Will not enough protein do this....

Hi all,

So i'm currently messing around with my diet trying to work out what will work for me. I have gone from doing a high protein/low-ish carb diet to higher carb (coming from fruit, veg & wholegrain carbs where possible) and lower protein (i.e. under 50g)...

This morning i woke up and i am really achey. Before when i was doing really high protein (i.e. over 100) i could exercise and not get achey AT ALL (to the point where i wondered if the exercise i was doing was doing anything at all!)

So is it possible that a higher carb/lower protein can do this?!

If so, should i go back to the high protein/lower carb? I have a holiday in 5 months time and i'm worrying about not being in shape in time!! i need to work out like crazy!

thank you! xxx


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Protein repairs your muscles - so hitting protein minimums is highly suggested

    1g of protein per pound of Lean body mass
    .35 times body weight for g of fats
    rest in carbs.
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    Protein repairs your muscles - so hitting protein minimums is highly suggested

    1g of protein per pound of Lean body mass
    .35 times body weight for g of fats
    rest in carbs.

    Wow really?! arhh i just struggle knowing what to eat sooo much!

    Your figure is amaaazing by the way!!! exactly how i wanna look! any advice?? xxx
  • jackiereye
    jackiereye Posts: 2
    you know i had the same issue, i have been running 4-6 miles 5 days a week, on the days i feel i need more carbs the next morning i feel really ill and sore,almost toxic. i will keep altering things around and let you know what happens in a few days. good luck!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Protein repairs your muscles - so hitting protein minimums is highly suggested

    1g of protein per pound of Lean body mass
    .35 times body weight for g of fats
    rest in carbs.

    Wow really?! arhh i just struggle knowing what to eat sooo much!

    Your figure is amaaazing by the way!!! exactly how i wanna look! any advice?? xxx

    Those numbers are what many people go by on here as minimums :]

    And thank you so much!! :]
    All I do is hit those numbers every day, lift weights, and stay active.
    Eat healthy most of the time, and enjoy foods you love in moderation :D
  • faybrindle
    faybrindle Posts: 2

    Protein is needed after exercise to help repair exercise-induced damage to muscle fibers - a low protein diet whilst training will not help your muscles recover which is why you are feeling sore. This is why people will have a protein shake or bar post training.

    I am currently in training for my holiday also and doing a low carb/high protein diet as this helps with toning and inch loss. (Im also a fitness instructor and nuitritionalist)

    Hope this helps
    Good Luck!!!
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    Protein repairs your muscles - so hitting protein minimums is highly suggested

    1g of protein per pound of Lean body mass
    .35 times body weight for g of fats
    rest in carbs.

    Wow really?! arhh i just struggle knowing what to eat sooo much!

    Your figure is amaaazing by the way!!! exactly how i wanna look! any advice?? xxx

    Those numbers are what many people go by on here as minimums :]

    And thank you so much!! :]
    All I do is hit those numbers every day, lift weights, and stay active.
    Eat healthy most of the time, and enjoy foods you love in moderation :D

    Thank you hun. I tried to look at your diary but it's closed :( would love to see what you eat on an average day? can I DM you please?? just want to see if you limit carbs in the evening, snack etc. thank you! xxx
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I wouldn't personally consider 100g of protein as high. I have my ratios set at a 40/30/30 split and that puts me easily over 100g a day. So if you went below that amount, that definitely may be too low to maintain a heavy workout routine on.
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    I wouldn't personally consider 100g of protein as high. I have my ratios set at a 40/30/30 split and that puts me easily over 100g a day. So if you went below that amount, that definitely may be too low to maintain a heavy workout routine on.

    thanks hun. so you have 40% protein and 30% for carbs and fat? xxx
  • kirstyg1980
    kirstyg1980 Posts: 302
    I wouldn't personally consider 100g of protein as high. I have my ratios set at a 40/30/30 split and that puts me easily over 100g a day. So if you went below that amount, that definitely may be too low to maintain a heavy workout routine on.

    thanks hun. so you have 40% protein and 30% for carbs and fat? xxx

    that's what I have to, custom settings 40 protein, 30 carbs fats, just go into your goals, then select custom and then change the settings x
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    take a look at l carnitine as a supplement...
    makes some interesting reading.
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    I wouldn't personally consider 100g of protein as high. I have my ratios set at a 40/30/30 split and that puts me easily over 100g a day. So if you went below that amount, that definitely may be too low to maintain a heavy workout routine on.

    thanks hun. so you have 40% protein and 30% for carbs and fat? xxx

    that's what I have to, custom settings 40 protein, 30 carbs fats, just go into your goals, then select custom and then change the settings x

    Thank you! reset my settings..over on carbs today :( oh well! thanks xxx