Did anyone else feel stupid?



  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    No. Half the people I come across are walking. They probably wish they could jog. Just think to yourself that you're making progress, and people can see that you are.

    ^^This. When I used to be the walker and sometimes I still am I always thought to myself - wow that person is running. Man I wish I liked to run or I wish I could run long enough to make a difference. Pay no attention to others. Put on the music and just tune everyone else out.
  • dawnljuneau
    dawnljuneau Posts: 6 Member
    Your not alone, I just recently tried the coach to 5K and i don't move graceful at all. What i find helps me is a few things. Go get a really good pair of running sneakers and a good sports bra and socks (none of them are cheap). Download the app to an iphone (hoping you have one) and then go find your local high school and do the program on their track. I have been doing that and it has been much better. With the music playing, the voice telling you when to walk, jog, I find I don't care who sees me. Best of luck:flowerforyou:
  • mollymasm
    mollymasm Posts: 29 Member
    I just bought some Nike trainers and a VERY sturdy sports bra (DDs bounce!) so I'm pretty set in that department! :)
    I just looked up C25K thing online and it looks great - just the kind of pace I'm looking for! Is the audio/app thing free or expensive?
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I used to weigh 280 and had a serious case of dewlap syndrome (where my belly dewlap over my belt!). I feared started jogging for a long time, but finally had to up my exercise and with no access to a gym (and a fear of falling through the floor of my cheap apartment). I was horribly embarrassed at first, then it finally dawned on me... I honestly didn't care about the opinions of the people who had negative opinions. Some random asshat insulting me on the road made absolutely no difference to the number of calories I was burning, the amount of muscle I was building, or (after accepting that there are asshats in the world and that they had no power over me) how I felt about myself.

    I tried to end each run proud of my accomplishments. And, yes, I called them runs. Some people laughed about that, too. I put as much effort into my wobbly shamble as a marathon runner puts into a marathon.

    Having been out there doing exactly what you are, I now look at people who were as I once was (red-faced, huffing, poking along at barely above a walking pace, working hard, with bits wobbling everywhere, puttin' it out there and workin' it hard) with admiration. It takes a lot of work to get started, and a lot of courage to ignore the few jerks out there who want to make themselves feel better about their laziness by making you feel worse about your hard work.

    I will occasionally compliment someone on their hard effort, if I think it will be accepted as genuine and not sarcasm.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I just bought some Nike trainers and a VERY sturdy sports bra (DDs bounce!) so I'm pretty set in that department! :)
    I just looked up C25K thing online and it looks great - just the kind of pace I'm looking for! Is the audio/app thing free or expensive?

    it's free.
  • mollymasm
    mollymasm Posts: 29 Member
    I used to weigh 280 and had a serious case of dewlap syndrome (where my belly dewlap over my belt!). I feared started jogging for a long time, but finally had to up my exercise and with no access to a gym (and a fear of falling through the floor of my cheap apartment). I was horribly embarrassed at first, then it finally dawned on me... I honestly didn't care about the opinions of the people who had negative opinions. Some random asshat insulting me on the road made absolutely no difference to the number of calories I was burning, the amount of muscle I was building, or (after accepting that there are asshats in the world and that they had no power over me) how I felt about myself.

    I tried to end each run proud of my accomplishments. And, yes, I called them runs. Some people laughed about that, too. I put as much effort into my wobbly shamble as a marathon runner puts into a marathon.

    Having been out there doing exactly what you are, I now look at people who were as I once was (red-faced, huffing, poking along at barely above a walking pace, working hard, with bits wobbling everywhere, puttin' it out there and workin' it hard) with admiration. It takes a lot of work to get started, and a lot of courage to ignore the few jerks out there who want to make themselves feel better about their laziness by making you feel worse about your hard work.

    I will occasionally compliment someone on their hard effort, if I think it will be accepted as genuine and not sarcasm.

    I found this very inspirational, thank you!

    I'm downloading the app right as we speak :)
    I'm pretty bad at jogging as I've just started, and I was just wondering if anyone felt embarrassed/stupid when they first started?! I'm a very self conscious person and I felt silly huffing along the road, especially as I could only manage just under 15 minutes :( and my local off road Pathway is pretty flooded so I can't use that ATM so I'm stuck on the roads.

    I did, a little at first, but now I don't at all...just remember that you are doing this to better your health etc...who care what others think...and I always remember what my hubby once told me...people don't really think about you as much as you think they do...they are too wrapped up in themselves to really care...true story! When I'm out running, I too look at other runner's shoes/apparel...I wear very bright colors so people are always honking or yelling at me...and I have plum hair...so I'm gonna get looked at and frankly I don't care...I run for me not others! You go!!!
  • Sweetncgal78
    Sweetncgal78 Posts: 97 Member
    I will not jog/ run if anyone can see me. I live in a down town setting so I decided to run at night and no matter what time I go out.. there is always people hanging around so as of yet I have not been successful. I walk at our town park and there is a section that is kinda private, maybe 100ft section, and I run through that and go back to walking after I get through it. Im going to try going to the park or out in my neighborhood in the early morning after school gets out for the summer and see If I can get any more privacy then. I Jiggle so much ... there is no way I can do this when folks can see me.
  • MudDancer
    MudDancer Posts: 151 Member
    I haven't started yet ... in part because I am embarrased. I (We) have got to overcome this though. I was embarrased when I wanted to join a gym and start exercising last November. I quickly overcame that though and love going to the gym. Nobody pays that much attention to what anyone else is doing. I pay more attention to people's shoes than how they look. :) I know if I start jogging (walk/jog) I will do fine. And yes, I know .... SPANX. :D

    I need to remind myself of that, I feel fine when I go to the gym but am too embarrased to run down the street? The people at the gym are getting a much more up close and personal look at me :laugh:
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    Before I started jogging and getting in shape, I would actually be kind of envious when I saw people running past me.
    I would think, wow they have the drive, determination, will, etc. They are getting fit, they probably will feel great afterwards, etc, etc.

    Now that I do it, I wonder if others feel envious of me as I whiz by them!! :tongue:
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    My experience has been that while, yes, there are real jerks out there (mostly teenagers), most everyone who is physically fit is looking at you and saying, 'Yes, go for it, girl!' Everyone has to start somewhere, and I love to smile or wave at people who are out there running/jogging/trudging along. Seriously, it makes me smile to see people who are just getting started running, especially when I see them running intervals - so many new runners are in my local park doing C25K. I want to run around giving high fives! :)