Cutting out grains is KILLING me ;(



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    is there a reason you need to cut out carbs, other than 'carbs are evil'?

    personally i have never cut them out totally and its never effected my weightloss.

    Yep, that was going to be my question and my comment as well.

    If a diet is making you miserable, why follow it unless there is a medical need? Do you plan to be miserable for the rest of your life?
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    More like eating grains are killing you. Grains are terrible for you, it's great you've cut them out. Your body will thank you

    Lol what? Why are grains "terrible?"

    They contain anti nutrients and many are coming around to think that we have not fully adapted to be eating grains.

    Read some books on the Paleo diet or Wheat Belly it might change your life

    The sky is falling!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    More like eating grains are killing you. Grains are terrible for you, it's great you've cut them out. Your body will thank you

    Lol what? Why are grains "terrible?"

    It's a paleo thing. They also think legumes are poisonous. :ohwell:

    Personally, I don't buy either idea because

    1. There is plenty of research showing both as healthy
    2. Grains and legumes have been staples in my life since I was a child and I've lived half a century (and counting) without becoming obese or taking daily meds and with no diseases, syndromes or ailments.
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I eat low carb but I do not do the paleo thing. I stay under 100 grams but it's usually closer to 60-75 most days. I will eat Flat Out Wraps with the higher fiber in them if I want bread. Are you eating enough fat? My macros are 50% fat/ 30% protein/ 20% carbs. I feel great. It takes a little while to get used to this way. I have cheat days or higher carb days once a week.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought eating grains was only unhealthy or potentially deadly if eaten on Tuesdays and Fridays?
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    You are probably on the verge of ketosis. You feel like complete crap for a few days. After these days you should feel better. I'd give it max 3 days, if you don't feel better by then, then I would just go back to a normal diet.

    That may be so, and if so you really want to read up on ketosis. It's a state that a lot of people use to lose weight, and many people stay in it for life. But you also should read up on it and understand the dietary requirements - there are things you need to watch out for, such as drinking lots of water to make it easier on your liver and kidneys to process, and making sure you are getting plenty of specific nutrients.

    There's a whole lot of information on it, and I'm not an expert, but from those people I know who have done it - doing it safely involves a whole lot more than "cutting out grains". I'm not saying it's unsafe - just that you need to make sure you're doing it safely.

    I'm not an expert, not a professional, but I've been eating "keto" for about 9 months now and have consistently lost about 5lbs a month. I started by lurking and being extremely skeptical after being a South Beach/Raw Food diet person for years. I watched the movie "Fat-Head" on Hulu for free, I saw the results people posted, and was still extreeeeemely skeptical because of the established medical views on fat.

    Eventually, I got talked into doing it for a month, just as an experiment. That month turned into two, then three, then seven, and now I can't honestly imagine living any other way. Giving up fruit was difficult, but for about seven months, I didn't eat anything but beef, chicken, pork, cheese, and almonds. I was losing weight, having great energy at the gym, but I was still afraid I was killing myself with cholesterol.

    I went to the doctor and got my blood tested. I am in "AMAZING!" shape. I turned the nurse into a believer after she scolded me for "eating Atkins diet, don't you know he died from a heart attack in his 50s?" She wouldn't believe that he died from slipping on ice and hitting his head in his 70s. When she saw my results though, she said maybe I had something there.

    Anyway, I know the ketosis diet isn't for everyone, it's hard, and there are dangers (drink lots of water, get enough magnesium/potassium/sodium, don't over exert yourself), but it definitely has awesome results.
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member

    You could eat buttered lard on white bread buttermilk biscuits every day, and you would still lose weight if the lard sandwich caloric intake was less than your calorie expenditure.

    Mmmmm . . . buttered lard . . .
  • Hattieross
    Hattieross Posts: 17
    You should include good carbs when planning your daily meals. I am losing weight and while I watch my carb intake, I have no problem allowing myself a piece of whole grain bread, small portion of brown rice or other healthy grains. They satisfy me and keep me from wanting to overeat.

    Everything in moderation combined with exercise will get you the results you want! :)
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    Eventually, I got talked into doing it for a month, just as an experiment. That month turned into two, then three, then seven, and now I can't honestly imagine living any other way. Giving up fruit was difficult, but for about seven months, I didn't eat anything but beef, chicken, pork, cheese, and almonds. I was losing weight, having great energy at the gym, but I was still afraid I was killing myself with cholesterol.

    I went to the doctor and got my blood tested. I am in "AMAZING!" shape. I turned the nurse into a believer after she scolded me for "eating Atkins diet, don't you know he died from a heart attack in his 50s?" She wouldn't believe that he died from slipping on ice and hitting his head in his 70s. When she saw my results though, she said maybe I had something there.

