25 random facts about you



  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    1. I'm a nerd

    2. I enjoy watching thunderstorms

    3. I'm a big Star Trek fan

    4. I am 5'8

    5. My mother is from Venezuela, I went to that country once as a baby

    6. I was a Computer Science major

    7. I'm a Software Developer

    8. The only sport I mainly watch is Football

    9. I'm very cheap and like to buy cheap junk

    10. I've been single all my life :(

    11. I haven't broken a bone yet

    12. I can't swim

    13. I learned how to ride a bike late in life ( 12ish I think... it's late to me )

    14. My preferred OS is Linux.. I like to tinker with all sorts of different Distros

    15. I looove video games. Especially RPGs. I prefer the PS3. I'm also a Retro gamer at heart, and still adore the SNES.

    16. My favorite kinds of music are Industrial, EBM, 80s New Wave, some Rock, Film Scores

    17. My first pet was a dog. A mutt I used to call Chocky. RIP :( She died a couple years ago due to old age.

    18. My favorite foods used to be Hamburgers and Chinese food. I haven't indulged heavily in that stuff in months.

    I'm ou tof ideas.... :/ That's pretty much all I can think of for now.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 664 Member
    1. I'm to damn lazy to list all 25 facts at once .... I'll add another one tomorrow
  • SpazEMcGee
    SpazEMcGee Posts: 55 Member
    1) I have two half-brothers, a step-brother, and 2 step-sisters.

    2) Technically I'm an only child....I'm the only kid my parents had together.

    3) I can read (pronounce) Spanish, French, German, and Italian (with correct accent and everything) but I will have no idea what I'm saying. (I know Spanish, but not too much)

    4) I always hated sorority girls...now I am one.

    5) I'm 21, but if Blue's Clues with Steve still aired, I would totally watch it.

    6) I have a bunch of gaming systems including: Virtual Boy, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advanced, X-Box, Playstation 2, X-box 360, and Wii. And I love playing them all :)

    7) I'm a gaming nerd and want to collect all the systems ever invented.

    8) I have 6 nephews and another nephew on the way...no nieces.

    9) I am a Vocal Music Education Major..

    10) That is fancy-talk for saying that I'm going to be a choir teacher.

    11) I really want to be an actress.

    12) I don't have an accent.

    13) I've always tried to not have an accent, because I don't want people to know I'm from Arkansas. Generally the first question they ask is "Why are you wearing shoes?"

    14) The answer is because everyone in Arkansas wears shoes.

    15) I'm from Arkansas, but that doesn't mean that I own a pair of overalls-because they are disgusting. I wear shoes-I can't stand not wearing shoes...I don't like my feet to be dirty. And yes, we have indoor plumbing, and the only people I know of that still use out-houses are really old people who were born and raised that way...which is only a handful of people.

    16) I am a germ-o-phobe.

    17) I'm not a good speller.

    18) I love to write poetry and compose songs for fun.

    19) I have written parts to almost 8 books...I can never seem to finish them.

    20) I know every line to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

    21) I won every award for every class I was in in 5th grade. The principal started laughing every time he read my name...again.

    22) I'm 5'6'' but I wished I were 5' or shorter. I've always felt smaller than I actually am.

    23) I have been in Opera Workshop class for the past 4 semesters, and 3 out of 4 of the semesters I was given a guy's role for our performance.

    24) This semester I played a little boy, and I thought it'd be smart to tape my boobs down. I put the tape all around my body, pinning my boobs down, flat...I put the tape UNDER the sports bra...then had to have friends cut me out of this tape death-trap which has to be one of the most painful things I've ever experienced...It peeled up skin.

    25) I have performed on stage over 120 times.

