How Many Glasses of Water do you Drink?



  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    4 glasses for sure - 6 if I remember - 8 if I workout a lot

    4 to 8 cups of coffee

    1 beer a week

    1 coke and 1 root beer a year - gave those up several years - one thing I did right

    but maybe this is right
  • JoyousJustine67
    JoyousJustine67 Posts: 50 Member
    I drink 8/10 in water daily :) i drink green tea diet, and cranberry Juice diet some days as well i usually have a huge Ice Coffee in the morning i change things alot but water is a must :)
  • loztredders
    loztredders Posts: 142
    At least eight, usually a couple more during the week. But at weekend, when i'm not at work I find it so much harder to drink all my water for some reason.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    When I'm at work, I drink tons. I start my day with two 1 liter bottles, then drink a few .5 liter bottles on top of at least 3 diet sodas and a sugar free energy drink. Then when I get home, my fridge is filled with the diet Lipton Green teas that I'll have 2 bottles of plus what ever sips of water I have through out the night.

    I'm not sure what that translates to but either way, it's a lot of liquid lol
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I go thru 2 36oz cups of water just at work.

    & then at home I drink a lot to suffice for my eating disorder.
    Staying full kinda helps me stay out the fridge. Lol.

    So basically around 12ish...
  • chroniclesofadime
    I've heard the rule is half your weight in ounces. So if you weigh 150lbs, drinking 75oz (just over 9 glasses) of water a day). If you drink any more than that, I don't see it as being a bad thing.

    I have read that water intoxication is possible (and saw it on House so obvi it must be true lol) but I'm not certain how much one would have to drink in order for that to go into effect.
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I drink a tonnnnnn of water.
    So much so that I don't even bother logging it.

    About 5+ liters a day. (Roughly 21 cups or 169 oz)
    I use a Sigg water bottle - I LOVE IT! It keeps my water ice cold. I highly recommend them. They're made from one piece of aluminum, really sturdy and make it easy to get in your recommended water consumption for the day.

    I too feel like I'm perpetually dehydrated.
    I used to have glasses of water all over the place when I was younger.
    My mom would always tell me I was like the little girl from Signs.

    Even now, I can't go to sleep unless I have a bottle of water next to me.
    Weird, huh?
  • AndiPandi687
    I can go days with only 2 cups of water but during the summer I drink about 9 glass if not more. It wasn't until 4 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter that I started drinking water. Doctor told me I had to stop drinking juice because I was gaining to much. Now it's all I drink
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    I drink about 8 fairly large glasses a day. We have a reverse osmosis system and the water is just soooo gooood, especially ice cold, that I simply find it enjoyable. I used to drink about a 2 liter of diet cola a day, but I've cut that out entirely.
  • AndiPandi687
    I drink a tonnnnnn of water.
    So much so that I don't even bother logging it.

    About 5+ liters a day. (Roughly 21 cups or 169 oz)
    I use a Sigg water bottle - I LOVE IT! It keeps my water ice cold. I highly recommend them. They're made from one piece of aluminum, really sturdy and make it easy to get in your recommended water consumption for the day.

    I too feel like I'm perpetually dehydrated.
    I used to have glasses of water all over the place when I was younger.
    My mom would always tell me I was like the little girl from Signs.

    Even now, I can't go to sleep unless I have a bottle of water next to me.
    Weird, huh?

    Im the same way! I need to have a glass of water by my bed too!
  • AndiPandi687
    The notion that you should drink 8 glasses of water (or whatever the number you go by) each day is a fallacy. It's actual an urban myth that won't die.

    When those specs were first published back-in-the-day it included water obtained from food. Somewhere, someplace, someone who thought they knew what information they were looking at translated it into x-amount of water = glasses of water. It was a mistake.

    There is no need to drink so much water by the glassful. If your urine is amber and clear, you're getting enough water. If you exercise and sweat you should replenish with glasses of water, but for day-to-day activities, there is no need for so much water. Drink when you're thirsty. Older folks need to be careful, though, because their thirst diminishes as they age while their need for water does not. Older people should supplement their water intake, but not by as much as popularly quoted.

    People may be flushing their systems of water-soluble vitamins and minerals at an exaggerated rate. It is also making your kidneys work harder than they need to.

    I read about that a few month back. The article said you don't need anymore the 16-24 oz a day unless you are working out, doing manual labor, or if you are in the heat.
  • emmalou2206
    emmalou2206 Posts: 109 Member
    Today 16 glasses (8 pints) usually 12-14 glasses
  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    I have no idea, we have pretty huge tumblers/glasses that I try to drink 2-3 of per day. But I just had a body composition thing done at the gym and I'm way dehydrated according to the results :( since starting my new job I drink much less water, we're not allowed to have bottles at the cash register and I don't want to get in trouble by drinking from the fountain/peeing all the time. It's so frustrating, and it's not like I can guzzle twice as much water when I get home, my stomach can't hold that much!
  • maximus4546
    I drink around 125oz a day
  • fatburningmachine25
    your body is 70% of water...... seems really hard to believe
  • maximus4546
    I drink three bottles of 1 liters water it's 33.8 oz each and one 20oz water bottle total of 121.4 oz during the day?
  • andi_everywhere
    andi_everywhere Posts: 36 Member
    The notion that you should drink 8 glasses of water (or whatever the number you go by) each day is a fallacy. It's actual an urban myth that won't die.

    When those specs were first published back-in-the-day it included water obtained from food. Somewhere, someplace, someone who thought they knew what information they were looking at translated it into x-amount of water = glasses of water. It was a mistake.

    There is no need to drink so much water by the glassful. If your urine is amber and clear, you're getting enough water. If you exercise and sweat you should replenish with glasses of water, but for day-to-day activities, there is no need for so much water. Drink when you're thirsty. Older folks need to be careful, though, because their thirst diminishes as they age while their need for water does not. Older people should supplement their water intake, but not by as much as popularly quoted.

    People may be flushing their systems of water-soluble vitamins and minerals at an exaggerated rate. It is also making your kidneys work harder than they need to.

    I think, like everything else, you just have to find what works best for you. I know for me personally anything less than about 64 oz just doesn't do the trick. I exercise pretty hard, live in a very hot/humid climate, and travel 3-4 times a month so if I'm not careful I cross over into that dehydrated state very easily. I've settled on around a gallon a day because it's what makes me feel the best. My skin glows, my lips don't feel parched, my muscles don't cramp when I run, etc. I also watch the color of my urine (as gross as that sounds) to judge how much more/less I need. As for that fear of having to "pee every 5 minutes" I've found that goes away after a few days, as my body gets used to the increased water intake.

    I've actually read/heard that the feeling of being thirsty is one of the first signs of dehydration. Not sure how much validity is in that statement; anyone else heard that?