Foods you used to hate but now like/love?



  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    i used to hate oatmeal i always stuck to recees puffs, capn crunch, frosted flakes... now i eat oatmeal almost every day!! you can also put peanutbutter in it and its AWESOME!

    Peanut butter and oatmeal.... you, sir, just gave me my new favorite breakfast food! That sounds delish!
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    tomatoes - but I can only eat them cooked still.
  • Nicolette_Karls
    I've always loved veggies and fruits, but the biggest change is water. I still enjoy flavored water, but plain water is my thirst-craving now!

    I've also found that there are several things I cannot eat now. It's not to much "types" of foods as it is calorie counts of them. I can still handle fast food, say the occasional Taco Bell, but now it's just a hard shell taco instead of the giant meal combo I used to eat in one sitting.
  • cpotter4
    cpotter4 Posts: 116 Member
    When I was little I liked ketchup, but hated tomatoes. Now I love tomatoes but don't really care for ketchup. weird...
  • als1210
    als1210 Posts: 8
    I used to despise cantaloupe but now it's not so bad.
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    I can't think of anything. But you guys are making me hungry as all get out. And I've got this sudden, intense craving for a glass of ice-cold water...
  • moskinnny
    moskinnny Posts: 118
    artichokes (love em)
    tomatos (still trying to accept them but eating them more and more)
    sprouts (on my sammie and burgers)
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Avocado/Guacamole (Can't get enough!!)
    sweet potatos
    some wheat tortillas
    whole grain bread
    greek yogurt
    string beans
    steamed veggies
    plain baked potato (I used to pile crap on them, now I love them plain with a little salt)

    I'm sure there is more. I love how often I say "Wow, eating healthy tastes sooo good!!!" lol
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    cottage cheese, pears, tuna
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I can actually taste the salt in things with mega amounts of sodium in them, like yesterday i made scalloped potatoes and they were yuck cause all i could taste was salt...the home made chicken burger was heaven though and made up for it
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I used to HATE almonds, now I eat them everyday!
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    zuchinni used to HATE it now I love it cooked all sorts of ways.. And its an easy add to most any dish to make it more healthy
  • socalgirl68
    socalgirl68 Posts: 85
    I used to hate I just can't seem to get enough!! Yum!!

  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    I love to eat bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, fat free milk, natural peanut butter etc...I used to not be able to stand any of that stuff. I also stopped drinking soda like 4 months ago and just today I took a little sip of Dr. Pepper and it was soooooo gross! I literally gagged! I used to drink 4-6 cans of soda EVERY DAY! Now its water and fat free milk. I can also tell when Ive had too much sodium cus I can feel it on my tongue. Its nasty. Feels like my tongue has a sweater on it.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I hate cottage cheese..but now I can't go a day with out putting it in my AM protein shake

    brown rice
    tuna w/o mayo

    I am sure there are others
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    i used to hate steak or a lot of red meat in general. but i love steaks now. i appreciate the flavor. instead of stuffing my face with fried stuff.
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    I still hate veggies :laugh: but I'm finding most junk that I used to eat a lot less appealing now
  • manasunshine
    manasunshine Posts: 130

    i detested them before n now i love them. theyre my favorite foods
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    funny thing is ... my taste in toothpaste has changed as well.... i find many brands too sweet
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I used to hate carrot and cauliflower, I love carrots and can eat cauliflower (since having parrots in the house)

    I wil never ever get used to or like, mushrooms, liver or any of those odd internals that people eat from animals but I do love raw fish ie sashimi and sushi and I really LOVE Calamari (squid)