No More Soda... Whose With Me?



  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    /sighs Coke. I love it... the past few years I cut down to about 1 a day... before I drank 2/3. I still crave it once and a while... ironically, mostly when I'm eating junk. I quit once for 2 months. I generally fall off the wagon about once every few weeks. I'm not sure that I could give it up entirely. I haven't had one in a few weeks... mostly because I don't want to have to log it!! :laugh:
  • meshell216
    meshell216 Posts: 21 Member
    I too love Coke!! I am going on 8 days without a single drink. I am going crazy!! I just love the taste. I started drinking more water and some unsweetened tea.

    Good luck!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I gave up caffeine free Diet Coke in May of 2008.

    I tried some a few months later and it was DISGUSTING! I can't believe I used to live on that stuff.

    It's it weird how we change our POV on things?
  • aimskb
    aimskb Posts: 1 Member
    I gave up soda almost 2 weeks ago. I drank mountain dew just about 1 everyday. i had half a bottle the other day with pizza. YUCK it def didn't taste as god as i thought it would. but i am def glad i dont drink soda anymore.. :smile:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I would like my husband to give up soda, he took a liking to cherry Dr. Pepper when he quit smoking....I guess if I had to pick one I'd rather he was a soda freak than a smoker. :smokin:
  • Today was my first day without it and i can't sleep to save my life. ACK.

    I'm replacing it with Crystal Light iced tea. They're tasty and I'm definitely getting my water intake. :drinker:
  • I am at week 3.....I gained 2 pounds.

    I feel like something is missing. oh wait it freakin Coke....yeah.....

    for 2 weeks my head hurt even with other caffeine sources. I am moody....not due to pms, I have been ravenous.....

    but.....I have not had a coke.....I did sip some sprite because I am sick and it was gross. I dont like any other soda....just coke.....

    why does it have to be oh so good???? and oh so bad. No I can not treat myself I am not supposed to have it I can not have only 1 on friday or diet or this or that. Diet is just as bad, artifical sweeteners have been linked to increasing appetite in some.

    Crystal lite...blah....sugar free kool

    so anyhow......I am heading towards week 4....blah......:sad: :sad:
  • I have already started doing this for the past few weeks but haven't made it an official proclamation.

    Here goes:
    As of today I am soda free.

    Yay!! That feels good. Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    I have a rule- no coke unless its half jack. Works nicely for most of the week :wink:

    Now THERE'S a woman who knows of what she speaks!!!

    I must say my diet soda has been curtailled 'cos I've cut back on the booze.

    Now I prefer to do a vodka with light cranberry juice.
  • I will hop on this train! Diet Coke is my soda of choice, but no longer! For added motivation, I figured out the savings money-wise too: I typically bought three 2-liters per week. At $1.29 each, that's $3.87 per week. That's $201.24 EVERY YEAR on just one kind of soda! Ridiculous, right?!
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I had completely cut soda out of my life a year ago. I don't know how I got back into drinking my caffeine-free, diet coke, but I have. It's not a lot (one 20oz. bottle a day on avg.), but considering I have the hardest time drinking anything throughout the day, that's bad. I'm still sipping on a cup of coffee I made at 7:00 this morning - it's 11:12AM! I've always had a hard time with drinking and eating.

    OK. I'm about to drink the rest of this coffee...done! Water only at least 64oz. for the day, starting....NOW!

    Yep. You read it here. My declaration. My vow.

  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    I am with you! Only water or green tea from now on :)
  • Yesterday I didnt do well.... I had 2!!! So, starting over again today. Im not going anywhere today, and will be stuck at home for the next week, SO i should do a lot better.

    Tammy good luck!
  • I'm in. I gave up daily diet cokes a few weeks ago, but occasionally I have one...that leads to two...and so on. For me, it's definitely all or nothing. Great idea!....
  • dont beat yourself up over the 2 sodas yesterday. It is not an easy task to give up an addiction. Trust me.

    I am addicted to food.....I had gastric bypass surgery and was forced to give up my addiction that one needs to survive.....the mind does not know it is portion just knows that its addiction is will it survive......ok so it is hard.....

    I told a woman in the gym I was helping work out.....(she was upset by only being able to do two crunches.....she is a very large woman and this was her first day in the gym...she had tears in her eyes as I of my own free will went and helped her on every machine)......I said....".the two crunches you did today is progress compared to the zero crunches you did yesterday" clicked with her...she realized at that moment no matter how small a step it was a step in the right direction.

