oh man! Vin Diesel...I really don't see it...he has hard little Wiesel eyes. He looks like the kind of man who will stand behind a dumb opinion and have no good back up for it. All muscle, no brains. I don't know that this is true, he just gives me an air of all muscle with nothing to back it up. SUCH a turn off for me.

    My husband is 5'11", has a sense of humor, a Ph.D and an @ss you could take a bite out of, now if only I could get him to the gym with me, we could both get super fit together.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    Abs, not like I do 5000 sit ups & crunches a day abs, but just nice enough to say yum when he takes his shirt off. And the little "happy trail". And treats me the way I should be treated. I like the little things. Like notes on my car while I'm at work, a almost naked picture when Im at work works well too. Lets me know that your thinking about me. I like a tan too. Not the out done tan, but enough to show that you like the beach as much as I do. :)
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    I pick women up and throw them over my shoulder every now and then. I've been told It's sexy. I just like doing it because I can;-)

    I went to the "woodstock" concert * the one that was after the real one say some 30 years later and .. I was at another off kinda party walking around in virgina when some random guy tackled me at the waist took off running with me and declared very loudly in what I guess is some hillbilly virgina mountain speak.. "OoooHwe LOOK I GOTS Me ONE.".

    I was terribly frightened , I wondered why he was running so fast and questioned who exactly was he yelling to. And what they planned on doing with me.

    *Thankfully I had two very large friends with me ( males ) who must have heard and or saw him and took him out for me.
    at which time I went flying and hit my head on a lone glass beer bottle.

    Did I mention this brings back memories?

    I digress , that's Hot occasionally.. however my main thing I find Sexy is proportion MUST BE PROPORTIONED !!!! total nut job about it actually. everything the fingers have to fit the body, the arms, the legs have to fit..PERFECT teeth.
  • amandacochran15
    amandacochran15 Posts: 105 Member
    Tall.. at least 6'2. I think that's because i'm 5'0
    Tan.. i love a natural man tan though
    Blonde hair.. maybe a little brown
    Blue eyes... my husbands are blue/gray so that works too :)
    I don't really have a muscle/non muscle preference. But I do like broad shoulders and just a big guy in general.
    Tattoos... everywhere...
    Uniform.. Air Force specifically. good thing i joined and married an airman so i can look all the time :)
    Please be witty, out going, and overly sexual :):)
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    Oh, I forgot, the all mighty "v"
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Confidence without arrogance, manly without being macho

    ^^^ this

    funny without being nasty/vulgar,
    laid back,
    no height complex (I know this is shallow but i don't care),
    good with kids,
    open minded,
    hard worker
    good provider
    generally in good health

    These are all great things.

    All this, but the key is confidence without being cocky, and a willingness to know when to take charge and make it hot. Nobody really want to be asked before you kiss them (it's cute, we appreciate a little cute, but that's not the time). That's why some ladies are initially attracted to "bad boys"--"bad boys" don't ask and they certainly make one know when they want you or they think your hot. This doesn't mean NEVER asking us our opinion about non-sex related stuff--we still want you to consider our opinions about life related stuff. Knowing how to fix things! OMG, SO hot. Doing stuff around the house without having to be asked--HOTNESS! If you don't know how to fix stuff, making sure stuff GETS fix, still smokin' hot.

    In the moment, we want a "bad boy"--for life we want the good guy.
  • quink77
    quink77 Posts: 87 Member
    Any man who is not a gigantic douche is attractive!!

    Confidence and chivalry are very sexy.

    I really like biceps too. Not big, huge ones, but somewhere in the middle.
    JEDIMASTER1 Posts: 20
  • This guy


    Tall, big muscles, rough around the edges, and a little bit dark.

    Damn! Wish i could fine one just like him...Lol
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    When I think of my husband, these are the top 10 things that turn me on about him:
    I don't mean to brag-so sorry if it comes out that way.