    26) I am an over achiever. hahaha
  • michaelaleighfle
    michaelaleighfle Posts: 49 Member
    1. i am greek and spanish.
    2. i am fluent in american sign language.
    3. i have 4 tattoos and 8 piercings.
    4. i have three nieces, two nephews, and a nephew on the way. two of my nieces are twins.
    5. my boyfriend lives in new york, seven hours away from me. :(
    6. i watch way to much tv.. beyond addicted.
    7. i send over 30,000 text messages a month.
    8. i graduated my senior year with straight a's.. i never did any work on my own.
    9. grey is my favorite color. it IS a color.
    10. mexican food is my FAVORITE! and it's my favorite thing to cook.
    11. i breed fish. and get overly excited when i find out there are new ones.
    12. dead things really bother me.
    13. i refuse to watch scary movies, i turn on every light when i am walking through my house.
    14. i am 5'4", i am the shortest person in my family.. my 12 year old cousin towers me and is about 6"
    15. i know exactly what i want out of life, and knowing it can go another way terrifies me.
    16. i like being alone, but thats only because one of my best friends work 24/7 and the other is away at college.
    17. i am named after my dad, and him, my mom, little sister and i, all of our initials are MLF.
    18. my dogs name is monster. he is a jack russel rat terrier..
    19. i love pittsburgh, i wish i was there every single second.
    20. steelers is obviously my team. and yes, i understand football.
    21. i don't eat any form of asian food.
    22. i don't know how to bite my tounge. i will speak my mind, i don't care who you are and i don't care how little i am.
    23. family is everything to me. i can't wait to have my own.
    24. i have hazel eyes, and my hair goes down to my butt.
    25. i sleep with my fan on every night.
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    1. I'm a crazy cat lady.
    2. I'm a Pescetarian.
    3. I'm Puerto Rican.
    4. I'm addicted to FarmVille.
    5. I make sure I learn something new everyday.
    6. I change my hair color every three months.
    7. I sound terrible when I sing.
    8. I hate Winter.
    9. Strawberries are my favorite food.
    10. I always drive too fast.
    11. I collect pottery.
    12. I love elderly people... they have fabulous stories to tell. :)
    13. I like a hot cup of tea with honey.
    14. I had braces on my teeth for two years.
    15. I crochet.
    16. I'm a great dancer.
    17. I write short stories and children's books but only share them with my family.
    18. I wanted to be a Coroner, but didn't stay in school for it. (Love Learning-Hate School)
    19. I think Bill Murray is sexy.
    20. I once saved a woman on the street from being raped.
    21. I play the saxophone.
    22. I've been freshwater fishing and cleaning the fish myself ever since I was eight years old.
    23. I'm an only child from my mother, but have I seven half-siblings from my father.
    24. I own goats.
    25. I read the Bible everyday. :)
  • ZaneNicole
    ZaneNicole Posts: 33
    1. I LOVE volleyball n miss it like crazy! Hope to join the team at my gym come next season!!!:)
    2. My pinky fingers r so crooked the look like they've been broke. My o'l friend shut my finger in the door n i convinced her she broke it! Lol
    3. My family is my life!
    4. Red n blk r my fav. Colors!
    5. I can b quite the Goofball!
    6. I look a lot stronger than i really am.
    7. I love cats!
    8. I can't stand people asking stupid questions.
    9. I HATE being purposely annoyed!
    10. I totally b Jamin drivindown the road.
    11. I don't like being alone. I get scared easily.
    12. I think sleepings a waste of time. I also don't sleep much.
    13. I'm a direct support professional and mandated reporter.
    14. I like most of the Adam Sander n Jim Carry movies!
    15. I hate spiders! I've woke spazin out several times thinking i was really in the dream.
    16. I love good family movies i can watch with my kids!
  • ZaneNicole
    ZaneNicole Posts: 33
    CONTINUED ..........LOL