    So you drank 2 yesterday.....have you had any today? How did that make you feel at the end of the day yesterday? Did you feel like you let yourself down? You slipped up!! I dont care what anyone says I truly feel that soda is an addiction just like smoking....anything that stimulates the brain can be addictive...because it makes you feel good.....just like the runners makes the runner feel good. you will get back on track at this moment and not look back...only forward....I have been struggling for 3 damn weeks....if I can do this than you can too.....I am the most stubborn hard headed bi**h on the planet...I am not giving in and neither are you!!!

    Get some sugar free gum...preferably something strong and start chewing.....

    :smile: now dust your pants off..... and start over!!!!
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I told a woman in the gym I was helping work out.....(she was upset by only being able to do two crunches.....she is a very large woman and this was her first day in the gym...she had tears in her eyes as I of my own free will went and helped her on every machine)......I said....".the two crunches you did today is progress compared to the zero crunches you did yesterday" clicked with her...she realized at that moment no matter how small a step it was a step in the right direction.

    Awesome story! I can't tell you how many times I've felt like that too and as much it would probably (knowing my own personality) annoy me to have someone try to encourage me like that, it would stick in my head. It would click and those words would stick with me for a loooong time. That's where all MFP'ers come into play...with me...along side me...encouraging me. While I'm cursing you all out at the same time. lol

    Did that make any sense at all?
  • I drink at least a 12 pack a day....

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    How cool of you to help her. Every time I do well, I think, "why didn't I do this 30 years ago when I should have?" Eegadds! I AM my worst enemy.

    Thank you for what you said. I listened.

    And is having diet drinks that bad? Sometimes its the only splurge i get. Or at least I feel like I'm having a treat. kc
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I haven't had a soda since I got pregnant with my first child 6 years ago. I find that now I don't even miss it.
  • Technically for me, gastric bypass, diet drinks are bad because the carbonation stretches my pouch. I was so badly addicted my surgeon knew that and told me it was going to be hard.. I did not last long and started drinking them again....not diet....I refuse to let that touch my mouth....I am a die hard full blown 12-24 cans a day Coke I drink far for 3 weeks.

    As for my helping the lady in the many of you here know what it is like to be clinically morbidly obese? Thats what I was before surgery. Its hard to walk, sit , stand, lay down. When a large person goes to the gym, they just made a major step in the weight loss process. This woman was every bit of 300 pounds, she was sweating before she even got to the equipment, the staff was not able to help her, she was clueless as to how to properly work out. I am taking fitness and nutrition classes have worked out with a trainer and even helped him with a client before. I was honored to help her. My sense of pride that day after helping this woman struggle with everything she did was greater then my own workouts provide me. I helped a person who had no self esteem, no confidence but she took a major step and she took it alone. She came to the gym because she knows she has a problem and she is addressing that problem.

    We are human we slip up and drink a coke when we should not after declaring war on them and wanting to stop drinking them. Do not let that slip up cause you to fail. You just re start at that moment and go forward. Please dont look back on the slip up.If you can not give up the sodas all together then cut back or switch the flavor or go diet. I am a stubborn person....I just gave it up.

    Once I get certified I only want to work with obese people. I dont want to train the prom queen. I want to help the person who's life I may save by helping them in the gym. Its so much harder for that person. They need to be treated differently because it is such a struggle to balance your larger sized body on a balance ball or walk on the treadmill when the belt is too narrow omg and the elliptical.

    If I never train anyone, I am ok with that, at least I know I can if I want to.

    Please dont beat yourself up over falling off the wagon or slipping up. Its ok...maybe you need to see what caused you to drink the soda? How can you change the situation you were in to prevent it again.

    I drank them as comfort......they never hit me when my ex husband did, they never left me like my dad did, they never called me fat, never laughed at me because I was poor. When my husband cheated on me and had two women pregnant at the same time.....guess what....Cokes were there. So my giving them up is like Linus giving up his blanket. Its not the taste the caffeine jolt...its the comfort.

    I have 2 emergency Cokes in the fridge, they have been there for 3 weeks. My family knows not to touch them. I have serious anxiety attacks and if one hits....I will have to drink one. I threw out my meds and deal with them on my own. I am talking serious emergency, not omg the directv lost the signal during Biggest Loser......

    So to my friend the original poster....if you normally drink 4 sodas and slipped up and had 2 yesterday...guess what...thats had two less than normal. Do not let that change your decision to stop drinking them......

    I am here.......all hours of the day and nite
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