Scariest thing a family member ever did



  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    We used to light any/everything on fire. But never caught entire fields on fire, well done kids. Cliff jumping in Washington (without checking the water depth) is probably the dumbest thing we ever did.

    Oh. You know in Footloose when the girl is standing between two cars, we did that once.

    Oh. Also, (apparently I'm the dumbass in the family) I once *accidentally* started a bar fight in a biker bar a few states from home while on a road trip. My friend an I were not injured, we were pulled behind the bar and left...bikers have some big knives.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    My sister and I and a family friend used to terrorize his dad's hogs when they had pigletts. We would get them mad and then have to run and jump on top of the hog house to get away. Well this worked fine for my sister and our friend. However, I was the "runt" of the litter and always had to rely on them to pull me up. Somehow they always made it in the nick of time. Thank goodness. Man momma hogs sure get touchy when they have babies.
  • Rockerchick77
    Examples of things my younger brother did....

    He and a friend liked the sizzle of matches thrown into the dry brush behind our barn. A few matches later and the entire horse pasture was on fire, getting close to the barn. We were using hoses and buckets before the fire department got there.

    Filled my dad's lawn mower gas tank with grain.

    Got attacked by a chicken and rushed to the emergency room to have his face stitched up.

    Used a bat on the side of a bee hive. He was allergic. Emergency room.

    oh I could go on...

    HAHAHAH I have 2 older Brothers that can match those same type of stories. AND can I ask WHY oh WHY do men throw buckets of gasoline into fires??!! that seems a little too common!! LOL
  • bkandisjj29
    bkandisjj29 Posts: 172
    My grandfather went away on an extended fishing trip, and I was volunteered to "babysit" my grandmother while he was gone. She is quiet, sweet, church lady who always wears panty hose and high heels, etc. She is afraid of everything, locks her doors a million times before bed type.

    So I was asleep in the guest bedroom, and I hear a noise. I open my eyes and there is my little white-headed grandmother in a floor length night gown with a huge black pistol in her hand pointed right at me. Guns and grandma just do not go together. I nearly had a heart attack.

    I spoke and rose up very slowly. "Nana?" I said.

    She had heard a noise and was coming to investigate.

    I told her to put the gun down. Dear Lord...
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    My cousin is currently a fugitive. No, I don't know where he is. If I did, I'd turn him in.

    I have a cousin who was a fugitive back in the 90's - he's currently incarcerated in Pennsylvania for holding a DEA agent hostage @ a greyhound station.

    Yea, they don't like it when you do that.

    When he escaped from Pennsylvania he got all the way to Texas, he and his fellow fugitives were going to go back to my hometown in Arizona, rob the local bank and take off to hide on the reservation near my hometown.

    In the words of Charlie Brown, Good Grief.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I think the scariest thing I ever did, and to this day I never told my mother about, is get in a car with a man I didn't know.

    I was a teen, probably 17 or so, out 'cruising' around town with 2 of my friends (one friend was driving) one night. A guy (probably mid 20's) came up next to our car and we started talking back and forth thru the window. He asked if I wanted to go for a drive with him - and I DID.

    Fortunately for me, all he did was take me home (very late at night) and we talked for a while and I never saw him again. I shudder to think what *could* have happened to me.
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    I think the scariest thing I ever did, and to this day I never told my mother about, is get in a car with a man I didn't know.

    I was a teen, probably 17 or so, out 'cruising' around town with 2 of my friends (one friend was driving) one night. A guy (probably mid 20's) came up next to our car and we started talking back and forth thru the window. He asked if I wanted to go for a drive with him - and I DID.

    Fortunately for me, all he did was take me home (very late at night) and we talked for a while and I never saw him again. I shudder to think what *could* have happened to me.

    I did things like this all the time. My girlfriends and I always say we don't know how we made it through our teens and 20's.

    One time, during the days of caller id on home phones (lol) some guys called my apartment on the wrong number. I called them back, we talked to them, AND INVITED THEM OVER! OMG.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I remember once when I was in fourth grade, driving in the car with my dad, around 9:30 pm one early spring evening and some guy was tailgating us as we pulled up to what was going to be a right hand turn. Dad slammed on the brakes, jumped out of the car, opened the rear driver's side door of our car and then approached the vehicle behind him. I can still him him yelling "If you want to be in my back seat so badly, HOP THE F&^% IN!"

    I will say that his anger had already been simmering BECAUSE we were in the car at 9:30pm on a school night as we were returning from the office supply store because I had a project due the next morning and hadn't told him I needed poster board until a few minutes before 9... LOL.
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    My older brother once drove his friend home from a party whilst they were still quite drunk.