    17. I enjoy making new friends!
    18. I LOVE long showers n bubble baths!
    19. I'd cuddle all day wth my honey if i could.
    20. I love it when my kids make me laugh!
    21. I love me some good country music.
    22. I use to have 20 pearcings.
    23. I want portraits of my kids on my arms.
    24. Clean shaving is darn sexy!
    25. I silently laugh when i c guys flexing in the mirror and taking pics of themselves. Even though some of em got it goin on!
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Bump...while I think of 25 and read everyone else's.
  • jypsyjulia
    jypsyjulia Posts: 33 Member
    1. I am a huge Sciene geek, even though English is my major.
    2. I really like bugs.
    3. I read at an astounding rate.
    4. I LOVE video games. Probably too much.
    5. I teach first grade.
    6. I would really like to adopt an abundant amount of children.
    7. I'd also like to be a foster parent and maybe adopt through that system.
    8. I am going to Poland in August to teach English.
    9. I've always wanted to teach English abroad and have done summer excursions in China and Russia.
    10. My Spanish is passable.
    11. I worked in retail for two years and didn't hate it.
    12. I have an older sister and an older brother.
    13. I am an aunt.
    14. My favorite video game is a toss up between Star Ocean: The Second Story or Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
    15. I also really love anime and my favorite anime is Now and Then, Here and There. I cried like a baby and couldn't get out of bed.
    16. I used to suffer from absolutely terrible panic attacks.
    17. During that time, I was diagnosed bipolar. However, I've never taken any medication or anything and I'm fine and successful. I believe that the particular psychiatrist I went to just wanted more of my money, unfortunately, and it was made me wary of psychiatry in general (not psychology, though).
    18. My minor is Religious Studies.
    19. I would love to get my PhD in Victorian Literature.
    20. For the better part of middle school and half of high school, I wanted to be a nun.
    21. I had my first boyfriend and kiss when I was 14 and we're still friends today. i'm also friends with his current girlfriend, who he has been dating for nearly five years.
    22. I am always full of nervous energy and fidget a lot. I also panic easily and am constantly worried, though I try to quell it.
    23. I used to want to be Tohru from Fruits Basket. Nowadays, I'm pretty content to be compared to her mom.
    24. Because I teach in a private school, I am able to teach without a degree or certification, which is awesome. It's a lot of valuable hands on experience for a 21 year old.
    25. I am a Christian and believe strongly that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of the world.
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    1. I love vocal music - opera, choral, songs .... BUT
    2. I can't sing
    3. Neither can I swim
    4. I love to read
    5. I read very quickly
    6. I have travelled a lot but never outside Europe
    7. I have 3 sisters and 4 daughters
    8. My grandson is the first boy I have had to deal with - he seems very active!
    9. I lost my husband to cancer when I was 43
    10. I lost my best friend to cancer when I was 48
    11. I have hundreds of cookery books
    12. My partner is Norwegian
    13. I taught myself Norwegian
    14. I teach English
    15. I have terrible hay fever and despite what I was told when young, don't seem to be going to grow out of it
    16. I love cheese
    17. I made myself like olives and raw tomatoes when I was an adult
    18. I am looking forward to retiring
    19. I am not religious or spiritual in the least
    20. I love classical music and jazz
    21. I have discovered I love walking
    22. I'd love to have a dog to take on walks but it's not practical given teh rest of my life
    23. My cat is called Manfred
    24. If I could, I would do without a car
    25. I'm going to meet my friend for lunch now
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    1. I got married in Gibraltar last year
    2. My son will be 6 next month and my step son will be 19
    3. I sometimes feel old as a result of no. 3!
    4. I am addicted to MFP
    5. I love wine but try not to drink it too much as it hampers my weight loss efforts!
    6. I love cheese
    7. I have just had a turkey salad for lunch
    8. For dinner I am having Chilli Co Carne
    9. I drive a BMW X1
    10. I can't afford a fancy car so I get one through my company
    11. I am a company director
    12. The company is mine
    13. I am a Scottish Law Accountant
    14. I love horses but haven't ridden one for 4 years due to family commitments
    15. My last horse was a half bred Arabian called Dancer and he was a nutter
    16. I am running my first 5Km race on 6th May 2012
    17. I am signing up for my first 10km race in September
    18. I never thought I would say this but I love running
    19. I love singing in the car
    20. I love reading fictional books
    21. I like buying food magazines
    22. I like watching cookery programmes on TV
    23. I love spicy food
    24. I met Neil Armstrong (yes, the moon guy) in 1994 at Turnberry Hotel in Scotland - I served him his lunch in the restaurant!
    25. I really should be working instead of answering this post!
  • DocMarr
    DocMarr Posts: 132 Member
    1. I'm the world's biggest procrastinator and I'm doing this rather than start a project I've been putting off ;)
    2. Having said that, I also have a tendency to over work
    3. I have a PhD that I didn't get until I was 47
    4. I have a daughter and son
    5. and a step daughter
    6. My favourite book is Jane Eyre
    7. closely followed by Pride and Prejudice
    8. I'm a university lecturer
    9. I've been married twice (the step daughter maybe gave that one away)
    10. I don't have any grandchildren (yet )
    11. I have travelled to every continent except Africa (and Antarctica if we are counting that one)
    12. I am an excellent cook
    13. I met my first husband over a free drink
    14. I met my second husband over a battered sausage
    15. He was my boss
    16. Now I'm the boss (lol)
    17. I am currently burning a pine candle that my son gave me for Christmas
    18. It smells like toilet cleaner but....my son gave it to me for Christmas!
    19. I am obviously a sentimenalist
    20. I enjoy a good 'weepie' movie
    21. I travel to work by train
    22. I am a humanist
    23. My husband and I had a humanist wedding (no, it doesn't involve taking your clothes off lol)
    24. I am a generally happy, upbeat and optimistic person, although I have my moments.
    25. I have taken a long time to be able to say this - but I like myself.... just as I am :)
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    1. I Love my Husband, I know some are are like, Duh, but I really LOVE him.

