How Far Have You Come?



  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Good job everyone!!!

    For me, i started in Mid February and i'm down 26-27 lbs right now. I'd be happy with another 40 lbs. But i'm so proud of myself, this is the first time i've ever really tried and gave it my all.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    134 lbs

    370 to 236 -Since July of 2011

    And boy have I plateaued.... may be all the sweets and alcohol and eating out but geez I have no idea why else...

  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    It took me 6 years to lose a 100 pounds (what can I say... I'm a slow learner...), and now I am maintaining right around 115 pounds lost. And it feels so good!!
  • kenny_johnson
    kenny_johnson Posts: 108 Member
    Since last summer, I've lost 46 pounds. That was bad. I remember having a hard time getting out the couch (literally). I feel a lot better now, but still not good. Still feel fat and uncomfortable, but there's definitely been progress. My fitness has also increased. I remember when I first started Power 90 and I would get so winded. Now sometimes I feel like I must not be trying hard enough because it feels so much easier. I still don't really do the Plyo(jumping) stuff because of my weight, but even with modifications 2 months ago I was struggling.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I've passed the halfway mark and it feels good, I still get discouraged but push on because i want to be a runner again.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I'm 5'4"

    HW: 252 (August 2002)
    SW: 178 (January 2012)
    CW: 160
    GW: 140

    I'll be 39 tomorrow and my goal is to be as sexy as possible by the time I turn 40 in 2013! I'm on it! :drinker:
  • kser145
    kser145 Posts: 40
    Great job!! I've lost 24 lbs since March 1 2012.. Got alot more to go.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member

    I started on Jan 11- so it will be almost 4 months and I have lost 32 lbs, but it's not just my weight lost- I have gone from cutting out refined processed foods to a lean protein & veggie diet to now a 90% raw diet. I feel so amazing!
    This picture is from 25 lbs lost. I have 3 lbs to get to my half way point!!!
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member

    January 2012- My Starting weight 148 pounds, Current weight 135 pounds, Goal weight 130 pounds. I am 5'3''
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member
    Unofficially - Thursdays are my official weigh-in days - I have lost 28 pounds since the beginning of January. I currently weigh less than I have weighed since the 3rd grade. THIRD GRADE. That totally amazes and disgusts me at the same time.

    I feel like a different person now. I can do things I always told myself I couldn't do before. I am a much stronger person both physically and emotionally. I have my bad days (heck, even bad weeks!), but I just keep on chugging along. I never want to go back to who I was before. I am finally having some confidence in myself and my self-esteem has greatly improved. For once, I can look in the mirror, and in general, like what I see. I am setting a good example for my kids, and that makes me feel so good to know that I am giving them the tools to not go through what I have in my life when it comes to being overweight.

    I have to ask - you really only gained 28 pounds since you were 10? That seems unusual... Congrats on the weight loss and the strength you've gained!

    To answer your question honestly - no. When I started MFP and getting serious about my weight loss, I was 197.5 lbs. At my heaviest (non-pregnant weight) I was 218 in 2004. So - technically, from my highest weight, I've lost 47.5 lbs, but I was counting from when I started.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    in 1999 I weighed 320 pounds. Now I weigh around 160. By my 30th birthday, I want to weigh 140. That is my final goal :)

    I didn't lose my weight fast- It took me 6 years to get from over 300 to under 200, but now I've been under 180 for the past 6 years...

    Losing this last bit has not been the easiest, but mostly I'm proud I've lost half my body weight and kept it off!
  • lisasch67
    lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
    This is awesome!! Great job everyone and keep up the good work! :smile:
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    started at 270 in late 2003 / early 2004. dropped most of the weight by 2005; finished by '08. have been exercising, toning, and maintaining since then. current weight : 160.
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    Im 25 lbs down since the begining of Jan and have 30-35 more to go then a lifetime of maintaining.
    Im hoping to get that off by my 28th b-day in October but if it takes till Jan Ill be ok with that too.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    24W pants to 6 pants, 56% body fat to 21(ish)% body fat. I topped out at 294 pounds, and now I sit somewhere around 155-160 pounds.
  • Dietz27
    Dietz27 Posts: 107
    21 pounds since March 7, 2012!!! Need to keep this up as I have a ways to go.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    I have lost a total of 113 lbs!
  • Hollyjd1019
    Hollyjd1019 Posts: 148
    I downloaded MFP on my iPhone in 2011 but didn't pick it up until Jan 17, 2012. On the night before a switch flipped for good and I said I am truly going to do it this time. Before 1/17/12, I was very sendentary. I have a desk job and at home, i would spend a lot of time on the couch. After 1/17/ first I concentrated on staying under my calorie goal and drinking more water. I guess about a month or so in I started visiting the forums and getting more involved by adding friends. Then I started exercising using our Wii. Seeing friends exercise daily helped motivate me to get moving. As of last weekend I'm down 35.8 lbs and I exercise at least 6 days a wk. I alternate 25ish min days w 40ish minute workouts during the week. Then do 60+ minutes on the weekend. I mostly do cardio but I do incorporate some handweights. I'm starting to look toward doing more with weights now. And I have found I love incorporating boxing type moves into my workout! So many new things that I never thought I would do or achieve!!

