Frustrated with friend...warning it's a rant.

So I am chatting with my friend this morning (who is heavy) and we are discussing weight loss. I have invited her to join me in my fitness classes, given her this website, talked about what I am doing that is working, showed her a few websites that have easy quick cheap meals that she make for her family. It is one road block after the next. My husband doesn't like that, it's too expensive to eat healthy, no one wants to see my 300 lb body shaking it, it hurts my knees to work out. She said this morning I need to find someone that I can lose weight with. :grumble: WTH!!! I said, I would love to be your partner. She said no, you are already skinny, you don't count. Gee, thanks! :ohwell:


  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    It's good to have a friend like you!
    Share the information and let her figure how much she wants to take in! Peace!
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks, I was really just trying to be supportive and not pushy. I hate when people are pushy with me. I just offer and if she says no then its no biggie, but it hurt my feelings (I know...grow a pair and quit whining) when she said I didn't count.
  • etavi
    etavi Posts: 85
    It sounds like she doesn't actually want to loose.
    As we all know, the journey is scary. Wouldn't it be great if we could just loose without the possibility of failing? hah
    Let her know you're there for her any time she needs it, and that she is welcome to come to you if she ever wants advice.
    However, I would slow down or stop with all the websites. Maybe she feels like you're trying to show off? (Like, "Look! I can do it! Why can't you?!") I know that is not your intention at all, but I've been in your friend's shoes many times, and sometimes it feels that way.
    Weight loss is something you really have to decide on yourself. And start yourself.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I think it's natural to be excited and tell your friends about things you love... and in my head I'm always thinking "well if *I* can do it so can you" (mostly because I am SO NOT athletic) and we like to share things that make us happy or that we enjoy (reading a good book, losing weight, a new song etc)
    I don't blame you... but I agree that for weight loss in particular, the other person has to be really ready in their own mind. I know... to the day... when I had an almost imperceptible shift in my thinking... so I started MFP and am FINALLY fully committed!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I feel your frustration. My best friend and I joined this site a little over a year ago and while I have stuck with it and reached my goals, my best friend made excuses. Now it seem like she does everything in her power to sabatoge me so I will be right back with her.

    Stay stong just keep talking with her and encouraging her to reach her goals, some day something will click and she will be ready for your support.
  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    Its been my experience that when some one lashes out like that, when you get down to the meat of it, they are afraid of something. Usually they are afraid they are going to lose something they have or they are not going to get something they want. I would hazard a guess to say, she's afraid she won't be successful at weight loss. Then what does she do. Of course she is going to lash out at you. Not only are you her friend, but you are being successfully at your weight loss.
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    Really this has been going on for a while (6 months or more). I know it sounds like a lot of websites...I promise it isn't as bad as it sounds in my rant. However...that being said. I will just let her know that my skinny opinions just don't count and so I won't offer them. (where is that sarcasm font when we really need it :laugh:
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Leave it be. She is not ready!
  • piglet1643
    piglet1643 Posts: 27
    Its been my experience that when some one lashes out like that, when you get down to the meat of it, they are afraid of something. Usually they are afraid they are going to lose something they have or they are not going to get something they want. I would hazard a guess to say, she's afraid she won't be successful at weight loss. Then what does she do. Of course she is going to lash out at you. Not only are you her friend, but you are being successfully at your weight loss.

    Yep...she might be scared to fail or scared that she won't be as successful as you have been.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    You have done the right thing by giving suggestions. Unfortunately it's like dealing with someone who has a drug or alcohol addiction. You can't make them do it. They will go for it when they want to, if they ever want to. Just let her know that your offer stands to be her diet buddy when and if she ever makes the decision to go for it and then back off. She will let you know when she is ready. Good luck
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    You can take it as a progress marker. To her eyes you have achieved your goal, the journey finished. You may have many miles to go in your mind, but it's good to have that outside perspective...even if it was a bit backhanded.

    She on the other hand is still at the fork in the road. She may think she's ready, but her feet have yet to trod down the path. She hasn't made that mental shift needed to truly commit to the journey. In her uncertainty she'll dismiss the success of others, marginalize their advice, even to the point of being petty or cruel because acknowledging them highlights her own failure.

    She doesn't know that she hasn't failed-she can't have because she hasn't really begun. She doesn't yet realize that she has to own her life, her health, and her decisions and start moving, one step at a time, down the path of progress. Your advice and offers can help point her in the right direction, but ultimately it's up to her.

