Diet soda... friend or foe?!?



  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    I drink tons of the stuff!
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    for the OP to summarize, after 8 pages of opinions... see Lab Rat's very first post :bigsmile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    From personal observation OVERWEIGHT people drink diet soda. I think there is a correlation so I avoid all soda.
    So you don't see overweight people drinking coffee, juice, tea, milk, water? Heck if you did, then you should avoid those too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    [/quote]Lol, this is for regular soda.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Although weight-loss articles often suggest drinking diet soda in place of full-calorie counterparts, health experts warn that the beverage's long-term side effects may not be worth the short-term benefit of consuming fewer calories.
    Loss of Calcium

    According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), high level of phosphates from diet soda leeches calcium out of the bones. Daily consumption of diet soda makes you three to four times more likely to suffer from a stress fracture and at an increased risk for osteoporosis. SPLENDA® Sweeteners Safe & Healthy. Consider the Facts & Evidence.
    Sponsored Links

    Caffeine from diet soda triggers the kidneys to increase urine production, which results in an increased loss of water in the body. Dehydration can lead to dizziness, headaches, racing heartbeats and even death.

    The low-calorie sweetener, aspartame, is found in most diet sodas. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims the ingredient is safe to consume; however, several side effects involving the ears, eyes, chest, skin, neurological system, gastrointestinal system and metabolic system, as well as psychological conditions, have been linked to its use. Hugo Rodier, M.D., author of "Sweet Death," suggests that drinking beverages containing aspartame leads to weight gain.

    In 2005, the FDA received reports that the carcinogen benzene was present in soft drinks containing benzoate salts and ascorbic acid. An FDA study found that the level of benzene in most drinks was below the U.S. standard for drinking water. The World Health Organization confirms that benzene causes cancer and that no safe level of exposure to benzene can be recommended.
    Bottom Line

    Drinking diet soda to lose weight may reduce your calorie intake, but it offers no nutritional benefits and could lead to negative health consequences over time. The ACSM recommends drinking water or mixing juice and water at a 1:1 ratio.

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  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I have a good friend who gave up Diet Coke (on the advice of her Dr. and numerous "healthy" friends) for a month and she didn't see/feel a difference so she went right back to it.
    I got talked into quitting it by the crazy hot dude at the nutrition store. (Total sucker for advice from a hot guy) and I feel better and I am not craving sweets like I used to.
    I don't know that I'm gonna go around telling everyone to quit it but I'm glad I did!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    IMO, I would stay away from it. Sure it may be low in calories but it's full of chemicals and junk your body doesn't need. Water is healthier
  • dmchiz
    dmchiz Posts: 184 Member
    for the OP to summarize, after 8 pages of opinions... see Lab Rat's very first post :bigsmile:

    THIS!!!!!! :wink:
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I don't mean to offend anybody who is in the "process of becoming" like I am, but I noticed that the majority of people on this thread who said "FOE" are in killer shape. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and perhaps that translates to fitness too!

    Best of health,

    Good to know that I'm the exception...................along with my clients.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    LOl Tyler, maybe you need to improve on your eyesight too - I have seen as many strong fit and healthy people on here drinking diet soda as I have seen flabby soft and pudgy people advocating against it.... Might have to look futher and observe a little better...
    I'm off to the vending machine for a diet pepsi! All in moderation!:flowerforyou:
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    Come on people! We're not here to poke fun or to be rude, we're here to support each other! There is obviously a lot of controversy over this topic and ultimately the decision is our own... the least we can do is offer our opinions and advice without sounding condescending!!!!

    We're not here to support each other. We're here discussing the merits of diet soda. Advice and opinions are meaningless without any facts.

    You said diet coke does not come from the earth or space. You said it in a very condescending way. Now before you backtrack and start with the "we're all in this together" talk I would like to know where you thing diet soda comes from.

