Annoyed with families comments....



  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    Rude, BI**H! you know you wanna look like me!!!! GRR FACE! hahahahahaha

    Damn Straight! You know damn well she wants to look like you!!!! She only wishes! But she has to work for it herself...your success is all yours!!
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    Screw them.

    And, then, don't let them get under your skin EVER again! :flowerforyou:

    ^^^ this^^^ and the fact that maybe they are a bit jealous of your success :o) keep up the good work :o)
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm kind of on the opposite end. A guy I work with makes comments constantly and tends to laugh when I talk about working out and dieting. I feel as though he is mocking me and it infuriates me! We had a luncheon the other day for "Administrative Whatever..." Secretary's Day. He brought an entire container to my desk and asked if I would like a trough to eat from... :explode: I was livid and couldn't come up with a something witty. My sister to ask him next time if he would like a feeding tube to eat from. HAHAHA Good luck on those come backs... I'll work on mine as well! :tongue:

    OMG! What a complete TOOL that guy is! BTW...those kids in your ticker are adorable! Screw people like that!
  • sailorsiren13
    sailorsiren13 Posts: 460
    I had my daughter young just like my mom and i had a son later. I have always gone for the "hot mom" look. People see me and i say i have a 16 yo and they can't believe it! so if i'm giving my kids a complex by being healthy and striving for a goal i'm all about it and screw all the haters! and OP that's the way you should be! We have to be role models for our kids and i would rather set a good example then a bad one. Not only that but my hubby loves it....When i tell people that i'm running a 5k or doing a zumbathon and they say why? i counter with why not? it's better than sitting on my butt stuffing my face... in the immortal words of the character Mame " I want to LIVE LIVE LIVE!!!!"
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Well I am a guy and I didn't lose a lot of weight like some people on this site... I dropped 35 pounds and built a lot of muscle but have heard all the lines about you’re too skinny; you are going to vanish into nothing you need to bulk up etc… all from family members. I was excited about my fitness journey and wanted to talk about it when asked in the past but now as far as family goes I say nothing and when they ask about it I just say eh, just working out… I don’t mention anything about my weight… lose, maintain or gain. I am only interested in my fitness for my own selfish purposes now… which is to have a long and productive life and being able to interact with my kids…. Ignore everyone else… so long as you are healthy what business is it of theirs
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    thanks everyone, totally appreciate it! I feel much better now, and i hope that i can keep up with the things you guys are saying... its just so annoying, you know? every family get together i just know someone is gonna say something that they think is sooooo clever... idk, my husband is supportive and i can keep up with my toddler (which alot of people cant say) so i know what i'm doing is right!!!! And i'm doing it the right ways, and for the right reasons! <3

    hmmm so say to them... so how many push-ups can you do???
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Congratulations on the birth of your baby, your weight loss and recovery!

    I read once that when people ask you inappropriate questions that you dont want to answer or even hear, you should respond with this: If you'll forgive me for not answering/responding to that, I'll forgive you for asking/or saying that! I haven't had a chance to use it yet but I cant wait to.

    Being a person who has recovered from an ED myself, you need to pay attention if 'everyone' is saying something about you being too thin. If you are in a normal BMI range for your weight and height, your bones arent sticking out, have a gaunt face, etc. you get the drift, then you have nothing to worry about. And if you're ok in that department then just ignore them! Some people feel threatened when a 'former fat person' they spend time around gets into shape. Sad, but true.

    It's your body, your life, your mission and your health. Just step back and make sure everything is ok once in a while. (The cautious, former anorexic in me speaking) You and your body has been through a LOT and it would be easy to 'overly focus, obsess' on anything afterwards.

    Hugs and again, congrats on the little one!
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    Obviously I didn't hear the tone of the comments but for most of them I would just take them as compliments. The one that included your daughter...not so much but i'd just probably smile and ultimately ignore that one.

    it really just sounds like they are saying they think you have hit what should be your goal weight. I get that all the time...i'm a dude and honestly don't really give a crap but if you can take it like "hey, my hard work is showing...they think i look fit" then it won't bug you as much.

    and then as long as you are doing it all in a healthy way then by all means keep it up!
  • gemmaldavies
    gemmaldavies Posts: 379
    do u think they cud b jealous?
  • trinoc
    trinoc Posts: 73
    I'm kind of on the opposite end. A guy I work with makes comments constantly and tends to laugh when I talk about working out and dieting. I feel as though he is mocking me and it infuriates me! We had a luncheon the other day for "Administrative Whatever..." Secretary's Day. He brought an entire container to my desk and asked if I would like a trough to eat from... :explode: I was livid and couldn't come up with a something witty. My sister to ask him next time if he would like a feeding tube to eat from. HAHAHA Good luck on those come backs... I'll work on mine as well! :tongue:

    Sweetheart, you don't need a witty comeback. You could be walking away with his job. This is harrassment. It is vile, evil, and disgusting. Report him to HR. Over and over, if that's what it takes. And though it might sting your pride a little, ask a coworker who has witnessed it to report him, too. You DO NOT have to tolerate a hostile workplace.