    I still have a long journey ahead of me but I KNOW I will get there and never go back again!!!
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    75 lbs and 27 of that thanks to MFP!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I went from about 260 lbs not sure exactly, long story, Now I average 185 im in better shape physically mentally and lifestyle wise than I was at 22 when I got out of the US Army. Oh yea and smoke free for about 16 years.
  • babybird5
    babybird5 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone!! I haven't been on this very long. I started this journey on March 13th, 2012 when my Personal Trainer told me about it. So far in the 8 wks that I have been on here, I have lost 15lbs and 6in!! I have never been able to lose the weight like this. My husband started the same time and he has lost 22lbs. We both have alot of weight still to lose, but we are on the right track!! Congrats to everyone on their success!!!!
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    44lbs is amazing! Well done!
    I'm a real slowcoach, but here's where I've come from:
    Nov 2010 211lbs:
    Mid April 2012 205lbs
    This week, 203lbs
    Still got a long way to go....
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    44lbs is amazing! Well done!
    I'm a real slowcoach, but here's where I've come from:
    Nov 2010 211lbs:
    Mid April 2012 205lbs
    This week, 203lbs
    Still got a long way to go....

    having trouble with that second photo...I'll retry...

  • ericborchert
    ericborchert Posts: 28 Member
    30 lbs since Feb. 2012
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Just posted a status about this :) I was rummaging through my desk drawer in work earlier and came across my old organiser diary. I log my weight once a week, and out of curiosity I looked at this time last year. I was 3 stone (42lb) heavier, and by that point I'd lost just over 2 stone (28lb) and was dead proud of myself!

    In less numerical news...plainly put, I used to be the girl in the lesser-known Millennium Trilogy; i.e. The Girl Who Hated Her Reflection. Now I'm the girl who assists with zumba classes, hurls around a kettlebell like it's going out of fashion and can look in the mirror and feel bloody proud.

    Oh, and the ten years added onto my life is a nice bonus too.
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    Last year at this time I was pretty close to 260 lbs (if you look at my pictures the one with me in the pink shirt is me at 260) and Tuesday I weighed in at 227 (my profile picture was taken last weekend)
    . My goal at the moment is to get back into the 190's then readust my goals.

    So in total I have lost 33 lbs
  • Strobins05
    Strobins05 Posts: 716
    OH that is great! Well I started this journey four years ago (Spring 2008) and I like you, am PROUD to say that I am 59 pounds lighter! I ballooned after having my son ten years ago and by 08' I was fed up with it. Took some time learning how this would work for me but I got it! It's not a fast process to lose but the results are all worth it! I was just thinking the other morning how I once could not get a normal bath towel to wrap around my body, boy oh boy the memories...and when I noticed that I could, that moment felt GREAT! :flowerforyou:
  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    I know there are literally thousands of posts like this, but I really have to say this somewhere.

    It's been exactly 3 years and 6 months (to the day) since I stepped on the scale at a Weight Watchers meeting and was shocked and disgusted by who I had become and what I weighed...

    This morning I stepped on the scale at the gym and am proud to say that I am 44 lbs lighter than that terrible moment. And realizing I was able to wrap the stupidly small towels they have at the gym around myself just made me feel so good.

    How far have you come?

    THE TOWELS!!!! I've only recently noticed this too. Only it wasn't gym towels, it was my home towels - I could NOT get them fully around me and now I can tie a little knot in there ;-)

    I stepped onto that dreaded scale the week before my 28th birthday in June last year, and remember thinking "that can't be right?! I couldn't be that heavy?!" - I don't think I honest to god realised how big I had gotten until I found an old driving licence last week. I posted a picture here in the face comparison thread - I am appalled that I let that happen to myself.

    Still - just under a year later and 33lbs down - I'm only sorry I didn't do it sooner.

    Congratulations and well done to you, you've done amazing x
  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    From St Patricks Day of this year I have lost 28 lbs.

    Lifestyle change, bit of gym, better choices and addressing the issues behind my eating.
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