    2. I worry that I am not doing a good job with my kids.

    3. I remember thinking I will still be cool when my son is a teenager, and now he is graduating.

    4. I hate not being employed.

    5. I will have a maid when we get to Germany.

    6. I hate when someone tries to read my computer screen.

    7. I love working with flowers, arranging, planting, designing.

    8. I enjoy Smoking

    9. I enjoy Drinking

    10. I love food, the greasy, fatty, sugary, high carb, high cholesterol, high salt, colorful, filling, crunchy, steamed, baked, grilled, marinated, fresh, goodness of all food. Even if it doesn't love me back. (except cilontro, it makes everything taste like "Irish Spring" soap)

    11. I miss being sans kids some of the time.

    12. I miss being able to run everywhere.

    13. I am now allergic to all kinds of things, not food though, ha!

    14. I never got that black line when I was pregnant.

    15. I can't wait till my husband retires so we can start a business together.

    16. I want to live everywhere.

    17. I used to speak Spanish, but can't anymore.

    18. I will never forget how to do an algebra problem.

    19.I am going grey.:sad: So now I am a red head.:bigsmile:

    20. I am a Hasher true and through

    21. I love all kinds of music, except traditional Japanese.

    22. I can't sing karaoke, but sure give it a try.

    23. I hate folding laundry

    24. I am on the fence about religion, but love Christmas time.

    25. I my Opinion, George R R Martin needs to write faster. 12 years I have been following his "Song of Fire and Ice"
  • 1; I have never lived in the same house for more than 5 years

    2; i sing (badly) when im alone at home

    3; I've been married and divorced TWICE but have finally found my soulmate (3rd time lucky?)

    4; I'm naturally Blonde.

    5: I cry at the cancer research ad's on tv

    6: I failed my driving test 3 times - still havent passed!

    7; Although i cant drive i want a Mercedes SL Red convertible circa 1980's -- Like Bobby Ewing's in Dallas!

    8; I never believed in love at first sight -- until it happened to me :D

    9; Growing up i never wanted kids -- now i have 4 and would love another

    10; My toenails are always painted red

    11; I hate Quorn (and other meat substitutes)

    12; I like cous cous

    13: Im scared of worms -- my brother used to put them down my swimming costume when i was little :(

    14; I have more male friends than female ones (except on mfp)

    15; I'm not on facebook / myspace / twitter

    16; I enjoy watching football and motorsport

    17; I dropped from a size 18 to an 8 WHILE i was pregnant with my first child due to extreme morning sickness

    18; I never put salt in food when im cooking or add it to my meals

    19: On holiday i eat steak every night because its my favorite food

    20; I love dancing but i have no co-ordination

    21: I have two tattoo's

    22; I should be doing the housework right now

    23; I only own one pair of flat shoes -- my trainers, the other 50+ pairs are stilletto heels i even wear them to do the housework