    I eat all that stuff you don't eat in moderation, and I am also in AMAZING! shape.
  • Wasabinuts
    Wasabinuts Posts: 19 Member
    Why should one cut out grains alltogether? Grains are important in our diets for fiber and keep out blood glucose and cholesterol in check. I think Moderation is the key to any weight loss program and balanced with a good exercise program. Not allowing food we love ( in moderation) will just cause binge eating (been there, done that)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I eat low carb but I do not do the paleo thing. I stay under 100 grams but it's usually closer to 60-75 most days. I will eat Flat Out Wraps with the higher fiber in them if I want bread.

    I love Flat Out Wraps!! Good fiber count only 90-100 calories and you can stuff so much more into them than between 2 pieces of bread. Every time I make a wrap my husband says "you are never going to be able to roll that up". But I always do, 'cause I'm cool like that.
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    It's amazing how many opinions have popped up... So here is mine! Far from killing you, the lack of grains is actually saving your life. Your risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, auto-immune reactions (to name a few) will dramatically decrease if you keep it up!

    Also, the reason you are craving the carbs and feel so horrible is because your insulin levels and sensitivity will take a few nweeks to normalize. Once they do you will no longer crave them as much.

    Keep strong, you can do it... I promise, if you do, you will feel AMAZING in no time!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's amazing how many opinions have popped up... So here is mine! Far from killing you, the lack of grains is actually saving your life. Your risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, auto-immune reactions (to name a few) will dramatically decrease if you keep it up!

    Nonsense. Do you have any medical data to back that up?
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I eat all that stuff you don't eat in moderation, and I am also in AMAZING! shape.

    Yeah, that's pretty much "Paleo", isn't it?
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    Yes, there is plenty of medical data to back this claim up including the research that has been conducted at my medical school, UCSF, here in San Francisco. If you would like links to them I would be happy to supply them.
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    In fact here are a few to get you started... a quick search on PubMed (the national medical publication database) popped up 19000 hits for research papers linking refined carbohydrates and 'disease' with cancer, diabetes, inflamation and auto-immune being search parameters;

    Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2011 Nov;301(5):F919-31. Epub 2011 Aug 31

    J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Dec;21(12):2036-9. Epub 2010 Nov 29. (this is a good one, it shows medical evidence that refined fructose which is contained in all of your 'carbs are ok' foods, t be so bad as to be considered an environmental toxin!)

    Nutrition. 2010 Nov-Dec;26(11-12):1044-9. Epub 2010 May 14 (this one is even better! it directly links refined modern carbs to cardio vascular disease etc)

    Nutr Metab (Lond). 2005 Feb 21;2(1):5 (this is excellent too)

    Sorry, not enough time to post more... gotta study for medical board exams!
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    Heres a kicker: research into the anti-nutritional makeup of legumes (not really a poison, just not AS nutritionaly sound);

    TitleAnti-nutritional factors in forage legumes.AuthorsKumar, R.; D'Mello, J. P. F.EditorsD'Mello, J. P. F.;Devendra, C.Book Tropical legumes in animal nutrition. 1995 pp. 95-133 ISBN0-85198-926-8Record Number19951408989
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    You know nightshade is poisonous too, right? It took our ancestors a long time to adapt to it, while other animals still can't eat it. Apples also contain poison. I wouldn't worry so much about legumes and grain. If you like it, eat it. I would worry more about non naturally occurring trans fat before I start worrying about grain. You're not going to be able to eat everything your ancestors ate, because we are constantly evolving with every generation and, if you go back far enough, some of our ancestors probably even ate dinosaur poop. I dunno about you, but I'm not going to try the dinosaur poop diet.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    When we learned that my daughter is gluten intolerant we all struggled with cutting back/cutting out the gluten containing foods and especially bread. We loved bread! I used to grind my own wheat flour and make it from scratch! But it was too hard on my daughter to have us eating it around her so we've stopped making it. I have learned other ways of making most foods but you just can't make a GF bread that tastes the same as whole wheat.

    While it was tough at first (we went cold turkey) it did get easier as we got used to not having it. After a couple of months I decided to make some bread (with my daughter's blessing) and we had some. It was good but not as good as we'd remembered and we all had upset stomachs afterward. So now we're all pretty much gluten free and aren't missing anything now that we've adjusted.

    Long story short: give it time and it will get easier if it's really something you want to do. Remind yourself of the reasons you need to cut it. If you don't have any reasons maybe you should just eat some. ;)