20 th July new group



  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Welcome back to ldr624! Angl is right. We need to stay committed. It is so hard b/c we are all so busy. Now that school is underway I am going to try to put myself first, leave work earlier to go workout!
    The holidays are around the corner. Let's all challenge each other to lose at least 10lbs. by Turkey Day!!:laugh: Who's in?:bigsmile:
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    10 lbs by Thanksgiving....hmmmm:grumble: I can do that.
    IM IN!!!!!!:wink:
    Thats 10 1/2 weeks away. That would only be 1 lb a week.
    And the only holiday we need to overcome is Halloween. Which we will all buy something to hand out that we dislike...Right girlfriends??
    So, my goal is to get down 1 lb a week. And of course no back sliding!!:angry:
    Good day to all of you
  • Hi Eva,

    I'm in for the turkey-day challenge. I weight this past friday and have gained 5lbs. How in the world did I let that happen! By eating something sweet everyday last week, while off for the holiday. What was I thinking....obviously, I wasn't. I am getting back on track tomorrow. This is beyond ridiculous, I've suceeded at so much in my life with ease, however my struggle with weight loss seems to be never ending. I want to SCREAM!!!

    Anyhow...I will definitely be in touch and please stay on me. I need to learn how to say NO to sweets.
    Any suggestions?

    LDR624 (LaDonna)
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Hello Everyone, What a great idea! I am like LaDonna I need to treat sweets like my enemy. Sometimes I feel like a sweetaholic. But we can beat it one day at a time. I will do my best to stay committed to living a healthy life, where my knees don't hurt! lol Have a great week, Richie
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Ouch..gained 2.2lbs...lesson learned...do NOT buy foods that I know I can not have!! Today is a new day...:sad:
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Stayed the same this week:ohwell:

    But I know I will be up on Friday...TOM is leathal on me I eat and eat and eat for instance when into Tesco today to pick upfish fingers for the kids...I bought 4 differents types of Ice cream for me...it's crazyness I will be strong but I know my hormones will win this week...:cry:

    Good luck to everyone!

  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Those hormones and emotions can get me but I made it through a very very stressful day came home to a huge leak in my tennants shower I mean LEAK turned off the water from the main and waited for help. I ate my healthy dinner . helped with the leak and did not eat the extra slice of the best pizza in upstate New York that was teaseing me all night. Gave it to the plumber. I am proud of myself and hope you all don't mind if I brag on myself. Today is another day. I will do my best to stay ON the wagon. Tenpounds by Thanksgiving. I am still In Hugs to all. Richie
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am back. Ended up with bronchitis and was down and out for all most 2 weeks. Have not worked out or tracked any calories. Jumping back on the wagon today. Hope everyone has been doing great!!

  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    :happy: Started Couch to 5k today it's brilliant can't wait for day 2:happy:
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Jiggly...have you downloaded the podcast that go with the couch 25k program? I find them very helpful...I began the program a few weeks ago and fell of when I came down with a cold...I plan on beginning it again hopefully this week...good luck!
  • GOOD MORNING LADIES, I have not been logging and when I looked back I had not entered any weight loss or gain since 8/14/09. But I am happy to say I am back on track. I am unhappy to say that I gained 3 lbs during my hiatus.

    I watched the Biggest Loser last night and me and a very good friend of mine decided that we were going to push ourselves just like the contestants on the Biggest Loser were being pushed. We decided that we would continue through this until we have reached our goals. Yes it is a fight and it is a struggle, but we will make it.
  • malpait
    malpait Posts: 13 Member
    I am back too! My hubby was here for 2 weeks and I didn't worry about anything. I believe that I will be up on Friday, but I know that I can do it!! Good news is he should be here by the end of next month woo hoo!!

    I love the biggest loser. It is really a good motivation for me!!

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :love: Thanks to all of you for encouraging me to stick with it. I lost another pound. chip away, chip away. one day at a time. Hugs, Richie
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! I've still been following the program but just not posting. I never did weigh in last week. I will try to remember this week.

    I'm in for the Thanksgiving challenge too!

    My husband has a milestone birthday this weekend. He has been saying for weeks he was going to start eating better and workig out the day after his birthday. I talked him into working out before then. WOOHOO. We just started strength training together last night. He said he has to find a more manly cardio than my DVD's but I'm hoping to get him out walking and eventually running with me. We actually used to run back in the day. We shall see what happens. Baby steps with him though. At least we can keep each other on track.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Thursday..one more day 'till the weekend!!


    thats awesome about your Husband joining you!..I began this challenge alone and then my husband joined in...he has since declined in his exercising...which I think in turn made me slack off as well..well I jumped back on the wagon with both feet this week...unfortunately he is playing the "next Monday" game again...Hopefully he will join me again.

    Have a good afternoon
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Happy weigh in everybody!!!

    I've had no change this week:happy: I'm just glad I didn't gain! Finished week 1 of couch to 5k and can't wait to start week 2

    Have a great weekend
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    I am down .5 for this week. Im sure if I would exercise I could do better. (I hate to work out):angry: I go in spurts with working out. I'll do good for a while then just quit. I'm really good in the winter months because it is so yucky outside that there is nothing better to do. I have a gym in the basement:embarassed: so there really is no excuse. My husband is big on working out and he loves it.
    Well I have no excuse just that I hate to make time for it.
    Good for you jigglybits on not gaining weight. It is a big accomplishment to be able to maintain your weight.
    Have a great weekend and Eat healthy.
  • I am down, weighing 153 - finally blew through the plateau. Private Message me if you want to respond. My laptop pooched and so I can hardly get on the forums lately.

    hope everyone else is doing well.

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am officially starting to work on the turkey day challenge. I put it out there because I Need motivation. I didn't track this week but only gained .3 ! I need to go the other way. I have been very stressed at work and have been letting it affect my diet. No more!!!:blushing: Hope everyone is doing well.
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    down 1.6 this week...which makes me 200.6...which puts me again teetering on the edge...hopefully next week I will be UNDER!!
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