    24; Sunshine, flowers and smiling children make me happy

    25; I text / email / call my partner more than 30 times a day because i hate being apart from him
  • jcohio85
    jcohio85 Posts: 43
    1. I bought a town house at age 23 (2008) and because it was a foreclosure I had to pay cash, so I get the right to say I own my home out right.
    2. I worked for a record company for 5 years which meant I was on tour A LOT.
    3. I managed to visit 20 states in 2 weeks because of that job and I loved it minus not knowing where I was...ever.
    4. I have two dogs that I rescued from the local shelter and they are my babies, and walking partners.
    5. I am a captain for our relay team and we are do it in memory of our friend who passed away at 25 from cancer.
    6. I am a super picky eater and I cant let any of my food touch. If its not suppose to be mixed, it doesn't get mixed!
    7. I am terrified of clowns.
    8. I was diagnosed with Lupus at age 16.
    9. I watch about 3 hours of tv a week, but I listen to probably 20 hours of music a week.
    10. I have 4 tattoos and they are all very special to me.
    11. My iPhone is always with me to take pictures, text with my friends, check facebook, and of course for MFP.
    12. I go on a vacation every year with my friends and it involves a cruise and sometimes up to 35 bands.
    13. I never understood football until my ex made me learn it. Now I love it and I love that I understand what is going on.
    14. I love my job.
    15. Ive broken my left ankle twice in the same exact place.
    16. Growing up my dad had a pet store, so you would think I like all animals but I am terrified of snakes.
    17. If I don't go to a concert at least once every two weeks I begin to go crazy.
    18. I am a mac lover...I have an iPhone, iPad, MacBook and an iMac.
    19. I think Pintrest is evil for all of its amazing looking recipes that I haven't figured out how to make in a low cal or fat free.
    20. My first ah-ha moment since joining MFP was when I went to get my bridesmaid dress for my best friends wedding and I actually needed a size smaller than I thought.
    21. I am one of those crazy coupon people and my mom and I go coupon hunting weekly.
    22. Pedicures are a must for me.
    23. I love to travel, but I always get nervous flying which shouldn't happen because I fly so much for work!
    24. I hate doing laundry, but I love folding and hanging it up.
    25. I am right handed, but I do a lot of things with my left hand.
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    1. my fav color is black
    2. my 2nd fav is brown
    3. I love pizza
    4. I love french fries
    5. I hated Pit Bulls (until I rescued 2 Pit puppies and love them to death)
    5. I have a 9 yrs old cat and 2 Pit puppies now
    6. I am studying Psychology
    7. I have 1 son
    8. I love when it rains
    9. I break out on my chest when its too hot out
    10. I love walking for excercise
    11. Prince is one of my fav singers
    12. I wanna be a Vegan but scared I will start to look unhealthy (my thought not to other Vegans)
    13. Not a fan of mayo
    14. Love Dateline and Crime Mysterious
    15. I was born in New York City
    16. I love in GA now
    17. Always wanted to go to London
    18, Always wanted a British friend (perhaps I would have a reason to go to London)
    19. diagnosed w/ Hypertention
    20. Love a stiff drink every now and then
    21. Can cook really good
    22. my famil ycomes from the Island of Trinidad
    23. I love the smell of cocoanut
    24. I burn candles everynite in my livingroom
    25. I am addicted to MFP
  • branflake6
    branflake6 Posts: 115
    1. I am afraid to sleep in the dark I have to have the tv on (muted) or a night light

    2. I believe a ghost has been following me around most of my life

    3. I have saved every drawing, card, holiday craft my kids have ever made for me

    4. I love the smell of vanilla

    5. I hate roses

    6. But love Lilies

    7. I dream of a day when icecream is low cal, fat free and tastes delicious

    8. I love animals more than most people

    9. I didn't get my drivers license until I was 21

    10. I have never had even a speeding ticket (knock on wood)

    11. I love to put in my earbuds and sing at the top of my lungs and dance around the house, even though my kids laugh at me

    12. I hate floral prints

    13. I do not wear shorts, never have since I was a kid. But love to wear sundresses

    14. I am somewhat of a homebody

    15. I am petrified of insects and spiders

    16. I love canoeing and kayaking

    17. Last summer I went kayaking in the pacific and about 2 miles out had the biggest fear of just not knowing what was beneath me from that point on I have not been able to go into the ocean any deeper than knee level.