    Be patient with her if you can. You are collateral damage in her internal struggle. If it gets too wearing you may have to wish her well and cut your losses. I hope she'll make the turn and realize what a good friend you've been.

    Edit: Sorry for the long post. I got a bit introspective about my own behavior before and since :)
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Sounds like she just isn't ready. Be there for her when she is.
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying, and wanted to add that sometimes, being fat is comforting to folk. I was that way for a while. It was easier for me to say everything in my life sucked because I was fat than it was saying I had to woman up and start changing my life. I was also afraid of attention I'd get if I *did* lose all that weight.

    It sucks, I know, because I've been on both sides. :\ I had a girl I was supposed to be work out buddies with, we hung out a few times because our husbands were buds. Eventually she dropped the whole workout plan. I offered to pick her up, switch up the routines, talked about food journaling...and it just pissed her off more, because she projected my happiness and enthusiasm as condescension and mockery.

    Just do what you are doing, and make it clear you won't judge her if she chooses to come with, or back out. Either she'll be inspired by your commitment and success, or she'll walk.

    Good luck.
  • findingme2011
    findingme2011 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand where she is coming from, but she is making excusses!! That's all. I would love to have a friend want to work out with me!!! You did all you can do!!
  • tjs616
    tjs616 Posts: 51 Member
    I completely understand why she wouldn't want to work out with someone who is already skinny. For a long time I was afraid to meet anyone fitness oriented because I feared the embarrassment of being too slow to keep up, or how ridiculously fat I would look in comparison to them. When I finally managed to bring myself to get a work out buddy, I weighed almost 100 pounds more than she did. The difference is that I did it anyway. You know what they say, if it's important you will find a way, if not you will find excuses. Clearly, this is not a priority for her. You've done the best you could, but you can't want it for her :flowerforyou:
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! This is why I joined this site. The support is great. I know she will have to make the decision to lose the weight on her own. Just becuase I don't have more than 100 lbs to lose doesn't make my weight loss journey any more or less difficult or momentus (check the spelling there). I am happy that I have lost the 15 pounds that I have. They have been hard won after counting calories and working out. It isn't easy (for anyone really) to lose weight and I have only wanted to share with her what has worked for me. I am a firm believer though if you don't like something either change it or shut up. Right now, I want to just tell her to shut up. But that isn't helpful for her so I zipped my lip and posted a topic :-D
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    I work with someone that is always complimenting me. Wow you always eat so healthy and it looks so good. Your getting so skinny. I wish I could do what you do. I never bring it up. I just drop little encouraging lines like "yes you can" When we both have the same days off I invite her to go hiking. When she doesnt show I just tell her I missed hanging out with her. One day she said "I am afraid your going to make fun of me because your so fit and Im so flab". I am far from fit. What a compliment that she sees me fit. How sad that she thinks I would make fun of her. We had a long talk about it. She told me she didnt think I really would make fun of her but was afraid. Fear can do 1 of 2 things. Fight or flight. I can encourage her to face her fears, but until she is ready she wont. Encouraging positive comments go a long way. She has started asking me when Im going next. I know one day she will show up.
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    I work with someone that is always complimenting me. Wow you always eat so healthy and it looks so good. Your getting so skinny. I wish I could do what you do. I never bring it up. I just drop little encouraging lines like "yes you can" When we both have the same days off I invite her to go hiking. When she doesnt show I just tell her I missed hanging out with her. One day she said "I am afraid your going to make fun of me because your so fit and Im so flab". I am far from fit. What a compliment that she sees me fit. How sad that she thinks I would make fun of her. We had a long talk about it. She told me she didnt think I really would make fun of her but was afraid. Fear can do 1 of 2 things. Fight or flight. I can encourage her to face her fears, but until she is ready she wont. Encouraging positive comments go a long way. She has started asking me when Im going next. I know one day she will show up.

    This is what I keep hoping. I would never make fun of her. I love her..she is a great friend. I hate to see her so unhappy with herself. I know that fear is the big motivator here for her. It sucks that she doesn't see she is worth it. I try to keep it pretty low key and just encourage her when I can without being "that" friend. Hopefully one day she will show up. Good luck with your friend.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Let her stay fat, you can't force anyone to do anything, when people are ready they will reach out for help till then gotta let them be.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Leave it be. She is not ready!

    Great advise! Dont try to get even she wont get the sarcasim and she will just think you are being mean. Maybe someday she will be ready and ask you for your help.