    No backtracking here! :smile: Someone else said it was not of this earth and another commented that it doesn't come from space... I mearly tried to clarify that it comes from neither, but from a laboratory. Last I checked, they don't pull aspartame out of the ground (earth) or from the sky... Not that everything I eat comes from the ground... I will admit there's a ton of artificial colors/flavors etc out there that no one can say is healthy... However, if we can all agree that artificial colors and flavors (and I'm making an assumption here that we can all agree on that, my apologies if you disagree) than how can we think artificial sweeteners would be any different?
    Aspartame is phenylalanine and aspartic acid, a protein chain. That exact same protein chain can be found in chicken, beef, pork, soy, nuts, etc. The only reason it's called "artificial" is because they recreate the compounds in a lab setting, it doesn't mean that it's a compound that doesn't exist in nature, or that we don't eat it in normal food.

    Wow, I'll admit, I did not know that! Could it be that because they are found combined, the body treats them in a different manner? For example, I've read (and please do not quote me on this, I am not an expert, just got on a kick about learning about sugars...) that fructose in nature is combined with fruit pectin and remains intact through the digestion process... fructose on it's own is a "poison" and the pectin is the antedote, if you will... So when they say say HFCS is no different from sugar, that's not necessarily true... because it's not combined with pectin. From what I read, the body treats it the same way it treats ethyl alcohol in that it *can* destroy the liver (it just doesn't go to the brain hence no drunk effect). PLEASE do not poke fun, I do not know if this is a fact and I still enjoy foods with HFCS... :smile: Could that be the same with aspartame??
    The stuff you read about fructose is also untrue. Fructose is a naturally occurring monosaccharide that's in thousands of foods, not just fruit. It's converted into glucose by the liver, and the human digestive system is quite well equipped to deal with fructose. The only real negative to fructose is it's an inefficient conversion, so some of the fructose consumed ends up being stored as fat. However, if you are eating at a calorie deficit, or at maintenance, even the fructose that ends up as fat gets burned off, you're body doesn't actually accumulate fat from it.

    Why thank you for sharing that knowledge! I love the commercial where the guy says he can't eat the fruit pop because it has HFCS in it and she says "So?" and he says "So, umm, uh" and she says "Exactly! It's okay in moderation!" What they don't tell you is that it's in nearly everything from cereal to soda to bbq sauce to salad dressing... kind of hard to have it in moderation unless you're eating a raw diet!!! Thanks again!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Well h3ll, if I knew not drinking diet soda would have made me lose weight a long time ago I would have poured it all down the drain. I mean, it was my only vice (just ignore all the fried food, candy, ice cream, and non-activity), so it HAD to have made me fat. Probably created the cellulite on my thighs and shrunk my clothes while I was sleeping.


    Lots of amusing threads on the boards today.

    And for the record, I have stopped drinking it every day and am drinking only water. But there is a great possibility that I will have some over the weekend with some rum (just for color, mind you, no need to dilute the rum).

    Oh, I think I'll go start another thread about how liquor will kill you quicker.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    the caffine dehydrates you big time.. leading to the body not having the water it needs to repair and replenish itself. My doctor and chiropractor told me for every cup (250 mls) of caffine i have i need to drink 3 cups of water to replace what it has sucked out of me.. that on top of the 4 liters i drink of water a day.

    I was an addicted... diet pepsi.. pepsi.. oh lord i was a crack addict for them.... lol i would legit "jones" for them.. i got the shakes and the sweats and was evil when i stopped drinking them..... it was bad.. i would have to say.. harder than quitting smoking... which lead me to two theories... I NEVER EVER want to feel the way i did getting off that crap.. and two. what the hell is in it that made me feel that gross.. i mean i smoked for 15 years and stopped that easier then the pepsi addiction...

    I promise you.. if you stop all soda and let your body hydrate with water.. and feel good.. you will be thankful..
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I still drink some but I think it is bad. I take homemade iced tea with me for lunch (about 5 days a week). Try to find something better and just have it occasionally.
    I heard that the intense sweetness of diet soda makes you become insensitive to sweet flavors so you tend to need more and more sweet things to feel satisfied.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I switched to diet green tea. The carbonation in soda is supposed to be hard on your kidneys.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    I used to drink diet and felt like I was addicted to it so I switched to regular with natural sugar like Hansen's. Found that it tasted much better and I could only drink one 12 oz can and be satisfied with it.

