Why are there Dunkin Donuts in my house?!



  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have a similar problem. I live with my uncle and his teenage daughter. She has a super fast metabolism and can eat anything, so he likes to buy her treats and there's always texas toast and tater tots in the freezer. My uncle is just as bad with himself. During a baseball or hockey game he will sit down with a bag of chips and onion dips and just munch the whole time. There's always sweets and junk in the house.
    One thing that keeps me away from it is telling myself "no they bought that, it's for them" (even though we split the groceries). I think just telling myself that its someone else's food, even though it really isn't, helps me stay away from it easier.
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    I feel you on this one! I have 3 kids and they love all the foods I can't eat so it makes it hard! I don't want to make my children suffer because I'm trying to lose weight! For the most part my kids eat healthy, but their kids. So ice cream and cakes and chips and all the evil things that can ruin all my hard work are in the house for them! I have found healthy alternatives for me so if the kids have ice cream I have sugar free pudding! Kids have chips I have veggie straws or fruit it helps me to stay on track!
  • JmeHarris
    JmeHarris Posts: 38
    It's a nice idea to say that he shouldn't have to change just because you are changing, but that just doesn't work in reality. Your spouse, your friend,s and your coworkers are huge influences on your eating life. If you were able to with stand that temptation you probably wouldn't be on this site to begin with, right?
    As your husband he bears some responsibility for supporting you in your efforts. I know from my own experience that men can get away with worse eating habits when they are young than women, but when we get married to them we often adopt some of their bad habits and pact on the pounds.
    I had this show-down with my own husband (who is usually the most awesome, supportive man on the planet). He just didn't get it. So one day after days of begging him to do his snacking at the office or anywhere that wasn't home, he brought home the last straw. Cheesecake. I picked it up and put it in the trash. I did this on two more occasions before he threw in the towel and called a truce.
    And you know what? The goober has lost ten freaking pounds while I've lost three! He likes to smile while saying its Karma. He's probably right, but I just smile to myself when I see him posing in front of the mirror.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    This is lame but we have a "snack" cupboard. Everything easy, quick and delicious lives there and it's guarded by one of those baby proof locks.

    It takes me forever to get that stupid thing off and I usually decide it isn't worth the effort.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I have a no junk food rule in my house, unless it's planned/discussed ahead of time (or it's something I don't like).
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    Just get used to it. My wife told me she hides sweets in the house so I wont see them. Her and my daughter enjoy them when I am not around.

    I am the one making the change, not them. Maybe one day they will decide to make the changes too.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The only person who can sabotage your diet is you. Just because there are tempting treats in the house doesn't mean you have to eat them - it's called will power.

    Then again, if you like sweets a donut every now and again isn't going to kill you and the temptation only gets worse when you feel like you're depriving yourself.
  • DMarkSwan
    DMarkSwan Posts: 56 Member
    I can smell the donuts from here....
  • mbuck73
    mbuck73 Posts: 1 Member
    I had not realized until reading this, that I also eat tons of junk hubby brings home!! It's a good thing I do all the grocery shopping!
    It helps when we order Girl Scout cookies..we all order separate. So, his is his. I don't touch his. Think of it as his. Not for you.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    The only person who can sabotage your diet is you. Just because there are tempting treats in the house doesn't mean you have to eat them - it's called will power.

    Then again, if you like sweets a donut every now and again isn't going to kill you and the temptation only gets worse when you feel like you're depriving yourself.


    There are always snacks and junk in our house. We have kids who have a few treats, we get given chocolates at Christmas, Easter birthdays etc. You just have to learn to deal with it. It is hard, and I'm not saying I'm perfect and never have a quick rummage in the snack cupboard, but you can't blame anyone else for it.
  • taraatwood
    taraatwood Posts: 57
    tell him to NOT bring junk in house. and if he wants it he has to eat it outside the house period.

    he should support you.

    bottom line.
  • jayenomics
    jayenomics Posts: 46 Member
    I believe the answer is because they are delicious...now just to avoid them.
  • rachellem86
    rachellem86 Posts: 62 Member
    I've told my fiance to keep all this bad snacks at the office or in his car. He can eat whatever he wants when he's not at home, or when I'm not there, but if I get home and there's sweets and chips and all that good stuff, there will be hell to pay! lol
  • deez2015
    deez2015 Posts: 75 Member
    If it is all possible to hide the junk food your hubby brings in do it. Not to hide it from him, but to keep it out of your sight. You won't crave it so much if it's not right in front of you, taunting you.
    You might also try a "come to Jesus" conversation with your hubby about being more supportive. And how being supportive doesn't mean giving up the foods he wants, just not flaunting it.

    PERFECT! i agree :D
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    DIVORCE HIM!!! lol.. My husband knows better. I get irrated when mine brings fast food into the house. p.s. totally want a donut right now :(
  • michelle850
    michelle850 Posts: 65 Member
    I have the same problem, and I have zero willpower! I usually have my kids hide them from me, they all know where the stuff is, but then I'm not tempted! I asked my son to get the chocolate chip cookies out this morning so I could put one in his lunch...he had hidden them under my bed! lol I guess as long as food doesn't start venturing into the bathroom we'll be ok!!
    My husbands last idea of hiding something was to put a box of donuts on the fridge....ummm, I can see that!!!!! I ate a few to many donuts that week!
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    While applaud those who just exercise control and avoid all the snacks that their spouses bring into the house, that has not worked for me. I am fortunate that my husband has agreed to help support me. There are 2 or 3 snacky things that he likes that do not tempt me, so that's what he brings in. If he gets something more than that, I have asked him to hide it from me and to not even let me know that it is in the house.

    Is there something your hubby likes that doesn't tempt you very much? Maybe you can agree on something like that?
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Just curious if anyone else has this issue- I have to watch everything I eat and am still working on making some changes (I'm only a week in...) but my hubs can eat ANYTHING and not gain an ounce! Sweets, sugar, chocolate, all those yummy awful things are my achilles. So while I go grocery shopping and do most of the cooking, he'll still bring in snacks and junk food. Drives. Me. Nuts.

    I'm still learning dicipline to not eat the junk, but it's hard when he's so clueless!!

    Anyone have any tips?

    Does he eat this kind of food habitually (several times/day, every day)? If so, I would encourage him to try some healthier habits with you, as even "skinny" people can develop diabetes, heart disease, etc... after years of bad eating habits. Tell him you're on a quest to be HEALTHY and that any weight loss is a positive side effect of that. If he isn't on board with changing his eating habits, ask him if he can show his support for your efforts by not eating the junk in front of you or by not bringing it in the house. Try to find some middle ground on this. Be sure he's clear on how vital his support is to your success.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Ya know, you can eat donuts and still be healthy. To me it's healthier to indulge, then it is to create these mental obsessions about it. The more you deprive yourself, the more likely you are to lose control and snap.

    I still eat donuts, and ice cream, and cookies, and haven't had any problem losing weight or maintaining it. It's all about being aware of how much you eat.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Ya know, you can eat donuts and still be healthy. To me it's healthier to indulge, then it is to create these mental obsessions about it. The more you deprive yourself, the more likely you are to lose control and snap.

    I still eat donuts, and ice cream, and cookies, and haven't had any problem losing weight or maintaining it. It's all about being aware of how much you eat.

    Yup. Had ice cream every night last week and lost two pounds. Make it fit and enjoy.

    (Subbing today and senior class brought in donuts. And, yeah. I had a maple bar. Loved it.)