    1. He is incredibly intelligent (Mensa member even) For me, it is important to be in a relationship where I am constantly challenged and have enlightening conversations. It also makes me feel super secure that whatever comes up in our life, he educates himself about that subject and is in control of the situation. He is very effective communicating with others and is very confident. He has his facts straight and never lies.

    2. He is super supportive, even when I am acting like a brat. We all have ups and downs in life and I cant be "nice" all the time. He keeps his cool and ALWAYS treat me with respect and love. I believe your true character comes through during the tough times. The good times are...easy.

    3.He tries. Even though he doesn't take off his own birthday from work, he always takes mine off. I am not big on material items and I would much rather have a memory of that day. He always plans a vacation or a day trip somewhere. Most times its an amusement park because that's what I ask for (I am a big kid) hehe. One of my favorite birthdays was when he rented a sightseeing plane and we flew over coastline to see animals and landmarks. We then went out to a romantic dinner right one the ocean. It was beautiful.

    4. Passion. Its there for us. I look at him and he still turns me on after 11 years of marriage:)

    5. He is super funny! He looks at all the "giggle sites" (LOLcats, comics etc) every morning to keep himself in a good mood and to have jokes to tell at work or to me. Even though he is super responsible, I love the fact he can still act like a kid sometimes.

    6. He loves his job. He works his butt off everyday and I can ask for more then that. You usually don't see too many people who are passionate about what they do anymore.

    7. He knows when to play the part. He's a bad boy during the right times, sensitive during the others.

    8. He puts me first. I put him first. He always considers how I feel before making an important decision.

    9. He is a foodie like me. We love to cook. We also LOVE to check out cool restaurants and try new foods. We have interests in common but enough to be our own person :)

    10. No matter what, he is there. He is loyal and trustworthy. I would trust him in a room full of naked women to not do anything. I'm actually serious. :) hehe

    Sorry it was so long :)
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    When I think of my husband, these are the top 10 things that turn me on about him:
    I don't mean to brag-so sorry if it comes out that way.

    1. He is incredibly intelligent (Mensa member even) For me, it is important to be in a relationship where I am constantly challenged and have enlightening conversations. It also makes me feel super secure that whatever comes up in our life, he educates himself about that subject and is in control of the situation. He is very effective communicating with others and is very confident. He has his facts straight and never lies.

    2. He is super supportive, even when I am acting like a brat. We all have ups and downs in life and I cant be "nice" all the time. He keeps his cool and ALWAYS treat me with respect and love. I believe your true character comes through during the tough times. The good times are...easy.

    3.He tries. Even though he doesn't take off his own birthday from work, he always takes mine off. I am not big on material items and I would much rather have a memory of that day. He always plans a vacation or a day trip somewhere. Most times its an amusement park because that's what I ask for (I am a big kid) hehe. One of my favorite birthdays was when he rented a sightseeing plane and we flew over coastline to see animals and landmarks. We then went out to a romantic dinner right one the ocean. It was beautiful.

    4. Passion. Its there for us. I look at him and he still turns me on after 11 years of marriage:)

    5. He is super funny! He looks at all the "giggle sites" (LOLcats, comics etc) every morning to keep himself in a good mood and to have jokes to tell at work or to me. Even though he is super responsible, I love the fact he can still act like a kid sometimes.

    6. He loves his job. He works his butt off everyday and I can ask for more then that. You usually don't see too many people who are passionate about what they do anymore.

    7. He knows when to play the part. He's a bad boy during the right times, sensitive during the others.

    8. He puts me first. I put him first. He always considers how I feel before making an important decision.

    9. He is a foodie like me. We love to cook. We also LOVE to check out cool restaurants and try new foods. We have interests in common but enough to be our own person :)

    10. No matter what, he is there. He is loyal and trustworthy. I would trust him in a room full of naked women to not do anything. I'm actually serious. :) hehe

    Sorry it was so long :)

    Sounds perfect!