    That broke the addiction to soda for me and now I drink it very rarely.
  • Connie_Cupcake
    You can do a carbonated water with some Stevia Flavorings that taste like soda... Whole Foods has a whole bunch of different flavored Stevia drops... The Root Beer one tastes surprisingly like root beer. I just have to close my eyes since it's clear and not dark brown like the real thing :)

    Good luck!

    I have found that this tastes awful! Stevis tastes weird in my mouth and i do not enjoy it

    In moderation and you will be fine! I need the caffeine, so I drink a can daily, but I also drink lots of water

    Good luck!
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    i used to drink 2 a day. Then I went down to 1 a day. Now I rarely have 1 every couple of months. Didn't notice a difference in how i felt or looked. I agree w/everyone about moderation though. My husband drinks 3 or 4 a day and I can't get him to stop. He's a grown man who makes his own choices... even if they're bad ones :ohwell:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Although weight-loss articles often suggest drinking diet soda in place of full-calorie counterparts, health experts warn that the beverage's long-term side effects may not be worth the short-term benefit of consuming fewer calories.
    Loss of Calcium

    According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), high level of phosphates from diet soda leeches calcium out of the bones. Daily consumption of diet soda makes you three to four times more likely to suffer from a stress fracture and at an increased risk for osteoporosis.
    This has been debunked. The phosphates in diet soda have absolutely no effect on calcium levels. It's the caffeine that causes calcium loss. And the human body is adapted to it. When consuming caffeine, the body excretes more calcium, but makes up for it by excreting less calcium throughout the remainder of the day, leading to a net difference of zero compared to someone who doesn't consume soda.


    Caffeine from diet soda triggers the kidneys to increase urine production, which results in an increased loss of water in the body. Dehydration can lead to dizziness, headaches, racing heartbeats and even death.
    Also has been debunked. Caffeine is only a diuretic in high doses. To reach the dose necessary for a diuretic effect, you would have to consume an entire 12 pack of soda at once, and even then, the gallon+ of water (144 oz) you would consume along with it more than makes up for the potential dehydration. Couple that with the fact that regular caffeine consumption creates an immunity to the diuretic effect of caffeine, and this argument doesn't have any merit.

    The low-calorie sweetener, aspartame, is found in most diet sodas. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims the ingredient is safe to consume; however, several side effects involving the ears, eyes, chest, skin, neurological system, gastrointestinal system and metabolic system, as well as psychological conditions, have been linked to its use. Hugo Rodier, M.D., author of "Sweet Death," suggests that drinking beverages containing aspartame leads to weight gain.
    Again, these are all unsubstantiated claims, and no clinical studies have been able to confirm any of this.

    In 2005, the FDA received reports that the carcinogen benzene was present in soft drinks containing benzoate salts and ascorbic acid. An FDA study found that the level of benzene in most drinks was below the U.S. standard for drinking water. The World Health Organization confirms that benzene causes cancer and that no safe level of exposure to benzene can be recommended.
    This says it all, there's more benzene in regular drinking water than in soda. If your choice is to consume less benzene, then soda would be the safer choice.
    Bottom Line

    Drinking diet soda to lose weight may reduce your calorie intake, but it offers no nutritional benefits and could lead to negative health consequences over time. The ACSM recommends drinking water or mixing juice and water at a 1:1 ratio.

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    Water contains the same nutritional benefits as soda.
  • HarajukuGrrl
    Grape propel tastes amazing! you'll deplete your H20 drinking caffeine...but I do drink Sunkist orange every now and then :)
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    Foe. I have warded off soda completely though, in lue of soda I drink teas now. I don't miss the carbonation and the teas are way healthier! Then again I still have alcoholic drinks on the weekends, like everyone else said, in moderation.
  • julie9200
    julie9200 Posts: 62 Member
    My belief is everything in moderation.

    I personally would love to cut them out altogether because I don't like consuming too much artificial sweeteners. But I do have one or two a week. I work for a company that makes soda (hey, it's a living) and we have a fridge stocked with cold drinks making the temptation just too much.