Foods you used to hate but now like/love?



  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    Spinach - never had it in my life - Now have 2 cups a day.
    Almond milk - Same
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    Dryers Slow Churned Ice Cream....I used to think it had to be 100% regular ice cream or it wasn't good. Now if I need a little frozen treat the low fat ice cream is delicious !
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 483 Member
    Yes!! I totally relate to the veggies on the sub. I do that all the time now. And used to I was only worried about the cheese and meat. And now I <3 water and tomatoes. Which i've always hated!!!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    All forms of steamed veggies.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
  • blmr85
    blmr85 Posts: 57 Member
    MUSHROOMS! hated them with a passion, now they are my favorite food!
  • Rockerchick77
    Green Peppers for me....I couldn't stand them even near my food...NOW I eat them raw with nothing else.
  • thatblueyedchic
    thatblueyedchic Posts: 128 Member
    Asparagus! Yum!
  • HealthyHappy120
    i used to hate bananas, avocados and unsweetened almond milk. now i LOVE them

    i still hate brussel sprouts :x
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    Strangely, I used to HATE drinking water... now it is my drink of choice most days. I never used to look forward to eating veggies... now I can't get enough of them. Also, I now believe God gave me strawberries as a special gift. I cherish them with every nibble!
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Cottage Cheese.....I HATED it growing up, would not eat it. Now...I love it.
  • doinme2011
    doinme2011 Posts: 42 Member
    It is weird because I used to drink Crystal Light all of the time but yesterday and Wednesday I drank some for the first time in a very long time and I was really really sick to my stomach! The first day I thought it was just something I ate that did not agree with me but then I drank more the next day and had the exact same reaction. I won't be drinking anymore of that!!
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    used to hate mushrooms and PB now love them!!
  • BlueBaron37
    BlueBaron37 Posts: 107 Member
    Tomato's, onions, cooked carrots and fried eggs and scrammbled eggs. I hated them all as a child, i loved them now, but only 9 out of 10 for the fried egg :)
  • CShepherd91
    CShepherd91 Posts: 44
    Mushrooms. I couldn't stand them before. But now I put them in everything: stir frys, curries, just eat them by themselves.

    and water. i used to be a HUGE fizzy pop drinker (even if I did drink the zero cal options). I gave up fizzy pop about 3 months a go, and try to drink a lot of water. the first thing I noticed: i haven't got a single blemish on my face! before, i was popping up in zits and blackheads, all the time - to the point that I had worse skin than I did when I was a teenager! Now, clean and clear!

    Loooooooove it.
  • CShepherd91
    CShepherd91 Posts: 44
    It is weird because I used to drink Crystal Light all of the time but yesterday and Wednesday I drank some for the first time in a very long time and I was really really sick to my stomach! The first day I thought it was just something I ate that did not agree with me but then I drank more the next day and had the exact same reaction. I won't be drinking anymore of that!!

    I was like this at work last weekend. After giving it up for 3 months, I thought as a treat I would let myself have a can of Coke Zero during my break, and I had stomach cramps all night after. Sooo not worth it.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    Love my soybeans (edamame) now.
  • Lampy00512
    Lampy00512 Posts: 117
    I used to hate Subway/any form of sandwiches, but looooooove 'em now!!! Same thing with almonds.
  • crysaldivar
    crysaldivar Posts: 10
    Im gonna go with brussel sprouts on this one, I wouldnt go near them even a couple of years ago and now they are my first pick in the veggie section. On a side note I used to love the canned soups like progresso and campbell, but I tried one yesterday and literally threw it away, it tasted like metal and processed foods.
  • dejatyja
    dejatyja Posts: 109 Member
    I've noticed the same thing. I've always loved fruit but some vegetables, I would gag, when I was a child. My mom think its funny. Now I love spinach (on a sandwich, salads, you name it). asparagus, brussel sprouts, whole wheat bread and the list goes on. I'm always eating yougurt (once upon a time I couldn't stand the smell of it). Although I noticed I don't care for cakes, espeically those with any kind of icing. My son just had a birthday and we end up having 2 cakes. I only ate small pieces(1 piece per cake) and let's just say, the cakes are still here and are about to be trashed. I've stopped baking so much sweets that even my kids don't eat sweets like they use to!

    Some things I still can't stomach, oatmeal (i've tried) and liver