    18. I have driven across the country twice

    19. I met my soulmate, my fiance on a blind date 6 yrs ago

    20. I love stand up comedy

    21. I watch way to much House Hunters

    22. I make lists for everything and then never look at them again

    23. I listen to a wide variety of music but prefer rock. Especially from the 90's

    24. Concerts I have been to Debbie Gibson, New Kids on the Block (I was 12), Outkast, Veruca Salt, 311, ICP, NIN, Linkin Park, Motley Crew, Godsmack, The Maine (with my daughter), Skid Row (worst concert ever), and a Cincinnati Jazz fest in 99.

    25. I love live bands especially 80's and 90's cover bands
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    1. my first name came from a science fiction book
    2. i'm obsessed with elephants, sloths, and capybaras
    3. i have an extra joint in my toe, and the only other person in my family who does as well is my little brother
    4. i'm the middle child - 2 older than me, 2 younger than me
    5. i can only brush my teeth with mint toothpaste
    6. when i go home, my mom still tucks me into bed (i'm 26)
    7. i have like, 200 bottles of nail polish
    8. Jello freaks me out, and i refuse to eat it
    9. when i was younger, i wanted to be Optimus Prime and couldn't understand why i never would be
    10. i like to pick stuff up with my feet when i'm too lazy to bend down
    11. i married my hubby 3 months after he proposed
    12. i hate math. i need a calculator for basic math.
    13. i love the smell of coconut, but hate the taste and texture.
    14. i scream whenever i see anything with more than 4 legs
    15. at heart, i'm an 85 year old woman. i'd rather stay home and read than go out.
    16. i can't stand jazz music
    17. my favorite flower is a gerbera daisy
    18. i have panic attacks when i see clowns. that's how much they terrify me.
    19. i'm right handed
    20. apparently, i hold my pencil in a very weird way, but have very nice handwriting.
    21. i can't wear heels.
    22. i don't know how to roller skate or ice skate and refuse to learn because i'm afraid i will fall and get hurt
    23. i AM the crazy cat lady.
    24. i am ridiculously ticklish
    25. i have never been off of the continent of North America.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    1. I'm way too lazy to complete things like this
  • mariacamera
    mariacamera Posts: 14 Member
    1. I have four cats but don't tell anyone about the fourth, because I don't want to be considered that Crazy Cat Lady.

    2. I cannot stand to eat in a restaurant facing a mirror.

    3. When I see older gentlemen eating alone, I get terribly sad.

    4. I think I should have been born in the early 1900's.

    5. If I could meet any actor it would be Jude Law, just because....or else it would be Colin Firth.

    6. I have never been married or in any kind of long term relationship. My last 6 dates were one time only, but granted, I met them all online, except one.

    7. If I could go back 20 years, I'd become a professional ballroom dance instructor. Now, I'm a full time ballroom dance student/competitor, and it's super expensive.

    8. I went back to school to support my ballroom dance hobby/addiction.

    9. My family moved to Switzerland for about 6 months when I was in 2'nd Grade. We went to the Geneva English School, and my dream is to find my best friend, Tippy, from then, but all I know is his name was "Tippy" and I think that as a nickname.

    10. I LOVE music.

    11. If the house were on fire, I'd be the one running in for my four cats.

    12. Rome is my favorite City.

    13. I am half Italian and have dual citizenship.

    14. I have a penpal in France who I have been writing to for over 20 years, and we have never met.

    15. I know that when my Dad passed away, six years ago, he was proud of me, because he told me so. :)

    16. My sister is my best friend, and my other best friend is like a sister. I am fortunate to have some very close girlfriends.

    17. I hate, hate, hate peas.

    18. Oddly enough, I love raw peas in the pod, and my favorite memory is chasing after the trucks in a smalltown (Chilton) Wisconsin, as a kid, and snatching the peas off the back.

    19. I could live on chocolate alone for a very, very long time.

    20. I make jewelry for a living and sell it at art fairs, although I kind of would like to be a Stella and Dot Rep, because I love the line.

    21. I have gone back to school to study Judicial Reporting.

    22. My favorite song is Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel.

    23. I live in a 100 year old house. It has great vibes.

    24. My Grandma is still alive at 96 years old. I have a best friend whose dad is 99 years old!

    25. All of my friends ballroom dance.