    The thing is, they walked first from the party to our house then my brother still drove him from there, he took a corner too fast and ended up totalling the car into a bollard. Fortunately my brother only bashed his head off the windscreen - silly sod wasn't wearing his belt, but the car banana'd and the door panel went straight through his friends leg

    It just scares me that it coulda been worse - I only have one brother and I cried for days about what he had done
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    When I was about 10 I found my sister in the tub asleep with her eyes wide open. My mom had said she has been in there for a long time & asked if I could go check on her.

    I still remember the panic that I felt. I was like what am I going to tell my mom. So I screamed her name and she woke up pretty much wondering what the heck was wrong with me.

    :laugh: Still kind of terrifying when I think about it.
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    my daughter just gave me the equivalent to TWO scoops of hyper FX I FEEL LIKE THE HULK. really not at all funny.
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    My brother and I used to go up on the roof and jump into the bushes below. That seems like a bad idea in retrospect.

    I remember my brother & I jumping off our second story balcony w/ umbrellas. We thought we'd kind of float down w/ the umbrellas... Not so much!

    Actually, I've done A LOT of dumb things in my 24 years!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    My grandmother grew up on a farm in the Texas panhandle. She would tell me stories about how her brothers and dad would plow the fields on METAL tractors during lightning storms. Crazy!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    My sister and I were grounded to our upstairs bedroom...we started making a paper chain to repel down the edge of the house with. Thank god my mom found us.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    When I was a little girl me and my friends used to ride our bikes to this place called "The Swamps". It was just a swampy area by some rail road tracks.

    BUT to get to the watery, swampy part we used to crawl under the train cars! OMG! I have a heart attack now a days when I think back to those days!

    Playing around swamps was bad enough, but crawling under trains!?!?! Dumb and crazy! Those trains were always starting up, moving. omg.
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I had been dressed up earlier in the day and was wearing nylons and a skirt. I came home and just put some sweatpants on over top of the nylons. Later, I decided to clean my outdoor windows. I got out my ladder that was kind of slippery. It had warmed up, so I didn't bother putting on shoes. I'm half-way up a ladder wearing NYLONS on a slippery ladder (no-one spot-checking me either) when I realize I'm half-way to a Darwin award. I stepped back down gingerly and gave myself a shake.

    I was telling my brother about this and before I knew it, we had a roomful of "stupid things I've done on a ladder" stories. At least one of them ended in a trip to emergency.

    Oh - and my sweet, kind, unassuming grandmother burned down about 5 outhouses in her time.
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    My cousin got really drunk waiting at the airport with her sisters' boyfriend. As they were getting onto the plane, she turns to the flight attendant and says, "You going to let this guy on, he has a bomb" referring to her sisters' boyfriend. She was tackled immediately and sat in county jail while the rest of us enjoyed a cruise around the Caribbean. She was charged with terroristic threats and public drunkenness. Luckily, the judge dropped the terror threat charges.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    My first cousin killed two guys in a drug deal gone bad in Richmond Va reading some of Yall post reminds me how different Americans really live.

    Oh the RIC....I do not miss it!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    I think the scariest thing I ever did, and to this day I never told my mother about, is get in a car with a man I didn't know.

    I was a teen, probably 17 or so, out 'cruising' around town with 2 of my friends (one friend was driving) one night. A guy (probably mid 20's) came up next to our car and we started talking back and forth thru the window. He asked if I wanted to go for a drive with him - and I DID.

    Fortunately for me, all he did was take me home (very late at night) and we talked for a while and I never saw him again. I shudder to think what *could* have happened to me.

    One time, during the days of caller id on home phones (lol) some guys called my apartment on the wrong number. I called them back, we talked to them, AND INVITED THEM OVER! OMG.I did things like this all the time. My girlfriends and I always say we don't know how we made it through our teens and 20's.

    Back in the '60's we used to hitch hike around all the time. Everybody did. One time my sister and her boy friend hitched hiked across the country. My mom had to fly to California to get them and bring em back because they both got arrested for vagrancy Crazy hippi's..
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think the scariest thing I ever did, and to this day I never told my mother about, is get in a car with a man I didn't know.

    I was a teen, probably 17 or so, out 'cruising' around town with 2 of my friends (one friend was driving) one night. A guy (probably mid 20's) came up next to our car and we started talking back and forth thru the window. He asked if I wanted to go for a drive with him - and I DID.

    Fortunately for me, all he did was take me home (very late at night) and we talked for a while and I never saw him again. I shudder to think what *could* have happened to me.

    I did things like this all the time. My girlfriends and I always say we don't know how we made it through our teens and 20's.

    One time, during the days of caller id on home phones (lol) some guys called my apartment on the wrong number. I called them back, we talked to them, AND INVITED THEM OVER! OMG.

    Ditto. I have no damn idea how I survived my teen years. My judgment was...........non-existant.